In this research, we investigated lead effects on hematological parameters (R.B.C, Hct, Hb, M.C.V, M.C.H and WBC, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Neotrophile, Basophile, Eosinophile) of Juveniles of Acipenser persicus exposed to lethal lead concentrations (LC50) and two sub lethal lead concentrations after 96h. Preliminary series of short-term static acute toxicity tests were run to determine the median lethal concentration (LC50) of lead “Pb (No3) 2” for Acipenser persicus, according to the O.E.C.D method at the Caspian Sea Ecology Institute in 2008. Juveniles of mean mass: 30-35 g were obtained from the Shahid Beheshti hatchery station. Experiments were performed in tanks containing 10 fish. The test consisted of 9 group of 10 fishes each exposed to one of the following lead concentrations: 0 (control), 883.4, 900, 916.7, 933.4, 950, 966.7, 983.4, 1000 mg Pb.L-1. Mortality and abnormal behavioral response were recorded every 24h, during 96h.The short-term lethality test gave 96h LC50 of 944.118 mg Pb.L-1. The physico-chemical parameters of the Tajan river water were as follows: dissolved oxygen 8.3 mg/L, water temperature 8±1oC, pH: 7.65, water hardness: 370 mg/L caco3. In order to evaluate lead effects, fish were exposed to two sub lethal lead nitrate concentrations corresponding to 25% and 75% of the LC50 (96h) and lethal lead concentrations (LC50). Therefore, lead concentrations tested in the sub lethal and lethal experiments were 236 and 708.088 and 944.118 mg.L-1. For each lead 6 fish held in water and 3 fish were sampled after 96h. Control group consisted of 6 animals exposed only to water, without lead, sampled after 96h.Acipenser persicus in 236 ppm showed significant increase in erythrocytes count, no significant increase in hemoglobin, hematocrit percent, MCV, MCH and in 708.088 ppm showed no significant decrease in erythrocytes count and no significant increase in hemoglobin, hematocrit percent and significant increase in MCV and MCH.Acipenser persicusin 944.118 ppm showed a significant decrease in erythrocytes count, hemoglobin, hematocrit percent and no significant increase in MCV and MCH. Total WBC count, monocytes, basophiles showed no significant increase and lymphocytes and eosinophile showed a no significant decrease in all treatments. Neotrophiles in fishes exposed to the 236 ppm showed no change but showed no significant increase in 708.088 and 944.118 ppm.