Tree and shrub communities comprise some stands and groups on southern slopes of Alborz Mountains. These sites are mountainous forests of Iran-o-Turanian region. They have not been studied in an appropriate way while considered just generally until now. In this research, we selected a proper watershed which is rich in forest coverage and has an expanded elevation range to consider the forest profile along the gradient of elevation above sea level. “Strip transect” method was used to study the species, vegetation types and variations. As a result, we separated 15 vegetation types throughout the “Latian Dam” watershed, which were classified later in 8 major types including: Juniperus excelsa (syn. J.polycarpos), Pistacia atlantica, Cotoneaster kotschyi, Ulmus sp., Amygdalus lycioides, Malus orientalis, Rhus coriaria, Berberis spp. and riparian forests. The current stands disperse from 1700 m a.s.l. to 2850 m a.s.l. Amygdalus lycioides, Rhus coriaria and Pistacia atlantica types exist on low slopes of the watershed (lower than 2300 m). Cotoneaster type grows up on middle slopes while Malus orientalis, Ulmus sp., Berberis spp. types appear on high slops (higher than 2300 m). In addition, Juniperus polycarpos type includes an expanded dispersal from 1900 to 2850 m a.s.l. Also, we analyzed and perceived forest communities of southern slopes of Alborz in the considered area, in this manner: - Mixed Pistacia atlantica, Amygdalus spp. vegetation: 1700-1900 (2000) m a.s.l.- Juniperus excelsa mixed with Cotoneaster kotschyi, Cotoneaster nummularioides & Cerasus microcarpa: 2000-2500 (2600) m a.s.l. - Juniperus excelsa mixed with Berberis spp. and Rosa spp.: 2500-2850 m a.s.l.