Nezami Ganjei is one of the greatest poets of Persian language. His poetic power caused many to think of imitating his style in poetry. Among those who imitate him is Khwaju Kermani, one of the most successful poets, who composed some poetry very near to the style of Nezami in Khamse. Rowżat-al-anw’s Khwaju, as he called it, was written to imitate Makhzan al-Asrar. This imitation is manifested both in the form and content. One of the most important aspects of the effectiveness of content is reflected in the field of education. Therefore, what will be explored in future research are guidelines of praise and criticism similar to that Khwaju under the influence of the Nezami in the Rozatol al-anvar. The research method is descriptive-analytical; results show that the main approaches taken by two poets in teaching and praising, based on frequency, are as the following: "The praise of reason and thought, ' ' praise of humility and forgetting", "praise of the generosity and mercy", " the voluntary giving of help to people", "appealing to God and obedience to him, ' ' Attention to Heart, "" praise of good companion and finally" praise of silence and reticence. In connection with the criticism views of Nezami and Khajooyei’s, the following itms could be mentioned: “world criticism and its belongings", "criticism of injustice and oppression", "criticism of the fanatics ' and' criticism of hypocrisy". Of he mentioned criticism world criticism and its belongings is the most frequently ones in both book of poems.