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Falling in love of the Sultan with a bondmaid is the first story that Maulana has narrated according to our condition of mood, and later has composed the love story of Mathnavi (the first 35 distiches). The plot of the story is so that Maulavi has been able to include some of his mystical principles and ideas on some occasions in it. However, in conclusion, in defense of the King and the Hakim's work in killing the innocent goldsmith, finds himself in turbulence, and to escape from the predicament, grasps on the allegory and attributes to the Verses and Traditions and defends them strenuously. Anyhow, the amazement of the work doesn't leave the reader alone. That's why the writer has decided to investigate Maulana's documentaries from different aspects; be it, by the Divine's Grace be successful in his mission. Or, at least, by excavating the case, have stimulation from researchers to set forward further steps in this case.

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The present essay deals with the surveying and analyzing "The Sand Bad Bahri" stories which consists of seven important fictions selected from "One thousand and one night" fables. Since the early 20th century, a group of Russian Humanity scholars have begun to analyze the literary texts and called themselves the formalists. One of the well-known men of these people was Vladimir Prop who did structural analysis on the Russian Fairy Tales which Afanasiyev had gathered before. He called his style of work morphology, which means studying of the components of the fiction and relations among them. Though Prop's work is not complete and is not adaptable to any stories, it has been tried in this essay to use new and innovative style; so as we analyze the story, first to its horizontal structure which is the reader's trivial view, then distinguish the main factors of the story and at the end look at the vertical structure which indicates the analysis of the narrator or omnipotent, to attain the main aim of the research which is the study of the components of the story.

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Azarbaijan was experiencing a golden era of culture and science in the Ilkhanid dynasty which was the outcome of perception, knowledge, and patriotism of people like Khwajeh Nassiroddin Toosi, Shamsoddin Mohammad Joveini, Alaaddin Ata Malek Joveini, Khwajeh Rashiddodin Fazlollah Hamadani and other scholars of that time.One of the scientists, nurtured of this period, was Abulmajd Mohammad ebne Mas'ud Tabrizi, whose treasure of "The Safineh of Tabriz" is the achievement of his knowledge and stable taste. In this collection, two Persian prosodies "Mokhtasar" and "Alkafieh" – the former by Haj Aminoddin Bolah of 7th and 8th C scholars and the master of Abulmajd Tabrizi, the latter from Abulmajd himself – had the most influence in the structure and categorizing of the poetic meter and rhythms of Persian poetry of "Me'yarolasha'r" from Khwajeh Nassir.In the above-mentioned theses one can see points from "khosravaniha" and "Laskovaniha" and by their ideas and viewpoints; it became obvious that they can be considered as the first samples of affinity of poetry and music and also the archetype of "song" or "ditty" in Iran.In this essay, the two prosodic theses are introduced and adapted with two famous works in this technique: Me'yarolashaar and Almo'jam.

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Metaphor is of the discussion which has occupied the minds of the thinkers of different human scientific domains in the whole universe. In literary field, since metaphor is the greatest invention of the artist and the highest possibilities in the sphere of art and the most competent tool of imagination and so- called painting of the words, it has been and is of greatest interest of famous literary men and critics. Of the greatest Islamic critics and men of eloquence is Abdolghaher Jorjani (died in 471 lunar) who with his smart struggles succeeded to attain the unprecedented horizons in literary and lingual studies including metaphor which was without rivalry up to that time. Among the Western men of eloquence and critics, too, Ivor Armstrong Richards (1893–1965) was one of the well-known and effective features in literature and eloquence who presented innovations and expressions in the special domain of eloquence in the theory of metaphor. This essay is to deal with the researches of these two previous thinkers to do the comparative methods. Therefore by studying and surveying the related resources and description and analysis of attained information, we have dealt with the comparisons of two scholars and extracted similarities and differences between them. The results indicates that some of the innovations based on Richard's research on metaphor are what Abdolghaher Jorjani had expressed in the best and most extensive way hundreds of years before him.

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The expression of tradition and modernity in the mold of story is a sign of fundamental importance of the subject which involves society and its culture. The story of "The acrid taste of persimmon" from Zoya Pirzad is a narration of transferring from tradition to modernity, in which confrontation of the main character "lady" with modern world and the way of her familiarity with it shows the common understanding of the modern people and the degree that they've grasped it, and in this case we encounter with three stages. First, conflict of tradition and modernism which leads one to digress from tradition and reformism. Second, to live in modernism and its achievements. It is in this stage that one becomes unidentified and afflicts in personality crises. Third, stage of returning to tradition and religious beliefs which are considered as the rescue from the outcomes of modernism. What is expressed here is not the whole sense of modernism, but it is a special outlook which corresponds with the story.

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According to Jung, the stance of archetype is the collective unconsciousness; and since literary works stem from man's unconsciousness, it can be evaluated through archetypal analysis.One of the important archetypes is the anima which is the female culture and soul which are embodied in man. Anima has various transfigurations and can show itself in different aspects of water, plants, birds; and the woman emanations like mother, beloved, etc…..Anima's function is different in the soul of man and is composed of wickedness and negation to the levels of divinity which will be accomplished in transfigurations of "self" and "rebirth".In this essay, we'll deal with the way of anima emanation in the mold of plants and its different manifestations in trees, flowers, garden, leaf, grass, branch, and etc.

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Since language is the mold of speculation and emotion and also a means of their transmission, it is considered the most important communication device of man. Therefore in each person's language, especially if he is a writer or a poet, one can penetrate into his world of experience, horizons of thoughts and senses.Jamalzadeh, for the first time in story writing, instead of using official and incompetent language of his time, used the dynamic daily language to express his new understandings to his audiences. To illustrate a vivid image of the new events and interpretations of his time, he used colloquial language in his writings and because of its competency, preferred it to the standard language. But everywhere, besides its communicative role, he also emphasizes on its aesthetic function.In this essay, it has been dealt with the colloquial language of the text and its obvious characteristics in the structure of: sentence, verb, adjective. After, we have unfolded the writer's expressional beauties in the categories of description, similarity, allusion, and used harmony between language and character together with necessary samples.

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Satire and humor are wonderful worlds of the facts which simultaneously deal with reality and it's opposite; so as one can reach from antithesis to thesis.Satire is of influential styles of expression, and in literature it is the special sarcastic methods of social, ethical, religious, political senses, and it is a way to disclose bitter facts of individual, social waywardness which talking about them–normally or seriously–is forbidden and sometimes difficult.One of the satiric methods in recent years has been the usage of cariclamature whose manifestations can be seen in the works of recent writers and poets. It is the wise and satiric words which occasionally approach the aphoristic words, because there is a point in them.Since Shahriar, the most distinguished poet in present century, was aware of his words' effect on the mind and inner self of his audience, used it with all his possibilities to communicate his aims. One of the expression methods of this lofty poet, is satire and humor which he used to suggest ethics and spiritual principles and attract the audiences' attention and at the same time intensify the impact of his words through the usage of cariclamature methods and satiric implications.We have tried, in this essay, to survey and analyze samples of his satiric poetry, and the way he used this kind of literary genre in his works.

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The heavenly words of prophet (s. a.): "There is no monasticism in Islam ", is an endorsement to the idea that sociality is the man's instinct which the idea of "world village" is its most progressive phenomenon. But what should be considered as an undeniable fact is conciliatory coexistence of the nations with each other, from which peace and friendship, politics, commerce, excursion, and etc. glorify.Based on the historical evidences, Iran was unique among the world countries in this domain. Feridoon's kingdom from Pishdadian, and achaemenians from ancient times, and the Samanids in Islamic era are of the distinguished examples.One of the other valuable cultural documents is this territory's unprecedented literary works which has trained poets like Ferdowsi, Sa'di, Maulana, and Hafez–composers who were messengers of peace, friendship and culture. Regarding the extension of literary works, it has been tried, in this essay to survey the ideas and thoughts of one of the prominent literary men in the domain of verse and prose which are of public interest; that's, the most eloquent speaker, Sa'di of Shiraz. Because Sa'di is the essence of Iran's Gnostic and ordinary poets; and the conciliatory coexistence is visible in his thoughts more than other cultures.

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By this essay, the writers are to point at some structural differences in a few grammar books, current in university centers. Because of the abundant number of these books, analyses of them will obviously be lengthy and need an extensive research. Since in most academic centers Persian Literature and linguistics are taught, these books have to be written according to the needs of the students but some writers disregard these needs. In fact, it has been tried, in this research, to answer this question: Is the abundance of grammar books in favor and needs of the students? Whether or not the books written were successful in their mission in teaching to them.Some of the conclusions of this research are:a. lots of confusions and differences are seen in grammar books.b. most of the books haven't been written according to grammatical and lingual theories.c. coordination between these books is weak.d. these books are not able to present most of the grammatical discussions.e. most of these books have been weak in bringing examples and related explanations.

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