Ukraine crisis occurred in November 2013, when President Victor Yankuvich decided not to sign economic agreement with European Union. Due to this decision, civil strife started. The United States, Russia and western European countries intervention made the crisis widespread, thus the regional and international security was influenced by this event. In this paper, emphasis is placed on the on the pattern of amity and enmity, countries typology, and the influence of great powers as the factors determining the Ukraine crisis and its impact on the general security of Black Sea and the region. Russia, as a mighty and the dominant state of the region, considers the region as its sphere of influence thus any outside intervention in the political affairs of the region perceived as threat to its security and dominance. This paper, by employing descriptive-analytical approach as its tool of investigation, has reached the conclusion that Ukraine crisis has various dimensions to it including Geopolitical, Geo-Economics and the question of national identity.