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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The position of prime minister, in the organization of Ghaznawid government, was of a high, political, scientific and sometimes military level to manage this vast kingdom; because they needed the keen ideas of their prime ministers who were in the top rank after the king. The ghaznawid kings were trying to select the one who was not only famous for keenness, wisdom, and politeness, but also for capabilities in the military strategy.In this paper, we've talked about Ahmad Abdol-Samad, the counselor of Altountash kharazmshah that was the minister of Masud Ghaznawi after Ahmad Hassan Meimandi. His expertise at the status of Altounshah's consultant and his wisdom and efficiencies in bureaucratic and military affairs, especially at the sensitive time of Saljugh Turkmans's invasion in one hand and increasing despotism and incapability of Masud Ghaznawi on the other hand which led the powerful Ghaznawid government's failue, are analized by the Bayhaghi History.Manuchehri Damghani's Diwan tries to reveal the reflection of the character of this minister who was the patron of literary men and poets.

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"Monshaat" is an Arabic term meaning writings by expert clerks. In fact, it is the technique and art of writing which was called "tarassol" in the past; and today we call it correspondence. Its inclusion as an artifact is so extensive that in the bureaucratic organizations had extra importance. It can be said that "tarassol", whether of royalty or friendship, historical correspondences, and documents is considered as a masterpiece. Although the background of correspondence in Iran gets back to 600 BC, in the time of Achaemenians, the arrangement of writing has begun since the time of Ghaznavids and was matured in Saljugh's era. In the Safawids' dynasty it overpassed the national borders and established in India and Asia Minor. In the Ghajar epoch it was intensified in the commands, contracts, and writings. If it were not the attempts of Gaem Magham, Amir Nezam Garrusi, and the others, it would not attain its harmony. Mirza Mahdi b. Mohammad Nassir was one of the greatest writers in the court of Nasser al-din Shah and Mohammad Shah Ghajar whose composition and calligraphy are well-known. Monshi Khoee has shown his exquisite talent in the writing of five chapters of rose-garden which he created with verse and prose and has added further fragrance to his taste. This research is the outcome of surveying this valuable copy. It is necessary to mention that the abbreviation "T" used in this text refers to the word "tarassol".

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Mahmud Dowlatabadi with his valuable works in the narrative literature of our country uses a set of social, political, economical factors inexplicitely and strongly that he himself has encountered with during his life.In the present research, we, first deal with the story, short story and their definitions using the authorities' opinions in detail; and also the reasons for their appearance in Iran, and then an abstract of the story. Later we'll survey parts of the story elements of "Man". Of course, whenever necessary, explanations about the story elements, together with examples from the text will be offered. This essay has been written based on the study of references, current writers' reliable books and the principles of today's science.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Language is a system and every system has its elements and lingual differences. Its diversity rests on lingual elements. Each language, in addition to popular points, has its own special regularities. The current language of W. Azarbaijan is Azarian Turkish. In the course of guided education, using second language in the bilingual regions makes interference between them. Therefore it is necessary to investigate both Azari and the Persian Language from a typological point of view and lingual elements. In this article, first, definitions and theoretical bases about everyone on lingual elements is dealt with, later, constructional similarities and differences of both languages from the point view of levels, phonemes, syllable, morpheme, term, group, and combination as well as sentence are analyzed. Most of Persian phonemes are in Azarian Turkish and this language has some phonemes more than Persian Language. Construction of syllable has special importance in Azarian Turkish and the rule of harmonization of voices is predominant in this language. Construction of word, group and its combination in this language is different from the Persian language; however its construction of verb is similar to the Persian Language and there is no connective letter in Azarian Turkish and the compound sentences, infinitives, descriptive and adverbial forms of verbs are used to connect the sentences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the most important functions of a poem, in every epoch, is its accompaniment with society and its changes. The contemporary Arabic poetry is not exceptional from this rule and more and more has proceeded to deal with these kinds of problems. For this reason poets have used various methods to explain their wishes and desires, of which is the imaginary trip. In these trips, poets sometimes travel to another world and compare their own mundane society with the ideal one. Sometimes poets travel to futurity by using imaginary wings and want to make some reforms in their own society. Most of the contents of this journey are the same things which have happened in the contemporary Arabic society. This article considers the motivation and different types of imaginary trips.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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During his lifetime, human being has always been, and still is, in search of optimal perfection and in this regard he takes up various actions and manners, out of which "journey" or traveling is the one to choose. This kind of trip is done in two ways, either physically and bodily that is universal journey in which he takes tours around the globe so that by adding to his level of experiences and knowledge he could be able to enhance his life through his vast and transparent attitude for which the command of the unique Lord is as such; or through his inner heart and mind , that is spiritual journey, in which it is done for the purpose of visiting the beloved eternal creator and through various spiritual sufferings and purification; it is accompanied for the true and righteous traveler so as to be able to join his everlasting creator via his reflecting heart clear from any contaminations and dark stains.

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It is known to the literary men and Gnostics that Aynolgozate Hamadani was one of the greatest mystics, with valuable books, in the 6th century. If his books were studied, as he himself wished for, he would be exempted from accusations, because whatever he said in his books, originated from the Holy Quran and traditions. Anyhow, the terseness of his words which bears different expositions led to his bloodshed. His "Shekwayeh Algharib" treatise is a valuable collection which shows most of his tenets. In fact it reveals that accusations on him were nothing but excuses for his murder; and by his death the memory of Hallaj's martyrdom is revived in the minds of the people.

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Grammatical ultranorms, norms avoidance, syntax belligerence, deviation, declining from norms, Prominence, and … are terms which have found their ways into literary circles and literary critical texts during the recent decades. I have tried, in this research, to demonstrate the application of these phenomena by defining these terms and offering examples and bringing concrete evidences from the two Iranian stylist poets in a descriptive - analytical way. Ahmad Shamloo as a postNimaism poet (of ordinary modernist poets), and Reza Baraheni as a theorist and post-modernist poet are selected to be dealt with in this research. As far as the subject is concerned, I have benefited from the other critics' ideas and ultimately compared Baraheni's theory with Shamloo's poetry.

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