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Dramatic literature is one of the most important types of literature which has no development and growth in Iran in proportion of other literary styles. Subject and limitation of the current research which was performed on descriptive-analytical method is structural analysis of the scheme of “Razha va Doroughha” & “Khab Dar Fenjane Khali” dramas of Naghmeh Samini. Then, Fictional pattern of these two dramas were drawn and a diagram was proposed for eastern fictional pattern. The goal of this research is achievement to general structure of such dramas. This study showed that, theses dramas have symmetric and parallel structure which are aspects of eastern structure. Playing with different structures, merging them together and experiencing of less known structures are considered as specific component of Samini’s works.

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One of the most important effective factors in the forming of writing style of Dowlat-Abadi is the basic resources of literure in this country. Books such AS Beihaqi history Qabusname, Balami history, Naser Kahosro log and Golestan Saadi. What motivated him in learning toward classic texts was his love to culture pasts of his birthplace and expanded this motivation by the familiarity of writer of kolidor to the history text, specially "Beihaqi history". Dowlat-Abadi fried in different methods showed his relation to the old texts to the seems that, he decided by this doing profited his prose of kind of classic validity. This writing t deal to the investigation of the value and the state of the effectiveness of the past texts on the story prose of Dowlat-Abadi in the long novel of kolidor. Therefore, investigated the Kaolidor Novel. the results of investigation of Dowlat–Abadi's prose in kolidor novel, showed that in the aspect of linguistic, he was affected by old texts of Persian in some aspects such as election of phrasing, and using, interpretations related to the classic text.

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In contrary of the view of the past criticizers in the modern theories of literature, language and its features considered as a vital element of the poem. Russian formalists defined the literature and poem through de familiarization process in the language. Of course norm adverting and de familiarization didn’t considered art, just for its alien and contrast with the linguistic habits of addressees, but also this process should be targeted, guided so we can consider it creative activity. Nima Yushij couldn’t access to the full language in his free poems by deviation from the criterion language, but also breach of the accepted rules, created several expressive uneven in his poem. This weakness related to the substitution axis of langue, that is choosing words and correct using, and involved the amity axis of language, that is author shipping words according to the syntactical rules. In this essay investigated out designed some of the most important linguistic weaknesses of Nima’s poems.

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In this essay investigated the odes of Ali Mousavi Gramoudi, the pioneer writer of odes in different aspects such as: context, structure, language, eloquence and also effectiveness of another poems. His skill in observing structures and Grammatiks in old cast and also different appearances of effectiveness of the past poems shows not only he knows by his Sepid poem between his readers and poem of Persian and is aware of all of its structures and orders and can conquer all of its problems. Because of this old cast he profit of the suitable language of Khorasani, and his odes look like the past poems are 4 parts. Between the new industries, he used more of pseudonym, different kind of word play, different kind of homonym and between expression methods, he profited more from recognition.

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Initiation with culture and civilization of nation is always necessitating study and research in all social and cultural phenomenons of nations. Clothing which is considered as one of the most active samples of cultural life of society, is the major factor for research about culture, history and civilization of a society. Clothing along with other necessities like food, housing and etc. are among the main requirements of human being. In fact, clothing is a house in a smaller scale for human being which always have it like his/her skin, and while preservation could show his/her personal taste in it and through it, express his/her ideas. Using method of robe and turban in different eras of Persian poetry from literary aspect in illustrations, poetic metaphors and metonymies are contemplative and considerable and also from social, spiritual and geographical aspects toward its application in real meanings and preservation of culture and customs available in society are discussable and reviewable. In this article, while a brief history about clothing, poetic evidences available in complete works of Khorasani & Iraqi eras from the above mentioned aspects were studied and discussed.

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Molana Zini is the poem of the ninth century A.H that guaranteed the Hafez's poetries in the form of pentagon. He was hated of pretend and falsity, and for this reason for conquer to it used of blaming method.the blaming persons of a group of Sufi that believe that pay attention to the satisfaction of people result in that people amused to it and therefore preclude from the pavor the lord. So, we should not only pay attention to the satisfaction of people, but also we should hear blame of them and amused only to the purity and kindness of God. Therefore it is the basic question that Molana Zini that was the imitator of the lyric of Hafez, how much he could follow from blaming method of Hafez in free thoughtand conquers to headship and in indur education of people? Also Hafez and Molana Zini were help from blaming method in their poems, but they didn't think that it was enough, because if blaming group accept the blaming of people, but Hafez and Zini considered it the instrument of correction of " society " and combat against falsity and hypocritical, so by this method by mocking to the shapes of falsity, invited people to maintaining the religious, freedom and piety and finally worship of God. Both theirs them believe that in worship of God we should be brave and don’t fear of the riots of people and anathema of persons, because they are deviant in the comprehension of facts.

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The story of Sheik –Sanan is the description of hard test of abandon of herself /himself. this context repeated in another texts, this research is look for answer to this question " what factors make this anecdote raised between the another anecdote with equall context the special style of Atar and story techniques of him result in that his context and from story had cohesion harmony. Some kinds of these issues are talking and tone of persons that changed on the base of changing of the moral form's at the3 basic character-Sheikh the sub characters the pupil of Sheikh-also on the base of the require of the social place and their morals and in the reaction to his changes, changed their language and their talking tone. All of talking and tone of person formed "debate" in the story.Because of the Christian religious of the agate wife of Sheik, observed the appearances of the sun in any corner of the story. In the separation of him the image and the space of the story become dark. In such hard event, Sheikh Parsa and Khoshnam of the story deal to the different struggles in the advancement of the story. Association of meaning and creation of condition had key role in crystallization of the context. Investigation of the artistry and creativeness of Atar in revelation of context in the form is the subject of this talking.

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How is the eloquence method of Katebi Neyshabouri in a thousand-distich poem of “Dah Bab” and what are the stylistic major features of the poem and its innovations? Before answering this question, at first, a brief summary of poet’s life together with introduction of “Dah Bab” poem and prominent features of poem of the first half of the 9th century were described. Then, after indicating research record, stylistic features of “Dah Bab” poem from three; linguistic, literary and intellectual point of view were studied. Dah Bab poem like most of Iraqi style poems including some specifications of Khorasani style from linguistic point of view, and have signs of Indian style from literary and intellectual point of view. Katebi style in this poem is central limit of Iraqi and Indian styles and quite distinctive features of which is bound to pun in all distiches of poem.

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This essay studied the image of war in the poem of teenagers and children in Iran. After Islamic revolution, imposed war of Iraq in Iran was the biggest event in our country and had effect in all of aspects of people life. Naturally it had effect on the poem of teenagers and children. Subjects such as epic, victory believe to victory, the resistance moral, homage to testament and …, were the most important subjects of children's poem, of course pointed to the sadness result of war such as destroying and become an orphan of children. The poetries that participate in scenes of war and bombing and observed the sadness of children and teenager composed better and effective poems. The poem of war is reflective of happiness, sadness, concerns and wishes of all of children in this country, struggle against cruelly in the significant message that the poem of children and teenagers are according to it. The method of this essay is descriptive analysis and the aim of writing it is showing the effect of war on the academic of children in the poem of contemporary poet.

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Statistical investigation of grammatical and syntactic matters in poem and prose, make easier the analyze of meaning and academic issues. Ferdwsi's Shahname and Bastan's Saadi are the most important texts in Persian literature in their threshold. According to the harmony of cost and weight, comparing these two works becomes possible from order aspect. We chose the first ten couplets of both works for statistic analyze that were in prais of God, so more over than cast and weight, their variant of subject be equal too, and become possible describing of results. Comparing in grammatical parameters such as the number of names, verbs and adjective and …. That were analyses able (for example compound name, adjective and verb) and also were acceptable in the kind of grammatical issues look like the number of sentences, transforming columns, and … moreover on the base of change generative theory, the death of structures of couplets compares on the base of statistic after offering statistic tables analyzed the results of each tables separately and investigated the case of difference of parameters both works of the base of linguistic and stylistics, aesthetics and even psychology.

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Between all of the anecdotes of Bustan and Golestan, analyzed and recognized four anecdotes that were in agreement with the subject of the essay, because both of these works were from the kind of literature and educational and because the aim of the educational works are changing, Saady could by using of them solved many moral problems of people\, even the society of those time and this time and was effective in creating their calmness and reduced their moral conflict and reached them to the harmony and promoted their equal and talented morals. Such as that moreover than deification of disorders of dejection and basic meeting with themes help to the readers and indigent persons in agreement with poem therapy, novel therapy, meaning therapy and mechanism of literature and psychology such as verbal relation, moral purity, berate Estehlal defamilirization and connirance of Gnostic, that today Said it (Altaqati method).

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This article with stylistic look is studied the most verbal and intellectual features of Akhtar newspaper. Akhtar newspaper as witness of researchers in Iranian history and journalism fields like Mr. Mohammadali Tarbiat, Mr. Yahya Dolatabadi, Mr. Ahmad Kasravi, Mr. Nasereddin Parvin and Mr. Edward Brawn is one of the most effective and influential newspapers of Qajar era which was published as the first Persian language regular newspaper abroad the country in the Ottoman. In response to the main question of this research which is finding the most important verbal and intellectual features of Akhtar Newspaper and as summary of researches on this article, it can say that the most important verbal feature of “Akhtar” is its major portion in entering non-Persian words, mainly Turkish, French and English words, especially words relevant to politics, law and parliament to Persian prose and its brilliant intellectual feature is promoting the intellectuals’ ideas who expelled homeland in the fields of liberation, justice seeking and law-orientation. Continuous studying of the value and importance of “woman” and its major role toward progress and development of society and family also is the major topics of this newspaper.

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Connection and separation is one of the most subtle of discussion of meaning scientific. One of the most important and valuable letter of separation in eloquence is the letter of Van (,).When we comprehend the eloquence value of this letter that know its details according to the situation of telling. The writer moreover than investigation of Shahnameh from the view of meaning scientific, found two Van, and according to the eloquence meaning proposed the names of “Var confrontation” and “Var agency” of them.In this essay cited the evident of this var from the text of Shahname, and talk from their difference with another Van that rose in the meaning scientific.According to this that the Shahname Ferdowsi from the view of antiquity and greatness is one the oldest text of verse in the Persian language, this Van considered from the style features of this book and their innovator is Hakim Ferdowsi.

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Sheikhe Azari Sfarayeni is one of the aspiring Gnostic and the significant poem of the ninth century A.H. Azari composed poem in his youngness and become famous and was some times in the imperial court of Teymuraian and the joined to the Sufism and leaned the hedith scientific behind the Sheikh –Mahi-oldim Tusi and because of his residence in Tus, he famoused to Tusi and because of his birth in Sfarayen famoused to Sfarayeni and becauses of his birth was in Azar, he adopted as " Azari". Finally he died in 82 years old. His language poem on the base of the style of ninth century was the famous runic language in "Araqi Style". And his poetical works of him is full of literature techniques and industrics. Accordong to the innovations that Azari showed in using of pronunciations and meaning innovation of similes, picturing and the expansion of word circulation, we tried investigated the specifics, stylistics and innovations in 3 levels of literature, tought and linguistic that poem pay attention to them in his poetries.

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Rage and clamor are major features of constitutional era which give the spirit of epic to poem. This article is engaged in studying the constitutional era’s poem with a focus on Iraj’s poems from this point of view and this goal is fulfilled through verbal combinations. Social reasons of attendance or absence of this feature are also described. The first essential innovations and changes in the shape and form of Persian poem are started from the constitution and considered as historical introduction of the new poetry.

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Poem of Yadollah Behzadi Kermanshahi, a contemporary poet are examinable and considerable from various aspects. One of the literary major topics which can be propounded in his poem is his most attention to lateral music (rhyme & row). Behzad is completely aware of musical charge of rhyme and applied various rhymes in his poem. Rhyme in his poem may be divided into seven groups due to number of letters. Number of common letters of rhyme in his poem is from on letter to eight letters.Behzad has specific attention to proportion of rhyme with subject and content of poem and for the purpose of inducing a sense, state and the desired theme incorporated the music of rhyme with the music of row. Therefore, authors of this article are engaged in studying rhyme from common letters in Behzad’s poem.

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One of the important raised matters and subjects in the poem and Persian literature specially in two styles and schools of Azarbaijani and Hendi are public culture and believes and matters and the forms of life of people, that because of not complete and enough research about them and the short age of resources in description and interpretation of them, result in different and sometimes false apprehension. One of these cases is interpretation of " the feather of bread" and the kissing of bread, that came in two bits of Khaqani and the masters that deal to description of poem of Khaqani, mean it little finy and thin piece of bread or border of bread and in the interpretation of "the kiss of woman look like the feather of bread" or "kissing look like feather of bread," considered actor the person, but in our view" the feather of bread" means the bouquet of the feather of the bird that closed by a string, and in the past specially in the village areas that person cooked bread in their home, knocked it to the paste of bread for sketching it, and in the interpretation of kissing of the feather of bread, in our view, the actor of adjective in the form of the metaphor of Maknie from the kind of recognition, is the feather of bread, that the act of knocking of it on the paste and touching with it, interpreted as a kiss.

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View 1436

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One of the significant style features in the new of the Khaqani’s poem is profit of wordplay and another well-known style feature of him is using of the idioms and words special for different knowledge, that between them, the music knowledge had much evident. Our basic question is that, how much are the roles of using music knowledge idiom in his poem’s wordplays, and the another question is that the work of Khaqani what could be compare with Hafez’s poem, that it used of wordplays too.For answer to this question, classified and investigation the music wordplays especially Khaqani’s poem and the common words in the Khaqani’s poetical work and Hafez’s poetical work in this essay with statistic method.

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View 822

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This research with the approach of developmental stylistics, in a descriptive-analytical way tried to answer to these two fundamental questions that personal style of Naser Khosrow in processing to mentioned subjects and creating structural homogeneity (between form and meaning) is based on which literary figure of speeches? And what is the most high frequency type in Naser Khosrow poems and why? As per results of this research, the major ring of this structural suitability (the association between the form and content) and the most prominent stylistic feature of Naser Khosrow’s poem are selecting ironic language and the scope of its application in vertical and horizontal levels of poems. A high frequency range of irony figure of speech which may be defined as a rhetorical element and style-maker is expression of corresponding among appearance and reality in discourse and indirect expression of concepts and application of its different types which find in word and discourse in proportion of subject and audience, said the unique capability of Naser Khosrow in coordination between language and meaning. Whereas, lexical or verbal irony frequency along with Socratic irony in his poems is visible targeted approach of Naser Khosrow in using ironic language capacities for inducing ideas, promoting and explaining verbal thoughts of the Ismailia religion.

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This research investigate and analyse two odes of Khaqani(in the praison and seclution and boasting event/ in the protest of prison and pseudonym of prais of Azimolrum Azlodole Qeisar)and Masud Sad (in the praise of Mohamad Ali “The prisoner of Nay”/ on the base of situation) in the subject of prison on the base of explain stylistic.In this style, the texts of the shared context were different from the affection and fancy degree.This stylistic theory analyzed from the view of language differences of the text of the Shared contexts. But in this essay analyzed the poems of the shared contexts of Masud Sad and Kahqani from the view of language and eloquence differences and also from the thought view. The poem of Masud Sad and Kahaqani according to the beyond issues of text such as the duration of the time of prison, the reasons of this prisoner, the value of effective from the prison’s conditions, found different language and explaining. Both of poems, in the field of words, picturing and in total substitute axis they perform choosing, that talked about the special looking of each of them to the inside and indoor of itself world.In first part of this essay introduce the explain stylistic briefly. In the second part, talked shortly about the life and situations of these two poems. And then in the final part, Investigated the style differences (language, eloquence, and thought) of two odes of Khaqani and Masud Sad with their shared contexts.

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The long Bahar of Mirabdolazim-Marashi is one of the first long bBahar in Persian.This long Bahar that the writer, wrote it in the form of a letter address to one the local ruler of teimury period, came in the Tabarestan and Royan and Mazandaran history the write of Zahrodin –Marash under the adventure of the writer. This long Bahr, moreover of its time priority involved complex phrases and sentences that unit now nobody explained and interpretation of it, and most of people that talked about this long Bahr, and just said that this writing is full of complexity and " Taghid". It is clear that if don’t clear the problems and the complexities of a text, there aren't the possibility of investigation of the style of famous completely. This research, firstly deal to the brief description of these complexities, and then investigatioed the quality of the familiar style in 3 levels of linguistic, literature, and tought. Also, in the form of history scrutiny, they estimated the exact history of composing it, and proven this hypothesis that this writing is the first long Bahr in Persian.

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One of the imagination forms which emerged in the mystical poetry and obviously used in such poems is symbol. Extensive capacity of symbolic form for accepting reasonable concepts which changed it to one of the most appropriate forms for relative explanation of mystical unknown facts and embodiment of spiritual experiences. Symbolism with nature is one of the brilliant features of Molana’s style. Therefore, analysis the role of nature elements in formation of symbols also has specific importance and analysis of symbols created through nature are the most essential researches for recognizing one of the most important parts of our literature which is symbolic poetry and prose. Therefore, the goal of this research after a review on application method of these symbols in poetry before Molavi and analysis of differences and distinctions of such pictures in poem of Molana, studying natural symbols of his sonnet are description of using each of them and analysis the concepts behind them. Despite several researches about Molavi’s sonnets so far, it is a goal which not presented as an independent research and observer to details article.

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The effect of environment, environment elements and the meaning essence of the works have meaningful and determinant role in the style and in the style features of the works. For example, in the valuable Tohfeolmomenin that it wrote about the old medicine, the effects of the environment and the old medicine on the style features of this work are significant and important. However this work is one of the most significant works of the old and traditional medicine during the history of Iran, and is the most important medicine work of Safavie period, and encirclement of the writer in this work( Savant, Momen Tonekaboni), is unique on the past in this subject. This work can considered as an agent of the same works in the Safavi period, and investigated from different views because of its importantly. Tohfelomomenin, with its special style that become unique between the same works, was under the care from the past, whether from the scientific context view or from the stylistic view as an example of scientific prose of the Safavi period. We tried in these essays that answer to this question “What is the most important stylistic style of Tohfeolmomenin?

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This article is a step in the review and place of Hasr and Ghasr (confinement and curtailment) as one of the most important chapters of the Rhetorics and Rhetorical approaches in the analysis of texts. In rhetoric, the assignment (Ekhtesas) means confinement of something or a work to someone, or someone or something to do, or excluding something or someone to a work. Among these. Approaches And purposes of Hasr and Ghasr (confinement and curtailment) of literary texts and poetry set in the comprehensive analysis has Excellent this basis, Hasr and Ghasr( confinement and curtailment) is common rhetorically ability between speaker and audience. This capability for speaker is turning on his inner thoughts and induction and for audience is Analysis and understanding of his work content. Lyrics Qysramyn Pour has been studied and analyzed because of application of new themes and the poetic elegance in the Hasr and Ghasr (confinement and curtailment).

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Some parts of the stories of Shahname are legend- hero, And the story of Rostam and Sfandiar is in this part of Shahname too.The researchers believe that the composition of the epic anecdotes were in the last period of Sasani, and there were sharing between epic anecdotes and history events that are observable. Moreover the story form of Shahname forms it time able and history process from the old to new, and it raise the matter of affective from the older anecdotes in the new anecdotes, so it seems that because the Sfandiar story is more novel as compare with the another parts of legend- epic, there are the possibility of effective of producer and processor of it from the past parts, specially the first parts of the epic.From this view in process and making the Sfandiar character, in the doings and traits and his epics, pay intentioned and profited to Rostam and Sohrab and Siavash and its stories in tow parts of the story methods and characteristic.Such that we can find several similarities between them.This essay deal to the investigation of this points and Sharings.

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Tarasol and essay are from the virtuous and valuable techniques of the poetical works, and the writers and copyists moreover than offering the theoretical rules of writing, author shipped the scientific works. Such as Zinah-o-lketab” relative to Beihaqi, “Atbe-lkatabe” Badi Javini, and “Dastur-o-lketab” Hendushah. In these books moreover than the beautiful and valuable prose, the style and the method of writing they are considered as an instruction and a model for correct and beautiful writing.Another works in this field is “Tarasol” Moin-oldin Sfazari, the famous writer and poem of the ninth century that available some volume of it. These works involve an introduction, four sources, and a finish- Some different kinds of formal and informal letters came in this work.So, Sfazari tried that his work was comprehensive in writings in the Teimuri era, and also was an example and model for writer and usual people, and maybe for this reason tarasol profited from the accepting of the popular. The basic question of research in the first the popular. The basic question of research in the first stage is that “What are the basic features of the prose style of the Safavi era especially in the Tarasol works and essay? And secondly, what are the style features of the Tarasol-Sfandiary? The style of the prose of the tarsal Sfazari moreover than the simplicity of the total process of the prose in the Teimuri era, considered technique prose, of course the total attitude toward of the court writer in this era is artificial and technique prose. The writers of this essay tried moreover than brief introduce of Sfazari and his Tarasol, told the Stylke feature of the work.

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Jahan Malek Khatun is the girl of Jalalodin-Masud-Shah her pen name was Jahan from the poem of the second held of eight century A.H in Shiraz. Her poems are more than 15937 bit involved: ode, refrain, pieces, different prose and quatrains.Jahan’s prose from the view of the outside structure and not from the philosophy theme was effective of the Hafez’s prose, and from the view of language it was simple and free of pretense, But the arrays such as, show grace similes, irony stressed metaphor, and irony of action and word play were observable in it.The frequencies of some words are much in her poem, such as: lock of hair, Savannas, King and beggar.From the theme aspect, the more important feature of the Jahan Malek’s poem is its feminist. Jahan Makek wrote explicit everything that felt, with full of love and happiness. And also contrast of love and mind believe to destiny, love to God, and protest were the significant points of her poetical works.The writer of this essay tried analyzed the prose of Jahan-Malek-Khatun from the view of language stylistic, literature and bought.

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This article is based on the pivotal assumption that most of the literary works must not considered a merely literary apart from social, political and etc fields, but, aside their literary essence, they are including content and points of political and social issues of their era and they must be studied in accordance with historical and social factors which affected the author. Golestan of Saadi is one of the works full of social subjects and political concepts. One of the political concepts is justice which is the most important political concept may be extracted from Golestan (specially its first chapter). Saadi rhetorically engaged in relations between government and people on justice axis. Whereas, understanding and perception of Saadi from justice is based on common perception of thinkers of justice theory and we cannot claiming innovation in Golestan in this regard (it means that he is not a political thinker and Golestan is not a political book). But he inserted effectively this concept in his anecdotes, in order to could effect on political conduct of governors and current relations of people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Music and rhythm of the words after the imagination element more than any other elements are become familiar with poem and may be effective toward induction of poetic themes and emotions. It can be said that, if the poet preserves the proportion between music and poetic theme takes step toward durability of his poem. Gheysar Aminpour is one of the poets creates exquisite and pristine images through deep cognitive of facilities and capacities of language and consistency and appropriateness of music and content in his poems are noteworthy. Appropriateness and balance of music and content in his poem are observed in application of voices, syllables, measure, rhythm and other poetic levels.Current research with descriptive – analytical method engaged in analysis of poetic books of “Tanafose Sobh”, Aynehaye Nagahan”, “Golha Hame Aftabgradanand” & “Dastoore Zabane Eshgh” of Gheysar Aminpour. Therefore, appropriateness of music and content of Gheysar’s poem were studied and analyzed in three external, middle and lateral music levels. The results showed that the poet has benefitted from appropriateness of music and content in the above mentioned levels and therefore, his poems are full of poetic music from literary and essence of the poem point of view.

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The book Alkashf a Moshkelato Alkashaf known as Kashfe Kashef is a description which was written on the interpretation of Kashfe Zamakhshari in the eighth century. (d. 538 LH.) Author of this book in different ways was recorded in old and new Tazkere. This article seeks to show that "Siraj al-Din Omar bin Abdul Rahman Behbahani" is Persian. Other name mentioned in Tazkere has no credibility. Also in this research other compositions of the authormentioned.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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