With the advent of the modern era and people’s awakening, especially among poets, the social affairs entered poems, and many poets throughout the Islamic world became aware of their duty in awakening the public opinion in their own countries; they began to deal with social affairs, including nesa`iyat (women’s poems). Some of them, however, moved along the inauspicious plot of the imperialists; this is the same point that The Supreme Leader has often reminded the cultural and academic strata. The poet laureate Bahar and Ma`roof Rasafi are among this group of poets. Although they are anti-imperialist poets who frequently invite people to rise up against the imperialists and their inauspicious plots, they refer to removal of hijab in their poems as well. It seems that this is due to, on the one hand, their unawareness of the Islamic concepts and the pathology of women’s personality and popularity, and, on the other hand, their obvious mistake in recognizing the essential causes of the society’s underdevelopment.