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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: Undoubtedly create or strengthen the leadership skills in personnel to meet the future professional needs and as one of the development and professional excellence factors in complex organizations such as health care system. But create or strengthen the leadership skills in personnel need to understand the various aspects and factors affecting it.Aim: This study designed with content analysis approach to explain the main component of leadership skills in the nursing profession.Method: This study designed with qualitative approach and performed with conventional content analysis method.Participants in the study were successful nurses who were selected by purposive sampling and face to face semi-structured interview. In this study nineteen interviews were conducted and were analyzed after transcription. The semantic similarity was revised and subcategories were identified and then the related subcategories were put in a category in review revised.Results: Data analysis eventually led to the extraction of 400 primary codes, 19 subcategories, 4 categories and one theme. In this study the main categories include: self-direction, capacity building for others to patterning, effective management of duties and professional responsibilities and professional socialization efforts. That sterategic professional insight was latent theme that derived from nurses’ lived experiences.Conclusion: In order to results designing proper policies and strategies to create and strengthen of these skills in nurses should be considered. In this way improve the quality of nursing services will be provided.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Procrastination as one of the biggest obstacles to human resource efficiency has an important role in reducing performance, productivity and health of employees and organizations.Any kind of procrastination can cause irreversible complications for patients in hospitals.Aim: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of procrastination and relationship between demographic and job characteristics in nursing and midwifery staff.Method: This Cross-sectional study was conducted in 2013 in Isfahan social welfare hospitals. The study sample included nursing and midwifery staff (n=290) were selected through stratified randomized sampling. Data were collected by demographic questionnaire and organizational procrastination scale. Procrastination scale is a self report questionnaire includes 25 items and three subscales of inefficiency, mental anxiety and aversion of duty. The reliability (a=0.892) approved in past studies. Data was analyzed with correlation coefficient, ANOVA and independent T test in 0.05 significant levels with using spss21 software.Results: The mean score of procrastination was 52.46 ± 12.99. More 70 percent of the staff had low procrastination, and 1.5 percent had a high procrastination. Mean score of procrastination scale had significant relationship with hospital service (P=0.039).Subscale scores of inefficiency were significantly higher in males’nursing staff. Procrastination in emergency and surgical wards’staff, midwives, official employees and married employees was higher but the occupational and personal factors didn’t associated with the procrastination significantly (P>0.05).Conclusion: Due to the sensitivity of the nursing and midwifery staff tasks, identifying, training and managing the staff with medium and high procrastination is recommended.

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Introduction: Nurses’ empathy with patients as a ethical behavior to respect the patients’ dignity, always has been considered by hospital managers and policy makers in the health systems. In this regard, it is important to identify the anttecedence that we can increase these behaviors among the nurses by them.Aim: Current study aimes to test a model that explain the effective factores on nurses’ empathetic behavior with patients.Method: Using the convenience sampling method, a sample of 143 nurses in a public hospital were selected and the data were gathered. Data were gathered by the (perceived organizational support: POS) questionaire, nurses’ job engagement measure and Responsibility measure. Its reliability by Cronbach (a=0.71-0.91) in diferrent doains. Also, the measure of nurses’ empathetic behavior was designed by researcher. Finally, using the SPSS software, data were analysed, and the structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach (Smart PLS Software) was used to analyse the relationships among the variables.Results: According to the faindings, both affective and instrumental dimention of percived social supports, have positive effects on nurses’ job engagment (respectively β: 0.27, T: 2.41 and b: 0.34, T: 3.13). Moreover, nurses’ job engagement and their ethical responsibility positively have 0.28 and 0.45 effect on their empathy with patients; respectively with T: 3.50 and T: 5.37.Conclusion: Based on results suggest to nurse managers by providing social support for nurces, as a managerial factor, nurses’ethical responsibility as an individual factor, must be incentive them; positively can be reflected in their empathetic behavior with patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Due to the importance of empowering nurses, increasing their organizational learning and forming organizational trust, it is of utmost importance to address the factors since human resources as the central element of an organization can play a significant role for reaching the organizational goals.Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between psychological empowerment and organizational trust, with emphasis on the mediating role of organizational learning.Method: The study was descriptive and correlational and it applied Structural Equation Modeling. The study was conducted in 2015. The population consisted of all nurses working in the educational hospitals in the city of Hamadan. Applying stratified random sampling and using the formula proposed by Krejcie and Morgan, 260 participants were chosen. For collecting data; standard psychological empowerment (Spritzer1995), an organizational learning (Neif 2001) and an organizational trust questionnaire (Mormen, Blakly & Niehoff 1998) were used. In the pilot study participated (30) nurses and by using Cronbach alpha coefficient, the reliability of these questionnaires was found to be 0.87, 0.94 and 0.89, respectively.Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and Structural Equation Modeling by SSPS16 and LISREL8.8.Results: The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship (p<0.01) between psychological empowerment, organizational learning and organizational trust. Moreover, the findings revealed a significant positive relationship (p<0.05) between psychological empowerment and organizational trust with a mediating role of organizational learning.Conclusion: Utilizing plans for empowering the employees and providing suitable conditions for developing and increasing organizational learning, hospital administrators can pave the way for forming and strengthening organizational trust among nurses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Clinical risk management concerns with improving the quality and safety of healthcare services. Risk management assessment in the hospital is the infrastructure of planning in the field of crisis management and is one of fundamental issues in medicine.Aim: This study was done for assessing hospitals clinical risk management in Tehran.Method: In this descriptive study the data were gathered by questionnaire in five- point Likert scale that was based on NHS QIS and after assessing content by experts. Hospitals were selected randomly in Tehran and then selected clinical governance team member census (a total of 170) questionnaires completed. For content validity confirmatory factor analysis using Smart PLS3 and SPSS software was applied to analysis T- test in the data.Results: The clinical risk management in general hospitals of Tehran was higher than the average. The mean scores of three indicators (attention to risk management in decision making), (prioritizing risk management action plans), and (the use of risk management experiences), were 3.89, 3.6 and 3.81 respectively.Other indices were evaluated higher than the average..Conclusion: Using NHS QIS for assessing hospitals clinical risk management is suggested. Decisions on the risk management, should be accordance with the safety patient protocols. Supporting the staff to participate in the identification and assessment of risks in hospitals should be pursued seriously by hospital managers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Nowadays, job burnout phenomenon has become a common issue in nursing. Mismanagement of job conflicts could be a significant factor for job burnout in nurses. Thus, the nurses who are not capable of adopting a proper style confronting job conflicts would be more subject to job burnout.Aim: This study was done for an ensign the effect of nurses’conflict management styles on their burnout in Qaem Hospital in Mashhad.Method: This study was a descriptive-correlational. The population of this study include all nurses working in Qaem Hospital of Mashhad. However, the sample size is stratified random selection with 260 nurses. The data collection was done by Thomas’s (1975) conflict management and Maslach’s (1981) job burnout questionnaires. The content validity and reliability of the questionnaires were (by Cronbach’s alpha) on the data analysied by structural equation modeling between 0.70- 0.83.Results: Findings showed that the measurements for styles of cooperative conflict management and compromise are respectively-0.31 and -0.25 which reports a negative significant effect on job burnout and they show a positive significant effect on avoidance and competition styles respectively with 0.18 and 0.16. Also revealed that the existence of accommodating management style has had no effect on the population size of the study.Conclusion: It is recommended the nurses apply cooperation and compromise styles for conflict management in daily work in Qaem Hospital because these decrease their job burnout.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Throughout the world, patient safety, which is preventing any accidental injury to the patient during providing the care, is one of the main concerns of all the health system. The behavior and decisions of the health system staff, including those involved in managerial and clinical settings can highly influence in patient safety.Aim: The study was done for prioritization of contributing factors on patient safety by analytical hierarchy process in hospitals.Method: In this descriptive - analytical study, total 215 nurses, physician and managers of two teaching hospitals that affiliated by Gonabad University of Medical Sciences were selected through census sampling. Prioritization of the factors affecting patient safety was done by using a questionnaire based on Vincent and the hierarchical analysis. Its internal consistency was (α=0.76).The data were analyzed using SPSS Software and Expert Choice 11.Results: 58% of samples were female and 81% of the them were nurse, 12% were physician and the rest were administrative staff.The participants prioritized the factors influencing patient safety according to significant coefficient as task (0.399), team (0.220), individual (0.210) hospital management (0.076), patient (0.059), and infra-hospital (0.035 There was a significant difference between the task, team, managerial hospital, and infra-hospital factors among the nurses, physicians, and managerial staff (p˂0.001). All of health care staff did not perceive latent factors in patients’ safety.Conclusion: In order to improve patient safety we need greater attention to the latent factors. So, it is suggested that hospital administrators be held workshops to promote awareness and perception nurses, doctors and managers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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