Background: Psoriasis is a common chronic papulosquamous skin disease. Cardiovascular diseases have been reported with greater frequency in affected individuals. This is mainly due to higher plasma lipid level. This study was conducted with the aim of determining lipid profile in psoriatic patients referring to Booali and Loghman hospitals in 2001. Materials and methods: It was a case-control study. Our exclusion criteria were familial hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure, connective tissue disease, and users of the following drugs: antilipidemic agents, oral steroids, cyclosporine, and B-blockers. The control group was matched according to the sex, age, body mass index, blood pressure, daily physical activity, and smoking. Blood samples were obtained following 14-hour fasting status, and serum level of triglyceride, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and VLDL were all determined. Statistical analysis was done by Hest. Results: 67 individuals were studied in each group. The study population included 38 males and 29 females with the mean (±SD) age of 37±17 years. For the case group, mean serum level of TG, cholesterol, LDL HDL, and VLDL were 177±188, 201±44, 126±33, 43±11, and 3l±21 mg/dl, respectively. These figures were 99±29, 183±42, 103±41, 6l±11, and 20±6 mg/dl for the control group, respectively. Significant differences were noted between the groups. Conclusion: Results have revealed higher plasma level of TG, cholesterol, LDL, and VLDL and lower level of HDL in psoriatic patients. This could be a contributing factor in cardiovascular diseases. Thus, psoriatic patients should be informed of cardiovascular risk factors and their serum lipid level should be monitored periodically.