Because of its structure and cultural, social and historical conditions, the country of Iran has various ethnic, religious, and racial types. On the other hand, as an element of large Islamic nation, Iran encounters various complex cultural conditions. The nature and the origin of unity and unification are the common points between these organs at both national and Islamic nation's level. In fact, the basic fund of unity is assets and common elements of that society. One should seek the departure of this issue by common understanding and comprehension of the numbers of that society (including individuals, populations, groups, and so on).In this survey, students are our social activists whose attitude is formed because of different conditions and factors effects national unity and Islamic unification.Thus, the question exists here is how the students of Islamic Azad University of region 11 think about the national unity and Islamic unification, which factors affect their attitude and what are the mechanism and dynamism of these factors? Population sample of survey selected according to Cochran formula is 325. Among the hypothesis of the survey, five are approved and correlation among the variables of "the rate of government reliability", the rate of participation in civilized meetings", the rate of political participation", the rate of moral and theological gravities", and "public social sense of being" and variables of "national unity and Islamic unification" has been approved meaningfully.In a linear equation that was obtained through regression, it was seen that two variables of "rate of government reliability" and" public social sense of being" clarify about 226% of variance changes of dependent variables. The results indicate that by the way students are faithful to national values; they also obey the Islamic cultural values.