In addition to the human rights and fundamental freedoms, the right to social security that covers the kind of economic and social rights are included. Rights such as education, health care, employment and adequate level of prosperity in the lives of such rights are important. The issue of "the right to social security" in the context of the second generation of human rights is emphasized. Unlike the first generation to publicly freedom and civil rights, lack of government intervention and a lack of focus hinders the right of second generation focuses on government intervention to achieve public welfare rights. As a result governments known responsible versuse citizens so-called "right to" have suggested. Therefore, this article is trying to bring the social security right in international documents put an exact study. The key question of this article is that "in international documents What is the status of Social Security? What is the position of the government in relation to the right to social security? " As hypothesis is that the authors respond that Social Security at international documents (such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Charter, international conventions, Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Vmqavlh international agency and the Declaration of Philadelphia) as a human right known as the international Bill of social justice as a prerequisite for lasting peace and to achieve social justice for all its citizens the necessary and essential extension of social security and state security responsibility social right for all its citizens without any constraint such as sex, color, race and religion.