The purpose of this study was to compare the most important factors in accordance to common and expert people’s opinions. The sample consists of 534 people selected from general population and 64 experts selected from advertising specialists. the subjects were given researcher constructed inventory .The inventory was 52-items inventory about various advertising factors. Factor Analysis, Chi Square and Independent samples Test were used to Analyse the data. Findings showed that in common peoples’ opinions in Network TV, Animation, Package, Color, Creativity, Safty Appeal, Association, Quality, Background, Price, Accent, Creative Message have more effectively than others (p<0.05). Compression of common people and expert’s opinions about advertising factors indicated that there were difference between people and specialists attitude toward the most important advertising factors regarding: Billboard (P<0.01), Animation, Color, Rewards, Warranty, Women and Child Image, Safty Appeal, Price, Benefit, Accent, Proverb, Message (P<0.01). The results suggest that some effective factors consider by advertising specialists differ from the factors affecting people actually. So attention to the actual factors introduced by common people can make the advertising procedures to be improved.