Language is a system and every system has its elements and lingual differences. Its diversity rests on lingual elements. Each language, in addition to popular points, has its own special regularities. The current language of W. Azarbaijan is Azarian Turkish. In the course of guided education, using second language in the bilingual regions makes interference between them. Therefore it is necessary to investigate both Azari and the Persian Language from a typological point of view and lingual elements. In this article, first, definitions and theoretical bases about everyone on lingual elements is dealt with, later, constructional similarities and differences of both languages from the point view of levels, phonemes, syllable, morpheme, term, group, and combination as well as sentence are analyzed. Most of Persian phonemes are in Azarian Turkish and this language has some phonemes more than Persian Language. Construction of syllable has special importance in Azarian Turkish and the rule of harmonization of voices is predominant in this language. Construction of word, group and its combination in this language is different from the Persian language; however its construction of verb is similar to the Persian Language and there is no connective letter in Azarian Turkish and the compound sentences, infinitives, descriptive and adverbial forms of verbs are used to connect the sentences.