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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Since the second century (A. H.), Iranian culture and Persian language and literature extended from its territory and gradually absorbed other ethnic groups and nations to itself. This attraction was intensified in the Ghaznawid's era, especially Soltan Mahmud's sovereignty; it reached its climax in the Saljuk Soltans whose governmental burgeon had been extended from Samarkand and Bukhara to the mediterranean sea. It was so spread that its governmental language became Persian. Regarding the Roman Emperor’s defeat from the Saljuk’s government and its establishment in The Asia Minor, the Persian culture and literature was spread in this land. Iranian scientists and scholars entered their courts and were supported by their kings who were interested in poetry and composed verses in Persian. Because of these kingly advocacies, several books were written in mysticism, Sufism, and philosophy in the Persian Language.We've tried, in this essay, to look briefly at this expansion and analyses and discuss it.

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"Because of the prolific usage of the aesthetic problems, they have become something ordinary to our mind and have lost their effect; but through defamiliarization we can use them once more." (Shamisa, 1383: 158). Ahmad Azizi is one of the poets who have used defamiliarization and norm-deviation techniques remarkably in his poetry, and it has caused beauty and strength in the poetic language and influenced the mind of the reader. The most important manifestation of defamiliarization in Ahmad Azizi's poetry is the norm-deviation in the domain of expression, style, syntax and meaning.We'll deal, in this research, with studying the different examples of defamiliarization in Ahmad Azizi's poetry and will bring evidences on it.

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In the Shahnameh which is the most valuable and glorious work of Persian language, we encounter processes from the nature that all imply the relationship of the events of this great epic with the ancient Persian mythological domain. The general character of metaphysical processes, lack of natural lawfulness and following the logical norms and unknown elements such as: divine light, angel, sky, stars, devil, and demon have the leadership over these processes. One of the metaphysical forces in the Shahnameh is magic and witchcrafts which work as metaphysical forces and conquerors of the nature, things and human beings.The aim of this research is to study forces like divine light, angel, foreseeing, prediction and fortune- telling, devil, demon, augury, and magic. From these metaphysical forces, fortune-telling and foreseeing, magic, dreaming and divine light have been used more than the others in the Shahnameh.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Getting a precise illustration of the world's social values with its frequent transformation is a sensitive and delicate work. One of the ways to recognize the social values is studying the literary works which affect the thoughts and beliefs of different generations in different periods of time. The Mathnawi of Maulana is one of these works whose value attitude is the reflection of cultural and social values of its time. Although it has been written almost eight centuries ago, its deep influence on the perspective thoughts of men is vivid. This research has been done to recognize the social values arisen from "The Mathnawi of Ma'nawi" and its impact on today's social world.The method of the research is content analysis and "the Mathnawi" for its extensiveness in humanitarian and social teachings, has been chosen as the basis of analysis. The method of analysis is qualitative but to describe a limited part of findings we have used the quantitative analysis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Parwin E'tesami, by choosing allegorical method, in expressing social and ethical thoughts, has had critical attitude with her contemporary society. In this way her universal ideas are demonstrated in the form of symbolic allegories. She has posed the most fundamental questions in her allegory and after suitable answer, she has criticized the society. Parwin displays important but forgotten corners of life in the readers' minds. In view of this committed poet, the contemporary man, both internally and externally, has mental and ocial problems. In analysis of these two dimensions of life, E'tesami never prefers one to the other and composes both aspects with iridescent colors. She thinks that man, in the first step, should be lively and dynamic in his beliefs so that he can give humanitarian hue to his life and become a useful man for human society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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"Resistance Literature" is a hyperactive and clamorous literature which includes altruism, martyrdom, defence of homeland and oppression. The poets who experience the invasion of foreign countries or encounter with the authoritarian governments, observe numerous kinds of tyranny, injustice, and bloodshed in society. Such poets usually talk about restrictions, torture, homesickness, vagrancy, exile, and terror. They want to illuminate people's minds by talking about the inadequacies and problems of society and struggling with the cruel men. The resistance poetry which is a true narration and painful wound to humanity is of importance to the nation's literature. We are going to investigate the works of two famous poets from the two nations of Iran and Palestine who have experienced the disaster of war, in this essay.Although these two poets did not live in the same geographical environment, for having common problems they use the same themes as if the composers of two poetry is one poet.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Music is of the natural necessities and essence of poetry. It requires the poet to render the hidden implications of his mind to his readers in a way that he can make his poetry melodious and pleasing . It is also accomplished by ornamenting the grammatical elements, successive units of his speech covered in silky dress of the unifications, similarities and conflicts of phonemic words in iridescent beautiful structure with the combination of warp and woof and interwoven authorship of the correspondence structure of his poetry. The impact of the rhythm and music is so intense that without understanding this freshness which results from the melody hidden in the words, grasping the whole idea seems impossible. Regarding all of these items, we were made to re-evaluate the mentioned elements in Homam Tabrizi's poetry and compare his attainment in producing a balance in external music with internal melody and their correspondence to each other.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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persona is one of the famous archetypes of the well-known Swiss psychologist and scientist Karl Gustav Jung. He introduces archetypes in his individualistic process theory that are common in human beings and believes that by understanding them in the depth of one’s existence he reaches evolution and happiness. One of these archetypes is persona or veil which in Jung s idea is a mask which an individual puts it on his face to show himself in the other form that he wants to appear.An explicit example of this inanimate mask and its endorsement can be seen in many characters of Zoya Pirzad s stories. Zoya Pirzad, one of the much discussed contemporary writers has showed this mask skillfully in the characters of her stories. This research shows that the numerous characters of her stories are so like each other that they seem as one person. In this research, by studying the short stories of like all evenings , the acrid taste of persimmon from a collection with the same title and I turn off the lights from Zoya Pirzad, we ll deal with the comparison of daily mask and dutifulness of characters with the archetypal persona of Jung.

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For numerous reasons, dissatisfaction of the present time causes the emergence of escaping from present situation phenomenon, and to escape from this unfavorable state, the man tries to find an alternative; and seeks his ideals by taking refuge in the past and sometimes occupying himself with future dreams and in this way nostalgia is formed. This matter has emerged in its best way in the poetry of contemporary poets including Ahmad Shamloo. The grief of separation from the homeland, the beloved, the old age, and death has all been illustrated in his poetry. It can be said that his best nostalgic works have been composed when he was far from Iran. As we survey his primary poetry and approach to his final verses, the nostalgia takes the philosophic and humanistic color.Having understood the fundamentals of nostalgia, and the factors which create it, we are to study the emergence of this psychologicalsocial phenomenon in descriptive-analytical method in Shamloo s poetry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the highlighting methods in language which is used in formalistic criticism is the norm-deviation. It is considered as the subdivision of familiarity deviation in which, the speaker, regarding to the alienation of the language, reiterates the things that are familiar to mind and normal norms with other view points and expressions so that by deviation from the standard language highlights his words. Throughout the literary of life this land some poets were of the interest of literary men who have shown creativity and innovation in language matters, of which the work of contemporary poet in expressing the meanings together with innovative skills and creation initiative pictures, in its kind, is appreciable. Two of the composers in this domain are Nader Naderpoor and Hooshang Ebtehaj who have tried their talents to establish a new design.It has been tried, in this essay, to study the kinds of norm-deviation and vocabulary norm-deviation in their poetry and unveil the corners of beauty and salience to the readers.

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Azizoddin Nassafi in the 7th century and Abdolkarim Gilani in the late 8th and earlier 9th c, were of the prolific and effective mystics of their time. Each of these two mystics has written a book with the same title of "the perfect man" which have similarities in their chapters. One of the salient characteristics of the books is the authors' direct understanding from the materialistic and extra-materialistic world. On the bases, both writers try to make the wayfarers of the right path be familiar with the basic elements of facts in the two worlds. Although recognition of God, man and nature, in both books is the main purpose of the writers, what more than the others is significant is the way of "the appearance of possibilities" and the creation of the world of "let there be, and it became". Though both mystics have equally dealt with this matter, in some cases there have contradictions with each other's ideas.In this essay, the writers have tried to investigate Nassafi and Gilani's ideas in "the appearance of possibilities" and the way of descendind arch and compare the differences of the thoughts of these two mystics.

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"Colloquial literature", literature of masses of people in Iran, used by illiterate people or laymen, is always in oral form and different from written traditional Persian literature in structure and content. Simple language, folkloric tone, and common people's speculations are apparent in this literature (Rypca, 1380: 239). Colloquial literature is the other phase of common people's culture which in Persian it corresponds the word "folklore". In most researchers' ideas folklore is all matters which is narrated and propagated orally and transferred from past generations to the next ones (Bayhaghi, 1365: 18). The extend of folkloric domain produces material and spiritual values that determine the stance and position of nations and countries' culture and civilization and gives cultural dynamism to those people's identity. Familiarity with the culture of different societies or a fraction of the history of one nation provides the opportunity for everybody to know his ancestor's culture better and move toward the recognition of his identity. This recognition deals as the endorsement of the originality of his culture that can attain a historic and rooted personality. The extend and prolification of colloquial literature has such phenomena in life of the people in the world, especially we Iranians that without it our daily sweetness and pleasure becomes meaningless.This mutual impression, in a phase of Persian history, which some people call it the decline and the others glorious period in the Safawid era, is a bright mirror of common people's literature which deserves to be investigated from different aspects.

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