Dear Chief in Editor, Development of cities is a manifestation of life in the present communities, and beyond this façade of development, many problems may threaten health and welfare of citizens. In fact, modern cities are now facing difficulties in public health and safety [1]. The issue of "environmental health and safety" and the protection of people against environmental hazards, pollutants, and anomalies can greatly influence the quality of human life [2].Given Maslow's theorem and pyramid of human needs, safety and security are among the primary and fundamental needs of human [1], and until such a need is not provided for, he cannot appropriately take advantage of his environment. Urbanization and intensified population density in cities, shrinkage of houses, and citizens' desperate need for outdoor leisure and recreation have made safety of outdoor spaces highly important for citizens.The physical and psychological safety and security provided in reactional spaces are essential to their quality of application and display of appropriate reactional behaviors by citizens, such that providing these conditions at different psychological levels encourages particular behaviors in people, and provides for synergy between behavior and the environment. Safety of recreational and leisure spaces is particularly important to vulnerable groups. As the most vulnerable group, children are exposed to greater risks in deteriorating environmental and social conditions.