The purpose of this paper is to examine the sources of threats and tensions to the relations between Pakistan and its neighbors. The biggest threat to the security of Pakistan is the war with India and Kashmir. Due to the leaning of the United States and Afghanistan toward India after September Eleventh a new form of political tensions between India and Pakistan has been emerged. Like Kashmir conflict, most of the unresolved tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan are over the Durand Line boarder and Pashto tribe have been the source of many tensions between these two countries. Currently Pakistan has the best relations with China. Undoubtedly, this dynamics relationship between the two countries, whether in the past or in the present time, was due to the threat of common enemy, India, but it is expected that although some Islamic groups in Pakistan support the opposition groups in Eastern Turkestan and there exist a close relation between India and china as well as China and America, Pakistan and China will gradually move further away from each other. Pakistan's relations with its South-Eastern neighbor, Iran, are not desirable. Religious and ethnic differences show the growth of terrorism, drug trafficking, border challenges and etc. in the relations between the two countries. In addition, the in regional dimension, Pakistan’ s extremist support of Saudi Arabia and its continuing defense of Taliban in Afghanistan will gradually move Iran and Pakistan further from each other.