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China has the potential of a great power. This is because of the factors such as powerful economy, vast population, extraordinary development rate, extensive territory, nuclear weapon, veto right and geopolitical situation. But we cannot consider China as a super power such as Soviet Union or the United States of America. On the one hand, China has the domestic problems such as poverty, bad position of human right, political and administrative corruption and the problems of the domestic society of China. On the other hand, China cannot solve its regional conflicts and does not have an important role in the international agenda and has a neutral position in the international crisis and not an active role in the management of global security.

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The political structure of Egypt as a country, like many other countries, situated in the Middle East and North Africa is to a large extent composed of remnants of a colonization period, religion, tradition and culture. The lack of a democratic foundation and institutions in these states has created at times serious challenges and socio-political crises for all its governing elite. These governments have consequently attempted superficial reforms which owing to their non-fundamental nature have unfortunately been ineffective in a real sense. This has led in the past to intolerance towards sharing power with other political groups and parties aimed at elimination or marginalization of these forces thus creating a near totalitarian state. The ‘ Muslim Brotherhood’ movement is one of the oldest political tendencies in Egypt which with its Islamic ideology has gone through many upheavals composed of repression, torture, and even ascending to power, as a political force in Egypt. Following the Egyptian revolution this party attempted through making use of the democratic ideals and methods to take over the reign of government. However following a year of the government of Mohammed Morsi (the leader of the freedom and justice Party), it became clear that his party attempt to encode the Sharia Law which was not in accord with the democratic aspirations of a large portion of Egypt’ s population that he is also walking in the same footsteps. Liberal and democratic factions which did not want to risk giving another opportunity and more time to make the same mistake, chose to quietly watch the ensuing coup d’ é tat against Morsi from the sidelines.

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During the last few centuries, geopolitics has taken many entities, sometimes served in war and peace and sometimes its emphasis has been on the economic capabilities and has caused integration and cooperation. However, it has been considered with the realistic approach to international politics phenomena. In the framework of classical geopolitics, states are seeking the acquisition of sensitive lands to gain power and achieve more national interests. However, on the one hand, it has encountered with multilateral challenges of globalization and critical theories of international relations. These challenges changed intellectual mindset of new geopoliticians and has led to decreases and sidelining of the geopolitical importance. On the other hand, the focus has been attuned to human and emancipation; therefore, national identity, national interests, and territorial boundaries have been the marginalized by the globalization process began.

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Since the Islamic Revolution, Islamic Republic of Iran has encountered many ups and downs in its foreign policy. From the interim government until the eleventh government, this country has witnessed different viewpoints concerning its foreign policy even in a way that many experts enumerated different discourses and approaches toward foreign policy. In this paper, we examine Iran's foreign policy on the question of how was Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy in different periods toward the different dominant discourses. Therefore, based on the available evidence and the statements and actions of the authorities in the constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran on the one hand and by borrowing from Laclau and Mouffe's discourses on the other hand it is assumed that this system, with dominant discourse around the central principle of Velayat Faqih in foreign policy, has had unique view and approaches presented in different periods and it was just the new articulation of the dominant discourse, not different discourses. To examine this question and hypothesis, this study attempts to investigate Ahmadinejad and Rohani's administration foreign policy toward the course of the nuclear negotiations.

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A set of beliefs, values and religious teachings play an important role in shaping public policy orientation towards the political system in a society. Shia school due to its principal concepts and elements such as Imamate and waiting and absence, enjoining goodness and forbidding evil, negation of way, jihad and sacrifice, has the potential to revolutionize its followers. In the 1960s and 1970s, the emergence of Shia in the dominant ideology of the revolution led by Imam Khomeini (RA) as religious authorities and religious leader of the Muslim nation, has played a key role in wide and active participation in the struggle scene and legitimization of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. In fact, with the advent of the three sides of the triangle, linking them to each other, the Islamic Revolution in Iran took place. This article will study the role of the three sides of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

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One of the key concepts that rapidly opened its way and design in the literature of international relations literature in the late 1990s is the concept of soft power. It is considered as the important characteristics of the third millennium in the international arena and has gained influence in countries using the tools of soft power because of its low cost and legitimacy in comparison with hard power. From this perspective, as far as the concept is concerned, soft power has the ability to shape the preferences of others through persuasion, absorption and coercion in a subtle way to be used to obtain the desired results. United States of America has always been aware of this issue over three decades after the Islamic Revolution, and because of its anti-hegemonic nature, it has tried to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to pave the way for change in the approach taken by Iran’ s brokers. Hence, this paper attempts to answer the question: what are the new scenarios in the context of United States of America, according to the neoliberalism approach of its soft power against the Islamic Republic of Iran? Accordingly, the subject of this study is to understand the concept of soft power, new ways and scenarios soft power United States of America including psychological warfare-the media, economic sanctions, human rights, cyber war, Iranophobia and put pressure on Iran (and Disarmament) Iran's strategic ally in the Middle East against the Islamic Republic of Iran, in an attempt to investigate the strategies of Iran towards.

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Feizy Fazel

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The main purposes of United Nation is to maintain international peace and security. To gain this purposes, united nation uses a wide variety of instruments and techniques. One of these techniques is the use of international sanctions regimes. According to the charter, the use of sanction under specific circumstances is legal and acceptable. The way of sanctions is pointed in chapter 7 article 41. The goal of imposing sanctions is to change behavior of targeted states. Although sanction as an instrument according charter and international law is regarded as a legitimate phenomenon, any imposition of this instrument against wrongdoer members should be appropriate with principle of international law, human right, and international humanitarian rights. Finally, although sanction has been recognized according to charter, experiences has shown that that this instrument has been used in the context of international politics and great power interests, as we see this kind of implosion of security council’ s sanctions in case of Iran peaceful nuclear activities.

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This paper aims to illustrate the reflection of Iran's Islamic Revolution and the Islamic awakening in the Middle East and the case of Tunisia. Islamic Revolution of Iran, in February 1979, with the victory ad revolution ended the government of imperial pro West and the humiliation of East and the Muslim world against the colonial and hegemonic powers of west and thereby the era of awakening, self-esteem and a return to self-Islam between Muslims prevailed. A prominent example of Islamic Revolution was the revolution that led to the awakening of and revolution of countries like Tunisia, known as the "Jasmine" in its dreams. Data collection and analysis is descriptive. Theoretical framework is based on the theory of play, reflecting the Islamic Revolution in Iran and its role in Tunisia. Due to the impact of the Islamic Revolution on the Middle East, at least as it relates to Iran's efforts, the situation depends on the desired regions and countries, and it had influenced indirectly on Tunisia's Revolution.

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