In this research, job opportunities have been examined among 26 productive sectors of Iran's economy by using input-output table in 2001. From viewpoint of employment ,production and value added, the key sectors has been diagnosed by using MRI , elasticity of input-output table, backward and forward linkages and June's corrective methods. Then, job opportunities has been analyzed among different economy sectors by using parts of final demand and value added in input-output table. The result indicate that the most of job opportunities in Iran's economy have been create by agriculture and trade services sectors of demand and supply side. Meanwhile, agriculture sector has the lowest cost of creation a job opportunity in Iran's economy. According to MRI index, correlation coefficient is 61/5% among the economy sectors of production and employment. Whereas, viewpoint of employment and value added this coefficient is -9%.Thus, according to this index, economy sectors cover one path by viewpoint of production and employment but by viewpoint of employment and value added those cover different path generally.