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The teachings of Ahl al-Bayt, after Quran and prophet’s discourses, have provided the most influence on mystical texts. The deep contents of Ahl al-Bayt discourses as well as the rhetorical aspects were important factors, which were used by poets and writers. Using the mystical books that were originated in teachings of Ahl al-Bayt were completed in different intents with different methods. In this paper, it was aimed to study the reflective methods of Ahl al-Bayt in important mystical writings of Persian literatures until end of six-century using quotes – citation method. It is clear that unbreakable binding of the books with teachings of Ahl al-Bayt was the important point in this research, which were emphasized in this paper.

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The association of meanings is one of the most important abilities of the human mind in which the related subjects call each other in mind. This ability of the mind is the foundation and basis for the inner knowledge and dialogue that underlies literary creations, especially poetry.  In the process of composing poetry, the discovery of relationships, subtleties and proportional complexities of the formal and spiritual among the words that create artistic expression and association, the presence of a chain of words or ideas in the poet's mind makes possible. In the Indian style, which reaches the peak of the poets' attempt to discover the connection between words, tips, and themes, the motifs, and the themes and arrays used by the poets, are directly influenced by the conjunction of meaning in the mind. These associations have had a direct and direct effect on imaginative techniques and imaginary imagery.In this article, after the introduction of association, the role of the association of meanings in linguistic creations and The way of creating imaginary forms in Asir Shahrestani's lyrics have been investigated.

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Syntactical analysis is considered an important step in grasping the aesthetic value of poetry. Thus in the present paper, the most commonly used sentence in Hafiz—vocative sentences (nedā)—are analyzed. These sentences show great variety in Hafiz, both from a formal standpoint and a thematic one. This variety in syntactical structure of vocative sentence, is one of the affective ellements in figuration of Hafiz’s poetry’s aesthatic. For the present study all 484 ghazals anthologized in Hūshing Ebtehāj’s Hafiz beh Ravāyat-e Sāyeh (2011) have been analyzed. Some of the results of the present study include information about Hafiz’s original audience, and the relationship between these exclamations and topics such as balance in lines and ghazals, apostrophe and poetic imagery. Each topic is explained with several instances from the ghazals. The findings of Persian grammarians as well as Western critics have been used in the present study.

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Semantic-field theory is a structuralistic theory in semantics. A Semantic field is a collection of words in which a special semantic component cause collocation between them. This study sets out to answer this question that how could be this theory applied in stylistic studies? This theory could be applied in semantic studies of literature, especially in meaning stylistics. The semantic study of literary works and meaning stylistics focus on being or not being existed individual meaning which is frequently seen in literary texts, versus general meaning. Introducing the principles of this semantic theory, this study, by analyzing a sample, shows the efficiency of applying this theory in studying literature and introduce semantic-field analysis as an approach in stylistic studies.

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Jalaluddin Atiqi Tabrizi, a poet, preacher and prominent preacher of the second Ilkhani period, was born in Tabriz. He has two works named “poetical works” and events” (in prose). His “poetical works” in spite of sophistication of mind and language and its importance in the evolution of Persian literature, especially in the evolution of styles, from Khorasani to Iraq and entering the concepts and principles mysticism and Sufism in Persian poetry is less well known. In Atiqi’s poetical work, in addition to professions and literary array, there are many terms and compounds that are important in terms of literature and language. Sufism and mystical thoughts, prefer love to asceticism, excessive humbling to lover, pantheism, and ... are of intellectual specificities of Atiqi’s poetry. The authors of this paper will attempt to answer the question that what are the importance and stylistic features of poetry of Jalaluddin Atiqi?

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First step to understanding and studying Persian literary heritage is to know historical grammar and specially sentences as the most important part of the speech. it is known that conjunctions play important role in the complex sentences. Writers of this essay have studied the conjunctions such as "if, otherwise (but), unless "and shown that there were three types of if condition with different structure and meaning. The research also indicates the subordinating phrases they made like "if…then "or "if…if not or unless "in selected Persian literary proses until 14th century.  It is shown that there were many different complex sentences with the various subordinators which each of them expressed quite specific meaning. Some of these structures have still remained; some changed or faded during the time. The research can help scholars to define the time of historical works as well as reanimating these structures to make the contemporary Persian literature wealthier.

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The application of semantic field in mystical text stylistics is a field that no research is done about. This paper explains the application of semantic field of "Attraction" in hakim Termazi’s Katm al-owlya stylistics. At first the description of semantic field, the explanation of their main relations (synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy) the definition of "Attraction" and the history of semantic field in mystical texts are surveyed. Then the applied forms of semantic field of attraction and its allieds are indicated in khatm al-owlya. After that the semantic field of "Attraction" based on synonymy is studied and the styles and the forms applied by Termazi and their common points with "Attraction" are explaind. This lingual study illustrates some part of Termazi’s organized coherent and effective mind and language. It can be used in the other mysticism text, their personal and periodical style check, their effectivness, composing mystical dictionaries, affirmating or rejecting a work alleged to a author, and at last in recognizing creativness or imitation of writers in the field of mystical expressions.

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Fariduddin Attar’s Mantiq-ul-Tair is a symbolic work of spiritual pilgrimage. In its symbolic language, birds are symbols of the human different characteristics or different peoples of the society and Hoopoe is a symbol of the leader (Master), all of them are setting off to visit Simorgh (a symbol of the Creator). All stages passed by hoopoe and other birds are consistent to four journeys. This consistence helps us to reach to an acceptable conclusion about birds’ fate, especially hoopoe. In the story, hoopoe is leader. So it is expected that it is described as a brave and steady leader, but Attar has pictured it as a confused and restless one: The confused hoopoe, replete with waiting reached to pupolation in a restless manner (Mantiq-ul-Tair, Attar Neyshabouri, p 262)What is the reason for hoopoe’s confusion, restlessness and insistence on birds’ guiding and where is its origin?All along the story, the hoopoe’s guides help other birds to pass long and tremendous stages and reach to Simorgh’s court, the king of birds, after tolerating hard situations. But, Attar in the last pages of his masnavi, especially the final part of story, describes thirty helpless birds in the Simorgh’s court and explains their fates, without any cite of hoopoe. Where is hoopoe? What is its fate?This article compares Mantiq-ul-Tair figures (hoopoe and other birds) with four journeys theory, and therby answer to two proposed questions, while it study Attar’s viewpoint about the mystics’ way of conduct and attaining perfection.

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The Tohfat Al sa'adat's manuscript is from Molana sheikh Mahmoud ebn Ziaeddin Mohammad that has compiled in 916 lh in the days of governorship Sultan Sikandar Ludi the king of Dehli and it has been dedicated to Khaje saeid Eddin Mohammad.This book has been called by other names such as Eskandari Dictionary, Tohfeh Eskandari, Tohfeh AlSa'adah, and Tohfeh Alsa'adat Eskandari.This Dictionary is initial Farsi interpretive Dictionaries in subcontinent. The author has arranged that in twenty-nine chapters spellingly (Tahajji) and every chapter has been gathered in two parts: first in simple, and second in idioms and complexes; this classification, distinguishes the Tohfat Als'adat from the early Farsi interpretive Dictionaries.For prepration and collection this book, the author has used many Farsi and Arabic lexicons such as Dastur Al afazel, Ghavvas Dictionary, Zefan Gouya, Ghazi Zahir Dictionary, Hosseini Dictionary etc.Furthermore it is used by next lexicographers; also to authorship of Jahangiri Dictunary and Sorouri Dictionary the Mohammad Ghasem Sorouri has paied attention to this book.This lexicon explains about meaning of Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Indian words. Sometimes for better understanding about the meanings, it brings sample poems of ancient poets such as Ferdowsi, Rudaki, Hafez, Sadi, Ibn Sina, Zaheer Faryabi and etc.This article is going to introduce Tohfat Al sa'adat's book shortly and investigate this book from several dimention such as lexical usage, the ways of writing dictionary entry and writing styles.

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Revival of poems and prose and analyzing them through different approaches is an effective step toward the further realization of the rich Persian culture and language. Zeinolabedin Abdi Beig Navidi Shirazi is one of the lesser known of prolific and skilled poets from the Safavid era whom while serving at the court of Shah Tahmaseb as a treasurer, should also be recognized for his writings in the style of Mathnawi similar to the works of Hakim Nezami Ganjavi. Abdi Beig (921-988 AH) started writing his poems during the first half of the 10th century, in the rise and popularity of the Hindi style and therefore the perfected characteristics of this style is not greatly present in his poems and his writings, due to following the works of such masters as Nezami and Amir Khosro Dehlavi, possess a style similar to both Iraqi and Hindi. His Haft Akhtar collection which is written similar to Haft Peykar of Nezami, while being influenced by and on a lower level compared to the masterpiece of Nezami, cannot be considered as pure imitation due to the poet’s efforts towards innovation and creating new images and concepts, new compositions and using short and fast anecdotes and narratives and still requires research and recognition by the literary community for having other characteristics such as dynamic and relative language correctness, pleasant descriptions, social critique and thoughtful tips. The present essay, while generally introducing Abdi Beig Shirazi and his Haft Akhtar work, tries to review its main stylistic components from the three aspects of linguistic, rhetorical and intellectual and tries to define the status of Abdi Beig in poetry.

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In order to study and understand the meaning, concept, and the theme of an artistic and literary work, there have been applied, and tested, many various approaches. The focus on language, and context, which is a structural method, has based on formalism (structuralism) thoughts. In Iran, there are different tryings, to get a cohesive relation, between form and content, as linguistics and literary ways. These studies, are based on the Aristotale principles, the structuralist rhetorician, Jorjani, the ideas of Russian formalism, and the new methods in psychological and structural studies.Shahnameh, is the most outstanding, classical, and valuable Persian masterpiece. Shahnameh, with a theme of mythologic, heroic, and historical, in a fictional texture, full of conflicts, dialogues, monologues, narrative tellings with different tones, the conflicts in words and fields, full of glorious descriptions. Although the theme of life, passion and joy, are governing over the most of epics in shahnameh, but the theme of tragic death, also can be found there. Siavash, is one of the most tragic,not just in Iran, but in the world. These structural characteristics, has made the story, as one of the best tragic: The structural coherence, the harmony between form and theme, different conflicts, the causative relation between incidents, characteraization, the tone and p.o.v. of narrator in telling. Although, the language is performing its duty, in telling the story and the epic, it is fulfing its artistics function in the best form.This survey, is trying to find, and define the relation between the language and theme. Because of the unique nature of the text, the writer is emphasizing, on the mythological and historical cotext .The researcher believes that, the whole psychological aspects of the charactors, can be manifested through form (language) and the p. o.v., and the tone of narrator. This relation can be defined through description of different layers of language: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

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Aesthetic imagination of the fundamental elements of Persian poetry, and when it comes to attitude and outlook poet, and will be in the form of special literature, the adds dynamism.The characteristics of poetry Hafez with the poet's worldview linked to Beautiful mental imagery. With his penetrating gaze on creating themes with simil and Personification, Plants and flowers used in drawing mental pictures and Svrkhyalhay creates beauty with particular eloquence In this article we are going, Based on the detection element, Most of his poems that come along with simile Attitude of the poet in the creation of mental concepts to understand natural phenomen, and by examining the literary arrays to achieve his poetic layers Plants and flowers, a symbol of human existence thatshow human traits and actions adopted In his poems Baznmayym.

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Letter writing has a great importance as a literary genre while is seen in prose and poetry forms during the Persian language history. Besides a variety of political letters, an court with literal values and species of dahname storytelling, and also in the most of the amorous stories of Persian literature, due to the separation of lovers, the special function of letter writing exists. In the upcoming article, among the Persian literary works, two lyrics of Nizami as a legendary storyteller; “Khosrow and Shirin” and “Leili and Majnun”; and also the lyrics of his three imitators; Amir Khosrow Dehlawi, Salman Sovoji and Jami have been considered. Moreover, their love letters have been compared and analyzed from the viewpoint of verses number, how it starts and ends, general structure, the purposes of letters and post selection, stylistic, literary and intellectual level. By this analysis of the similarities and differences between letters, on one hand, we indicate more Nizami’s position as the greatest poet effective in the realm of storytelling and on the other hand, reveal the creativity and artistic compliance of his imitators. Studies demonstrate different function of letter writing in the Nizami’s two lyrics so that in the story of “Khosrow and Shirin”, influenced by the structure of the story and Nizami's creativity, letters convert to a reason for blame and complain about the beloved, instead of absolute expression of the romantic sadness that among this, Amir Khosrow is one of the successful imitators in continuing this way. From the perspective of the most frequent common theme in all the letters, the constant issue of “description of lovers' mood” could be named.

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Literary tradition is a recurrent movement in poetry, which has attracted the attention of literary men, and made poets to observe it in pursuance of the old poets. Little by little, the excessive repetition cultivated boredom and reluctance in the talented poets, and one [among them] took the reverse line and initiated poetic innovation, i.e. Sa’eb Tabrizi’s effort to deviate from the literary traditions after the saturation of the poetic themes of Timurid era. The present work attempts to evaluate the nature of deviation in [the term] ‘sunlight’ (the sun) at four levels of ‘superiority of others’, ‘disfavor’, ‘new look to the positive attributes’, and ‘imageries’. His imagery has often addressed the disfavor and superiority of others to the sunlight (the sun) so as to oppose the then poetic current.

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Khaqanis divan is one of the exquisite works in Persian literature and exist some manuscript from this divan. This work yet, corrected by some author. Each one of this corrections have a both the weak and strong points. One of the fundamental reasons of non-methodical and accurate correction of this work is no recognition of the original manuscript. This reason, led to the correctors replace the choices of other invalid manuscripts and made a mistake. In this study, will be try to prove the originality and validity of London manuscript based on the stylistic, Lexical, Linguistic attributes and literary allusions and references. In the end, all manuscripts will be investigate and evaluate from this aspects and prove the validity and originality of London manuscript.

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Scientific Research Bahare Adab has been the first specialized magazine in the field of stylistics since 1387. Publishing research articles has begun. The quantitative analysis and analysis of published articles can illustrate how this publication works, and ultimately, the author's guide and guide in posting articles. For this purpose, in the present study, using quantitative content analysis method, the characteristics of  Various articles published in the Bahar-e-Adab magazine, such as "The number of authors of each article", "Research Areas", "Citation to Publications Approved by the Ministry of Science", "Academic Ranking", "Writers" and ... are considered. According to the evaluation of the articles, the research result shows that Since the beginning of the publication of scientific articles to the fall of 1396, thirty issues are in the form of 611 published articles. The professors of the University of Tehran publish 77 articles. The works of the genre are more than the works of the prose were taken into consideration by the writers; moreover, on the works of Saadi more than any other poetry. In terms of referring to authoritative publications in articles, the magazine Bahar-e-Adab with 110, and the Journal of Literature and the Humanities University of Tehran with 30 citations, have been of particular interest to researchers. Also, the development of the concept of stylistics, the introduction of unknown poets and writers, and attention to interdisciplinary topics is one of the most important achievements of this publication.

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