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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This research aims to study the cultural problems in dormitory life among male students of Yazd University in educational year of 2010-2011. This is a survey research which includes a sample of 345 university students in Yazd University. The sample was selected through a stratified sampling method according to the field and the level of education of respondents. A self-administered questionnaire was the main data collection technique and its reliability assessed through Cronbach Alpha. Data analyzed using SPSS and Excel spreadsheet software. The findings show that the level of cultural problems was less than average level. The results indicate that the average of cultural problems among married students is lower than single students. Among educational levels there is also a significant difference, that is, B.A. students have more cultural problems than MA or PhD students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Appropriate spending of leisure time has an important role in the formation of youth personality. Different types of capital- social, cultural and economic- have implications for social status of individual actor. Bourdieu’s analysis of leisure time is based on cultural capital. The main goals of this study are the examination of the relationships between leisure time activities, cultural capital of students’ family, gender and marital status. The approach of this study is descriptive-comparative and the methodology of research is survey. The statistical population consists of all the students of Tehran university in 2010. The sample size is equal to 400 and is calculated by Cochran formula. Types of leisure time activities are divided into five groups: intellectual, social, entertaining, artistic and cultural, and physical activities. The results indicate that students’ leisure time is mostly devoted to physical and entertaining activities and entertaining and social are more common among female students than male students. In addition, cultural capital is higher amongst the student of basic science than social science. Cultural capital has significant relationship with different types of leisure activities except physical activities. It has the strongest relationship with social leisure, artistic-cultural, intellectual and entertaining activities respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Intergenerational solidarity is and important phenomenon for strengthening social cohesion and is an important immediate mechanism that has major role in the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation. But the distance between parents and youth, among generations, and this gap exists between the social system, with profound social problems facing the generation gap in the process in terms of cultural and religious values occurs between generations. The overall objective of this study determines the factors affecting the intergenerational solidarity between parents and children of Zanjan. In this study, statistical population, are all individuals aged between 15-54 years married in Zanjan city are based on the Lin for the sample population over 500 thousand people. The preposition to lack sampling frame method is cluster (multi-stage). The results showed the differences were statistically significant in terms of consistency between the old and new generation. Between men and women, there are significant generational differences. The use of mass media on the impact of intergenerational solidarity. Also significant is the effect of education on intergenerational solidarity. This finding also confirms that the number of old and new families members and different generation of cohesion and integration between generation have not a significant amount of leisure time.

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The healthiness of a society depends on variety of complicated factors that have genetical and environmental aspects and in an extensive spectrum finds social aspect. This research is going to analyze effective social factors on public healthiness and research method survey is base on measurement. It made in the framework of theories of Adler, Dall, Cokerham, Parsans, Mayner and Dayner. Statistical society includes all students from Jahrom universities which were selected by methods of multilevel cluster sampling, choosing 350 students as a sample and data are collected by Likert multiple choice questionnaire and also by standard public health questionnaire. Fluency of questions measured by Cronbach Alfa and it was evaluated by factorial analyzing. By statistical methods, the relationship between each variable and public health were analyzed. The results show that there is meaningful differences between educational course and aspect of physical complaint. There are also meaningful differences between sex, being native and being non-native of students. Pearson coreelation test shows significant relationship between sport activities, eating behavior, life quality satisfactions and social abnormalities (as an independent variable and public health as a dependent variable). As a regression data, such as public health, sport activities, eating behavior have the most effect on public health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Consumption is very important in the modern society and cultural consumption is based on industrial societies. Mass media and propogation has a significant role in modern society. In the research, the variables such as family, independent, physical and psychological health are among the cultural capital. The survey method was used here for the study. 400 female students were chosen randomly and SPSS software were used for analyzing the research hypothesis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this research is to evaluate the relationship between use of new communication technology (internet and satellite) and tendency toward social pathology (addiction).The results are based on survey methods and questionnaire techniques which asked amongst 400 people in a range 15-30 years old. In order to analyze the statistical data, Pearson's correlation test and Man-Whitney and structural equation model was used. This research indicates that there is a meaningful relation between communication technology and addiction. Man-Vitny comparison examination is used for data analyzing between two regions. The results show the obtained correlation function is precise with 95% confidence interval. Based on structural equations model, the variable which gets more weight in this relation is how to use the communication technologies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research tries to study the effective factors for social participation. The research method is survey and sampling randomly was done in Nour (Northern Iran). Pearson correlation coefficient and T. Test analysis and Regression variation were done through SPSS software in the research. The results show that there is negative correlation between social participation with education, planning, income and expense and there is no significant relationship between information, age, cattle keeping with social relationship regression analysis show that the independent variable explains 49/5 % of the variation among social participation. Education has also more important role among rural cattle keepers more education make those people participation more in that area.

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The most basic criteria of social welfare and social health of any population is considered. in fact, mental health, Social health, social and individual is associated. The purpose of research is to define relationship between social capital and Social health of students. This cross-sectional study using a questionnaire survey among students of Payam Noor University of Mashhad was the year 2010-2011. This is a sample study of 375 patients stratified random sampling, respondents in relation to information gathering has explanation about the research topic. statistical data of respondents using software Spss studies in Social Sciences with emphasis on test T-test, unilateral test parameters Anowa and Pearson Correlation analysis have been. results indicate that all dimensions of social capital have a significant relationship with Social health, and. contextual variables of marital status, gender and Social health, are related. results of regression analysis showed that 59% of the variance hygiene community health trust and social participation is explained by two variables. after presenting these findings, we have shown that a series of strategies and proposals social capital for health promotion and social impact of the parameters is discussed. one of the major causes of Social health, are confident, therefore, to increase social well-being among young people is necessary them to trust other people and social institutions to increase, one way that it provides clear information from the responsible institutions, the authorities prefer the terms and relations to the demands and needs of young people in fact, if the authorities and organizations to work collectively towards the cause are continuing their legitimacy and continuity, along with acceptance, satisfaction and trust will be. conditions that must be provided to students without fear and free from political issues to participate in different levels of pay. I encourage student participation in various affairs of the auxiliary arm for the authorities to act, together in the community to take steps toward health. create a favorable social interactions and personal relationships between the individual makes support and understanding to get a different person. achieving this goal requires a different life skills that can create a special working group will strengthen these skills among students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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