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Dear Chief in Editor, Development of cities is a manifestation of life in the present communities, and beyond this façade of development, many problems may threaten health and welfare of citizens. In fact, modern cities are now facing difficulties in public health and safety [1]. The issue of "environmental health and safety" and the protection of people against environmental hazards, pollutants, and anomalies can greatly influence the quality of human life [2].Given Maslow's theorem and pyramid of human needs, safety and security are among the primary and fundamental needs of human [1], and until such a need is not provided for, he cannot appropriately take advantage of his environment. Urbanization and intensified population density in cities, shrinkage of houses, and citizens' desperate need for outdoor leisure and recreation have made safety of outdoor spaces highly important for citizens.The physical and psychological safety and security provided in reactional spaces are essential to their quality of application and display of appropriate reactional behaviors by citizens, such that providing these conditions at different psychological levels encourages particular behaviors in people, and provides for synergy between behavior and the environment. Safety of recreational and leisure spaces is particularly important to vulnerable groups. As the most vulnerable group, children are exposed to greater risks in deteriorating environmental and social conditions.

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Students commonly use backpacks to carry their textbooks, books, pencils, etc on a daily basis. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of different backpack weights on pulmonary capacities of schoolchildren. This study was conducted among 30 boy and girls primary school students. Each partticipants for 20 min with different backpack weights (0, 5, 10 and 15% of body weight) in different days on a treadmill at a speed of 1/1 meters per second would carry. Their lung capacity is vital capacity, forced expiratory volume of air in one second and the ratio of these two measurements were recorded using a spirometer. According the results, significant relationship between the weight of the backpack there was with forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and FEV1/ FVC ratio. The FVC levels were higher in boys than girls and differences between the two groups showed significant. FEV1 levels were higher in girls than boys and differences between the two groups showed significant relationship. In general, backpack weight with each elementary school students was led to reduced lung capacity, carrying backpacks heavier obviously more serious consequences will follow. Therefore appropriate strategies should be carried out on a backpack to remove the Iranian elementary school students.

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Adolescents, especially girls, are of susceptible groups in a community which have not paid enough attention to their needs.The aim of the present study was to determine the knowledge of high school girls about the requirements of puberty and menstruation. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 1000 Iranian girls studied in high schools. They were selected according to a classified-cluster sampling method. A researchermade questionnaire composed of 44 questions was employed to obtain demographic information and to estimate the puberty and menstruation knowledge level. The results indicated the moderate knowledge of high school girls about puberty and menstruation requirements (50 to 75%). The need for learning the health principles of puberty and menstruation was 97.2% and 85.9%, respectively. The knowledge on the correct way of gentile cleaning was 57.7%. They were mostly learned about puberty and menstruation by their mother (as 51.1% and 54.2%, respectively).There was a significant relation between the knowledge on puberty and menstruation and education level of mother, age of mother, and job of father. Since the knowledge about puberty and menstruation in girls was in moderate level, training programs are necessary for girls in this age range to make them more knowledgeable.

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Divorce based on legal separation from life partner can have serious effects on mental health. The effects of this separation are more severe in women than men. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy on the hopelessness and Loneliness in divorced women.The participants of this study consist of 20 divorced women supported by welfare office who had hopeless and loneliness symptoms. Inclusion criteria in this study were mother deprival of child guardianship, not receiving psychological treatment, the lack of physical disease, minimum diploma in education and maximum bachelor of education, the separation time (1 to 2 years). But exclusion criteria were temporary marriage, marriage during performance, the risk of physical illness, having psychotic disorders, drug addiction. They were selected with available sampling method and were randomly assigned into two experimental (N=10) and control (N=10) group and tested by Miller’s Hopeless questionnaire and Russell’s Loneliness questionnaire. Then, experimental group receive 12 session of cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques and control group not received any treatment. In the end, information from both groups recollected and Follow-up tests were performed one month after the intervention. The results of multivariate Analysis of Covariance showed that the rate of hopefulness in experimental group in compare with control increased and the rate of loneliness decreased. Results indicate that cognitive-behavioral group therapy has a significant effect on hopeless and loneliness in divorced women.

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Substance use among teenagers appears to be more a function of peer approval and peer drug use. This study examined the relationship between adolescents’ self-derogation and their responses to Peers’ Approval of Drug Abuse (PADA) among male secondary school students. In this study, 3000 students 7th to the 9th grade secondary schools completed a self-report questionnaire consisting of self-derogation/rejection and peer drug abuse approval measure. About 86% of students announced, most of their peers disapproved of the people using drugs, the higher the grade levels of the respondents, the higher their level of self-derogation and approval of drug abuse. The relationships were found between grade level and self-derogation, and also PADA. Grade of the students and their responses to Approval of Drug Abuse had statistically significant effects on the sense of self-derogation among the students. Our findings supported the higher the level of self-derogation amongst the students by grade level, the higher the level of their positive response to PADA. Significant differences were found in the student’s selfderogation by PADA suggest that and self-derogation and PADA are two factors that might precede drug dependency among this sample of male students.

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This study aimed to normalize and examine the validity and reliability of the optimism questionnaire based on the theory of planned behavior among the first-grade high school male adolescents. The study was conducted on 170 male students in the first grade of high school. The data were gathered using a researcher–made questionnaire containing 49 questions. In order to determine the validity of the questionnaire structure, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were performed using the SPSS-19 and SAS (version 19) software. High internal consistency values were obtained for all the subscales. The results of factor analysis showed that 14 significant factors had eigenvalues greater than 1.0 and 71.22% of the variance were explained by these factors. In CFA method, four factors were considered for the 45 questions of the questionnaire based on the theory of planned behavior, which explained 39.98% of the variance. The results indicated that the optimism questionnaire was a valid and reliable instrument to be used among the students in the first grade of high school.

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The constructs of alexithymia and type D personality share many common characteristics theoretically and conceptually. Despite the fact that the measurement instruments of both constructs have been utilized widely in psychosomatic researches, there are a few researches, if any, in this area to date. This study aimed to do the simultaneous factor structure of alexithymia and type D personality. This was a descriptive-survey within the category of psychometric studies. All students in Hamadan universities constituted the statistical population of this study. Among the population, the number of 384 students (248 female and 136 male students) was selected through multi-stage sampling method. They answered the scales of Toronto alexithymia and type D personality. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of type D (with two subscales) and alexithymia (with three subscales) showed that the five-factor model had a good fit with the data. The results also showed that alexithymia and type D personality are distinct and have separate constructs.However, it is necessary to conduct further researches on clinical and non-clinical samples for a more accurate understanding of the relationship between these two constructs.

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Common life and intimate family foundation, key elements of which are wife and husband, must be built with commitment.Commitment is one of the pillars of a successful marriage without which, marital relationship is shallow and instable. Current research aims at determining relationship maintenance behaviors' and attachment styles' predictive role on marital commitment among welfare organization' employees. Statistical sample in this research contained 155 persons (67 males and 88 females) among welfare organization' employees that were selected by cluster sampling. To collect data, Adams and Jones' Dimensions of Commitment Inventory (DCI), Collins and Rid' Revised Adult Attachment Scale (RAAS), and Stafford' Relationship Maintenance Behaviors Scale (SRMBS) were used. Results showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between relationship maintenance behaviors and attachment styles and marital commitment. The relationship between maintenance behaviors and attachment styles are important predictions for marital commitment, and loyalty and commitment to marital relationship among couples can be increased by training relationship maintenance behaviors and providing necessary trainings related to attachment styles for parents.

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Ability for effective communication is one of the most essential skills for health system staff, especially nurses, as parts of their roles takes place only through effective communication with clients. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of education on effectiveness of nurses’ professional communication related to clients’ health. The participants in this study were 50 nurses who were selected by convenience sampling method. Data collection tool was the questionnaire consisting of two parts; the first part contains 8 questions about personal information and work nurses and the second part contains Sussman and Krivonos’s Identify communication questionnaire.The intervention included effective communication traning workshop for nurses.70 percent of participants were female.The mean age and work experience of participants respectively were 30.58±5.68 years and 10.42±6.42 years. the mean of samples’ communication score increased after intervention in three subgroups including, subordinates 11.62, superiors 8.87 and colleagues 6.04, which these changes were significant in the three subgroups. the results show the effect of education on nurses' professional communication related to clients’ health.

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Feelings of frustration and deprivation due to lack of normal children can cause isolation of mother and lack of interest in relationship with outcome of self-esteem depression and endangerment of mother's mental health. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of treatment based on acceptance and commitment on resiliency of the mothers of children with learning disability. The method of study was experimental with pretest-posttest and control group. The participants consisted all of mothers of children with learning disability who referred to Raha learning center that 30 subjects were selected by simple random sampling. Group Training was held in 9 sessions during 9 weeks for the experimental group. Connor-Davidson resiliency scale were used to collect data. The results indicated that training program is based on acceptance and commitment increased resiliency of mothers of children with learning disability. This study showed that training based on acceptance and commitment applicability can be used as psychological intervention beside of other interventions.

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effective of aerobic and anaerobic exercise training in some inflammatory markers affecting cardiovascular disease.45 young healthy men randomly were selected among the students of Hamadan Payame Noor University and were divided into 3 groups including: 1.The experimental group 1 receiving aerobic exercise training, 2.The experimental group 2 receiving anaerobic exercise training, and 3. The control group receiving no training. The experimental groups received the relevant exercise training for 8 weeks.The control group did not receive any exercise training in this period. The levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP), inter leukin-6, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein, and fibrinogen were assessed and compared before and after the training period. The levels of Fibrinogen in the experimental group 1 decreased significantly in the post-test than the pre-test.Also, the results showed that the levels of CRP in the experimental group 1 decreased significantly than the control group. The levels of fibrinogen in the experimental group 1 decreased significantly than the control group in the post-test. In the experimental group 2, the levels of HDL increased significantly than the control group in the post-test. Other variables did not change between the groups.The effective of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise training was proven in reducing some cardiovascular risk factors, although the aerobic exercise was more effective than the anaerobic exercise.

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Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems among children and adolescents and can affect their performance among many other aspects of their lives. The purpose of controlled semi-experimental study uses a pretest-posttest design to do the effect of allegorical cognitive therapy on anxiety and depression disorders among students. The study population consisted of all junior high school students from district 3, who completed Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Maria Kovacs' Children's Depression Inventory. A total of 24 students with the highest scores of anxiety and the lowest scores of depression were selected and randomly divided into a trial group and a control group after matching. The trial group received allegorical cognitive therapy over 12 one-hour sessions, but the control group received no training. Both groups then took the posttest at the end of the intervention. The results showed a significant difference between the trial group and the control group in their anxiety and depression after the educational intervention, which persisted until the 6-month follow up evaluation. cognitive therapy based on the allegorical successfully reduced anxiety and depression in the students after their educational intervention had ended and persisted until the follow-up period.

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