Since language is the mold of speculation and emotion and also a means of their transmission, it is considered the most important communication device of man. Therefore in each person's language, especially if he is a writer or a poet, one can penetrate into his world of experience, horizons of thoughts and senses.Jamalzadeh, for the first time in story writing, instead of using official and incompetent language of his time, used the dynamic daily language to express his new understandings to his audiences. To illustrate a vivid image of the new events and interpretations of his time, he used colloquial language in his writings and because of its competency, preferred it to the standard language. But everywhere, besides its communicative role, he also emphasizes on its aesthetic function.In this essay, it has been dealt with the colloquial language of the text and its obvious characteristics in the structure of: sentence, verb, adjective. After, we have unfolded the writer's expressional beauties in the categories of description, similarity, allusion, and used harmony between language and character together with necessary samples.