Since all, lack of suitable moral criteria in life of children and adolescence is one of the most significant factors in their trend towards crimes, and since human is creative of learning and learning takes place in environment as such, theory of cognitive-development of "Laurance Kohlberg" and given theory of dialogue bases on stories and given god has revealed his guidelines in koran and other heavenly books in terms of narrative on this basis, present research includes role of narrative-therapy on moral argument development adolescence of crime girls. The goal of this investigation is examining impacts of narrative-therapy on development of moral arguments of adolescence criminal girls. The current assumptions, as a whole represent the fact that narrative-therapy has impact on development of moral judgement of adolescence criminal girls. The method of performing this research is experiential and qualitative analysis methods. For assessing assumptions of present investigation, moral development test of Kohlberg, unfinished story written by researcher, incomplete sentences made by researcher and writing personal biography in two pre-test and post-test phases have been implemented using control group and experimental group. The Findings showed tat average score of the total unfinished sentences, incomplete story and biography writing has increased beyond test of experimental group, whereas no tangibe change has taken place in control group. Given obtained results, assumptions of current research are confirmed, that means after narrative-therapy we witness moral development of adolescent criminal girls.