Language is the integrating factor inside a society’s people and is a social and dynamic institution that like the other institutions has been constantly under changing and will be evolved by passing time and changes in the society’s structures. Lexicography is an attempt in order to register such changes to ease the understanding process of the ancestors and to prevent the cultural disjunction. The place and time distances and penetrating the foreign factors in domain of a language are among the factors for the lexicography. Given to three factors: attack of Arabs and extension of Islam religion, attack of Turks as well as the entrance of the Turkish language’s elements into Farsi language besides the extended domain of the Farsi language’s applications outside its original territory, the bilingual and trilingual (Farsi-Arabic-Turkish) lexicography was prospered. The present research tries to introduce and study this lexicography process specifically the Farsi-Turkish area which has not been investigated appropriately.