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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), an annual with indeterminate growth habit, is one of the most important food legumes. Loss of foliage due to leaf diseases or environmental hazards are prevalent for many crops. Such loss of foliage affects the yield and also the carbohydrate and protein status of leaves and seeds. The source-sink relationship change during growth stages. Few factors including nitrogen fertilizer and water influence this relationship. This experiment was conducted in order to study the effects of nitrogen fertilizer, supplementary irrigation and defoliation on yield and yield components of chickpea.Materials & Methods: The experiment was conducted as split-split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in research farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran in 2012. Main plot was nitrogen fertilizer including 30, 75 and 150 kg N/ha and sub-plot was irrigation regimes including full irrigation, supplemental irrigation at flowering and supplemental irrigation at flowering and seed filling stages. Defoliation including 0, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% was considered as sub-sub plot. Leaf and stem dry weight, seed yield, biological yield, pod number per plant, grain number per plant, 100 grain weight and harvest index were all recorded.Results & Discussion: The results indicated that all traits excluding harvest index were higher in 150 kg N.ha-1 treatment compared to other levels of nitrogen. Nitrogen rate of 150 kg.ha-1 produced the highest grain yield (135.7 g.m-2). The highest harvest index (40.7%) was obtained at 30 kg.ha-1 N treatment. Full irrigation and supplemental irrigation at flowering and poding stages with average grain yield of 146 g.m-2 were higher than supplemental irrigation at flowering (83 g.m-2). Supplemental irrigation at flowering and poding stages showed the highest harvest index (41.2 %). The highest biological yield was obtained from 150 kg N.ha-1 (413 g.m-2) and full irrigation (415 g.m-2). Nitrogen rate 75 kg.ha-1 at 0% defoliation (control), resulted in the highest seed yield (177 g.m-2). The lowest seed yield (58 g.m-2) was obtained from 75 kg.ha-1 nitrogen treatment and complete defoliation. By increasing of N fertilizer application, the negative effects of defoliation in some traits such as pod number and seed and leaf weight decreased. In 30 and 75 kg.ha-1 nitrogen treatment, 100% defoliation decreased pod number to 50%, but this was 20% in 150 kg.ha-1 nitrogen treatment. Full irrigation with 0% defoliation produced the highest (196 g.m-2) and supplemental irrigation at flowering stage with complete defoliation the lowest (56 g.m-2) grain yield. Defoliation decreased the most of mentioned traits significantly. Complete defoliation decreased grain and biological yield to 46% and 56%, respectively compared to the control. The lowest harvest index (29%) was obtained in complete defoliation. All of traits including pod number, seed number, harvest index and biological yield had positive and significant correlation with seed yield. Biological yield (83%) had highest correlation with yield.Conclusion: Generally, defoliation decreased grain yield. However, application of nitrogen fertilizer at low levels could decrease the negative effects of defoliation. High N application improved the ability of plant to compensate the leaves that removed grain yield in treatments of full irrigation and supplementary irrigation at flowering and depoding stages was equivalent, therefore under water deficit condition, supplementary irrigation at flowering and podding stages recommend.

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Introduction: Chickpea is a poor competitor to weeds because of slow growth rate and limited leaf area development at early stages of crop growth and establishment. Crop yield loss could be be in high extent due to increasing of weed biomass, weed density and weed species. Chickpea yield losses due to weed competition have been estimated to range between 40 and 87% depending on weed species and density. Herbicides play a key role in weed control and are used extensively today. The current tendency in chickpea weed control in the Mediterranean region is to shift from the costly manual mechanical energy to the chemical energy through more usage of effective herbicides particularly with the increased adoption of winter sowing. Several herbicides with different mode of action such as Trifloralin (Treflan) and Pendimetalin (Prowl) are used for weed control in chickpea farms. Nevertheless herbicide application may have several important environmental issues. These include unintended damage occurring both on the sprayed site, and offsite. Herbicide use also injures the human and animals. Integrated weed management (IWM) is the most important strategies to avoid herbicide environmental issue and increasing inputs productivity. Furthermore, integrated weed management strategies attempt to limit the deleterious effects of weed growing on crop plants. The present report describes the effect of integrated methods on weed density and grain yield of chickpea under Shoushtar conditions.Materials & Methods: In order to study the effects of integrated weed management (chemical and mechanical) in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) a field experiment was conducted during 2009-2010 at IAU Shooshtar Branch. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block with four replications. Treatments were consisted of eleven combinations of once and twice mechanical control (using cultivator) with Trifloralin and Pendimetalin herbicides (pre-plant) and two control treatments, consisted weedy and weed-free plots. Herbicides where mixed with soil one week before planting. Weed samples were taken by randomly throwing a quadrate of 0.25 m2 area. Analysis of variance was performed using the SAS Ver 9.1 software and treatment means were compared using LSD (Least significant difference) at 5% of probability.Results & Discussion: Results showed that the highest weed controls was related to the treatments with twice cultivation+ Trifloralin+ Pendimetalin. Malcolmia behboudiana and Chenopodium album control in this treatment was 87.2 and 91.8%, respectively. The highest weed control with 75.6, 78.85 and 88.86% was in Trifloralin+ twice cultivation, Pendimetalin+ twice cultivation and twice cultivation+ Pendimetalin+ Trifloralin treatments, respectively.The lowest grain yield was observed in weedy plots without weed control. Grain yield reduction under weedy treatment was 72% lower than weed free plots. There was no significant difference between control treatment without weed control and once cultivation treatment. Integrating weed control had higher controlling impact on weed growth compared with individual use of cultivation and herbicides. Twice cultivation+ Pendimetalin+ Trifloralin treatment had the highest grain yield. Higher grain yield in these treatments was due to increase in lateral branches, the number of pods per plant, and accordingly, the number of grains per plant. The effect of treatments on number of pods per main and lateral branches and also the number of pods per plant was significant. Integrated weed control treatment with twice cultivation plus both herbicides had the highest pod number per plant.Chickpea biological yield in weedy control showed a significant reduction of 32.4% compared with weed free treatment. The highest chickpea biological yield was belonged to weed free and twice cultivation+ Pendimetalin+ Trifloralin treatments. The effect of weed control treatments on the number of pods per plant was significant.Conclusion: In general, the results of this study showed that chickpea plants are not poor competitor to weeds only at its early stages, but at later stages of growth had a low ability to compete with weeds. Thereby, treatments such as pre-plant herbicides and once cultivation that control weeds only in the earlier stages of the crop growth are less effective than the combination of herbicide and twice cultivation.

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Introduction: Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) is an important and highly nutritious crop belonging to the family of legumes. Lentil is cultivated worldwide but competition with weeds is a problem affecting production and can reduce performance by more than 80%. Euphorbia helioscopia weed is a major weed in lentil cultivation. In the first place, it is necessary to have a thorough and comprehensive knowledge about the characteristics of the lentils and the accompanying impurities to mechanize the process of automatizing activities related to lentils such as warehousing, sorting (grading), packaging, transportation and other activities. On the other hand, physical and aerodynamic properties of agricultural products were always regarded as significant because those are the basis for designing and construction of agricultural and machineries, transport equipment, grading and processing of agricultural products. Designing agricultural machineries was impossible without regarding these parameters, or it would lead to weak results. The study of physical properties and separation of Euphorbia helioscopia weed from lentil by a gravity separator is of extreme importance. Since no study has been done to date, in this work physical properties of lentil and Euphorbia helioscopia weed are investigated. Moroever, the effects of different parameters of a gravity separator and their influence on the separation of Euphorbia helioscopia weed from lentil seeds are evaluated.Materials & Methods: In the present research, lentil samples were taken from farms in Ardebil province (Bileh-Savar cultivar) and transferred to the seed technology laboratory at the University of Tehran. In addition, some physical properties of lentil and weed of Euphorbia helioscopia including mass of 1000 seeds, volume, true and bulk densities and porosity and static coefficient of friction (two types of friction surface: galvanized iron sheet and particle board) were measured. In addition, in this research, a gravity separator apparatus was used for separating weed of Euphorbia helioscopia from lentils. A Laboratory Gravity Separator Type LA-K (Westrup A/S Denmark) was used to separate Euphorbia helioscopia weed from lentil seeds. Influence of parameters of machine table (longitudinal and latitudinal slopes, oscillation frequency and amplitude and velocity of air) have been studied for obtaining of maximum separation of weed of Euphorbia helioscopia from lentils. Data analysis and comparison of means were done by using MSTAT-C software and Duncan's Multiple Range Test.Results & Discussion: The obtained results show the main effects oscillation of frequency, latitudinal slope, and longitudinal slope, the mutual binary effect of latitudinal and longitudinal slope, the mutual binary effect of the latitudinal slope and the frequency of oscillation were significant at a 1% and the mutual binary effect of the longitudinal slope and the frequency of oscillation significant at a 5%. However, the mutual triple effect of oscillation frequency, longitudinal slope, and latitudinal slope was not significant. Furthermore, results showed that increase of latitudinal slope of table and increase of longitudinal slope from 1.25 to 2 degrees increased separation of weed of Euphorbia helioscopia from lentils. The results of the experiment showed that the separation of Euphorbia helioscopia weed from lentils get to maximum 14.2 percent. After determining most suitable amplitude and velocity of air, using data from the longitudinal slope, latitudinal slope and dimensionless number (V/aw) was used to calculate mathematical relations of separation percentage of Euphorbia helioscopia weed from lentil clumps using Datafit software.Conclusion:1. Physical properties obtained for lentil were as weight of 1000 seeds (57.03 g), true density (1.214 g cm-3), bulk density (0.782 g cm-3), coefficient of static friction (galvanized iron sheet (0.394 degrees) and particle board (0.37 degrees)), porosity (35.59 %), and the Euphorbia helioscopia weed including weight of 1000 seeds (5.69 g), true density (0.857 g cm-3), bulk density (0.538 g cm-3), coefficient of static friction (galvanized iron sheet (0.32 degrees) and particle board (0.40 degrees)), porosity (37.2 %).2. Increased latitudinal slope of the table from 0.5° to 1° and longitudinal slope of the table from 1.25° to 2° result in increased separation percentage of wild oat weed from lentil seeds.3. The results demonstrated that at settings of longitudinal slope of 2°, latitudinal slope 1°, and frequency of oscillation 400 cycles min-1, the maximum separation was 14.2%. In this case, the output lentil seeds contained the least amount of wild oat weeds.

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Introduction: One of the acute nutritional problems is protein deficiencies of millions humankind under developing countries. Legumes are one of the important sources of protein after cereals. The range of protein content of legumes is between 18 to 23 percent that makes it a good source of protein for low income people (Mohammadzadeh, 2012). Legumes with biological fixation can improve soil fertility which can be in crop rotation that is useful in soil conservation (Parsa and Bagheri, 2008). In sustainable agriculture as legumes expect low nutrient they can be cultivated in low input agriculture. Bean (Vigna unguiculata sp. Sinensis) is one of the valuable crops from point of nutrient view especially in vitamins and proteins (Zia-Ul-Haq et al., 2013). This crop has wide range of compatibility under different climate and it is cultivated in wide range of soil with good management. In Iran this crop is cultivate for a long time. In regions like Garmsar and Varamine and some alike climate it is one of the main crops. Combination of chemical fertilizer and manure can creat suitable environment for plant growth, as manure has suitable effect on soil properties and chemical fertilizers can cause better nutrient availability. Fish waste is one of the organic fertilizers that has been used for a long time, dating back to Egyptian in Egypt and Red Indian in America. This manure is full of nutrient like nitrogen, phosphorus which can be beneficial to farms. The aim of this research was to study the effect of fish waste manure and chemical fertilizers on qualitative and quaititative properties of bean and soil physical and chemical properties.Materials & Methods: This experiment was conducted in 2012-2013 in greenhouse of agriculture college of Shahrood University. This research was carried out in the form of factorial based on randomize completly design with three replications. Experimental factors were fish waste in three levels: controls (F0), 500 kg ha-1 (F1) and 1000 kg ha-1 (F3). Chemical fertilizers in three levels: control (N0P0K0), half of the local recommendation (N1P1K1, nitrogen 25 kg ha-1, phosphorus 40 kg ha-1, and potassium 35 kg ha-1) and local recommendation (N2P2K2), nitrogen 50 kg ha-1, phosphorus 80 kg ha-1, and potassium 70 kg ha-1. Psodomonas bacteria with two levels: control (B0) and applied (B1). Physical and chemical properties of soil were analysed before conducting the research. Pots were filled with 6 kg soil and treatments were mixed with the soil and ten seeds were sown in each pot. Plant components like plant height, pod in plants, seed number in pods, total dry weight of shoot, pod dry weight and leaf chlorophyll with SPAD 502 were analyesd. Nitrogen was evaluated with kejehldal, phosphorus with Olsan P (1954), Organic C with walkley and Black methods (1934), pH with pH meter, and ECe with EC meter. All data were analyzed for analysis of variance with MSTATC and Excel 2007 and mean comparisons were done using LSD at 5 percent level of significant.Results & Discussion: Chemical fertilizers had significant effect on plant height at 1% level of significance. However, the effect of fish waste, psodomonas bacteria and their interactions compare to control had increasing effect on plant hight but was not significant. The main effect and interaction of fish waste and psodomonas bacteria were significant at 1% level on pod weight. However, the highest pod weight was observed in the application of chemical fertilizer at N2P2K2. Nevertheless, the application of chemical fertilizers can provide essential elements to plat for better growth. Application of chemical fertilizers had significant effect on plant total shoot weight, other treatments and their interactions did not have significant effect on plant total shoot weight. Chemical fertilizers application at N2P2K2 and fish waste application had significant effects on leaf chlorophyll. Except chemical fertilizers other treatments had significant effects on seed protein percentage at 1% level of significance. The interaction effects of chemical fertilizer and psodomonas bacteria on seed protein percent had increasing effect compared with control. Application of fish waste had significant effect on seed phosphorus at 5% level of significance, but application of chemical fertilizers and its interaction with fish waste had significant effect at 1% level on seed phosphorus, also their effects and their interactions on seed potassium were significant at 1% level, however psodomonas bacteria had no significant effect on seed potassium. Application of chemical fertilizers had significant effect at 5% level on soil EC and fish waste had significant effect at 1% level on soil electrical conductivity. Application of fish waste and psodomonas bacteria had significant decreasing effect on soil pH compare to control. Amoung all treatments, only fish waste had significant effect on soil organic matter. Chemical fertilizer application and its interaction with fish waste and psodomonas bacteria had significant effect on soil nitrogen percent, but this increase was more in chemical fertilizer application. Between all treatments only application of chemical fertilizers had significant effect on soil available potassium.Conclusion: According to results, application of fish waste and psodomonas bacteria had significant effect on all evaluated properties of plant and soil.

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Introduction: Some techniques such as seed priming and exogenous applications before and during cultivation are effective on yield. Seed priming is one of the methods in seed enhancement that is used for increasing the germination of seeds and improving seedling growth. Seed priming increase seed activity, germination percentage, germination rate under different environmental conditions, it also decrease mean germination time. Deficit nitrogen is one of the main factors decreasing plant growth. Result showed that seed priming with Rhizobium increased grain yield in bean cultivars. Zinc is one of the essential micronutrients for the growth and human and animals activities. Zinc can contribute in cellular processes such as defense against free radicals, electron transmit, Auxin and protein biosynthesis, cellular reproduction and reproductive growth. Salicylic acid is a common plant-produced phenolic compound having key roles such as stomatal movement, seed germination, ion absorption, and responses to environmental stresses. The exogenous application of SA helped the activation of a range of plant defense genes, increased resistance to infection; decreased damages caused by exposure to ultraviolet light and ozone and improved drought tolerance in plants. The current paper studies the effect of different solutions and seed priming treatments on germination, agronomic and quality characteristics of red bean genotypes.Materials & Methods: In order to evaluate the effect of different treatments including solution and seed priming on germination, agronomic and protein characteristics at red bean genotypes, an experiment was carried out at laboratory and field. The research carried out as factorial experiment based on completely randomized design at laboratory and randomized complete block design with three replications in field conditions at 15 Km Arak road-Tehran in 2011. Factors were three red bean genotypes including Goli, Akhtar and D81088 and five levels of priming including control, distilled water, zinc sulphate, salicylic acid, and Rhizobium Leguminosarum Biovar Phaseoli in field conditions. At laboratory conditions, 25 bean seeds were planted in Petri dish as on paper. At field, bean seeds were planted 15 cm apart in 5-m rows, with a 40-cm spacing. At final harvest 2.4 m2 was harvested from the middle of each plot and the grain yield was evaluated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance using MSTAT-C. Means were compared using Duncan's Multiple Range Test at P=0.05.Results & Discussion: Results showed that maximum germination percentage (94.67%) were record for Akhtar cultivar. The interaction effect of treatments showed that, the highest germination percentage (94%) was obtained from Goli cultivar along with solution of water distilled.The effect of cultivar on daily germination rate was significant. The maximum daily germination rate (seed per day) was observed from Goli cultivar. Seed treatment with solution of salicylic acid and Rhizobium increased radical length and seedling weight vigor index traits. Treatment with salicylic acid and Rhizobium increased radical length by 17.9 and 13.8% compared with seed priming with water distilled. It seems that salicylic acid by adjusting the physiological process can increase radical length. The maximum seedling weight vigor index (6.39 g) was recorded for seed treatment with Rhizobium solution. Rhizobium produced cytokinin and therefore can increase cellular division, seedling weight and seedling weight vigor index. The maximum number of grain per pod (5.97) was recorded for Goli cultivar. Seed priming with zinc sulfate, salicylic acid and Rhizobium increased protein percentage by 1.8, 3.37 and 6.25% compared with control, respectively. The interaction effect of treatments showed that, the highest protein percentage (23.87%) was obtained from seed priming with Rhizobium in Goli cultivar. Seed priming with zinc sulphate, salicylic acid and Rhizobium increased grain yield in three genotypes more than priming with water distilled. Goli cultivar was the best in daily germination rate, plant height, and number of grain per pod, seed protein amount and grain yield traits; compared to other genotypes. Seed priming with Rhizobium, salicylic acid and zinc sulphate increased grain yield by 10.3, 9.9 and 8.6 %, compared to the control, respectively.Conclusion: In general, results showed that the maximum of seedling weight vigor index (7.23 g) was record for Akhtar cultivar along with seed treatment with Rhizobium solution. The maximum grain yield (3143 kg/ha) and protein percentage (23.87%) was observed in Goli cultivar and Rhizobium priming.

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Introduction: Chickpea pod borer worm damages the chickpea crops in countries such as India, Mexico, Australia, the USA, Uganda and Iran. This worm is considered as the main pest in chickpea cultivation. After cereals, chickpea cultivation involves the highest cultivation area in Ilam province and it is of utmost importance regarding the farmers income as well as cultivation sequence plans. In Ilam, Kermanshah, Lorestan and Golestan Provinces, which have a mild winter, therefore autumn cultivation is recommended instead of spring cultivation and while the damage of negative factors is higher in the autumn cultivation, the yield is still higher than the spring cultivation. Regarding chickpea cultivation in Ilam province, there are three different species of Helicoverpathat reducing the yield, which are as follows: (1) Helicoverpab viriplaca, (2) H. armigera and (3) H. peltigera. The species of H. vitiplaca with 94 percent higher frequency than other species is the dominant species in chickpea cultivationby feeding on chickpea leaves and grains, these pests inflict damages. Biological study of chickpea pod borer worm in different plantation dates in Ilam Province showed that the highest larvae and pest density was witnessed during the period between May 10 and May 21. Different varieties of chickpea cultivates in different countries show that the reaction of different varieties to the damage inflicted by the pest has been different; Based on the available literature, there was no reported high resistance against the pest.Materials & Methods: In order to investigate the effects of the date of plantation and the variety on the density and the extent of damage caused by the pest, this study was carried out using complete randomized block design (CRBD) in split plots with six different treatments and three replications in Shirvan Chardavol research station (Ilam Province, Iran) for two years. The main plots included of two plantation dates in autumn (early November) and spring (late February). Sub plots included of three distinct varieties of chickpea including varieties of Hashem, Arman and Azad. The area of each treatment was three meters by five meters and the row distance was 25 cm, the distance between plants on each row was 10 cm, the distance between plots was 1.5 m and the distance between blocks was 2 m. During farm experiment there was no pest control; however, other factors such as land preparation, weed control, blight control and so on were considered. On May 10 (when the most larvae were present), in each treatment, 50 plants were selected randomly and the number of the pest larvae was measured. Moreover, before crop harvesting in each treatment, 100 plants were randomly selected and the number of produced grains and the number of eaten grains (the damaged grains are inside capsules consisting of a noticeable hole where the larva has entered) were counted. Furthermore, the yield in each treatment was weighted and all the data for the scheme including the average produced grains, the average eaten grains in each plant, the average density of larvae in each plants and the treatment yields were analyzed after the transformation of the data using the GLM procedure with SAS software method.Results & Discussion: Results indicated that in autumn cultivation, larva density per plant, grain number per plant and yield per hectare were 0.16 larva, 11.8 grains and 436 Kg, respectively, and those in spring cultivation were 0.04 larva, 7.7 g and 288 Kg, respectively. The results from the literature indicate a high yield and performance for the autumn cultivation due to better utilization of soil humidity, flowering acceleration, pod formation acceleration and longer flowering period, which leads to the fact that autumn cultivation be recommended instead of spring cultivation. Therefore, while in this plantation period, the density of the pest has also increased, still the yield is higher than other cultivation dates. The Arman and Azad varieties with yield of 465 and 400 Kg/ha in comparison with Hashem with 233 Kg/ha had the higher yields. The results of different studies have shown that there are no varieties of chickpea with a high resistance towards pod borer worms; however, some of the varieties show lower extents of damage. For instance, in India, the damage in ICC506 genotype was lower than that of ICCC37 genotype. In overall, Kabul (white) genotype was reported to be more sensitive than Desi (black) genotype towards chickpea pod borer worms.Conclusion: Among the studied plantation dates and varieties, the density, damage inflicted by the pest and the yield, it is concluded that Arman and Azad varieties had the best yield in autumn cultivations.

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Introduction: Legumes are one of the most important sources of protein in the diet of many people in developing countries and are the second largest source of human food. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) ranks 2nd in cultivated area of legumes in the world. Low chickpea performance in Iran with respect to environmental conditions and inaccessibility to adequate water and appropriate genotype and little breeding works has been done on it. Since the main components of genetic and environmental factors that determine the yield and quality of plants, the main purpose of the selection of breeding indices, should focus more on the effects of genetic factors. Genetic diversity in chick pea collection can be used in breeding program for selection of genotype with desirable agronomic traits. Studying relationships between agronomic traits would assist breeders to identify the effective traits and use proper selection intensity in their breeding programs.Material & Methods: In order to evaluate the genetic diversity and identify relationships between yield with other morphological traits, in chickpeas genotype, 28 Kabuli genotypes with two controls i.e. Jam and Kourosh, under non-stress and terminal drought stress condition, an experiment was carried out in a complete block design with three replications on research farm of University of Tehran in 2013.Results & Discussion: For most of the traits, results showed that there were significant differences among genotypes which revealed genetic variation among them. The results of phenotypic correlation under non-stress condition showed that seed yield per plant had significant and positive correlation with seed and pod weight per plant, number of seeds per plant and 100 seed weight. Results under drought stress condition showed that seed yield per plant with seed and pod weight and number of seeds per plant had significant and positive correlation at 1% probability level. According to the results of phenotypic correlations, stepwise regression, path analysis in both conditions (non-stress and with terminal stress), it could be concluded that, the traits such as seed and pod weight per plant, 100-seed weight, and number of seeds per plant were most important and effective traits affecting yield and considering that among the genotypes. Since most variation was observed among genotypes for these traits, therefore selecting and breeding for them could be ideal for improving yield. Based on factor analysis under the non-stress condition, the three factors were selected that explained 69.3 percent of the total variations. The first, second, and third factors were explained 30.32, 26.78 and 12.28 percent of the variations, respectively. The second factor that included five traits (seed and pod weights per plant, number of seeds per plant, seed yield per plant and number of seed per pod) was introduced as the components of yield. Under the terminal drought stress condition, four factors selected that totally were explained 89.6 percent of the variations. The first, second, third and fourth factors were explained as 44.86, 23.43, 11.82 and 9.56 percent of the variations, respectively. In these conditions also, the second factor that included four traits (seed and pod weights per plant, number of seeds per plant and seed yield per plant) was introduced as components of yield. Therefore, these two factors used to identify genotypes with high yield and yield components, in non-stress condition the genotypes 22, 474, 239, 370 and control genotype Jam (No. 998), and in stress condition the genotypes 508, 236 with two control genotypes Jam (No. 998) and Kourosh (No, 999) were selected as high yield and component yield genotypes. According to the results of cluster analysis based on the square Euclidian distance and Ward method, under non-drought stress condition the genotypes classified in 3 clusters. The genotypes of second cluster had high yield comparing with the other clusters and total genotypes average. According to the results of cluster analysis under drought stress condition, the genotypes classified in 4 clusters that the genotypes of third cluster, in seed and pod weights per plant, number of seeds per plant, seed yield per plant and number of seed per pod traits had the highest average comparing with other clusters and total genotypes average. According to the result of cluster analysis, the genotypes in third cluster with two control genotypes (Jam and Kourosh) could be use for produce hybrids and getting yield hybrids.Conclusion: According to the results, the studied chickpea germplasm, are valuable resources, in addition to possess new traits provide high diversity for breeders to improve of the new varieties.

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Introduction: Legumes are very important source of protein after cereals. These plants are capable of biological nitrogen fixation and increasing soil fertility as cover crop or including in crop rotation and reducing soil erosion which improve sustainable agriculture. Increasing use of chemical fertilizer which has negative effect on soil structure which cause unbalance on physical and chemical propertied of soil which ultimately reduce nutrient element absorption. Nowadays due to environmental problems use of biological fertilizers are good substitutions. On the other hand biological fertilizer use improve soil fertility. Protein quantity and quality are basic nutritional problem. According to use of more than 85000 tones chemical fertilizers in legume cultivation in Iran. It is necessary to conduct correct and efficient inoculation for each legume crop in the country including bean, which is one of the important crop for human consumption. In most cases biological fertilizers are complementary of chemical fertilizers in a sustainable agriculture. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of interaction effect of mycorrhiza vesicular, Psodomonas bacteria and humic acid on yield and yield components of bean.Material & Methods: Mycorrhiza inoculation was prepared in soil science Lab in Tabriz University in sterile sandy loam. Bacterial inoculation Pseudomonas putida prepared in soil biology of Tabriz University. Humic acid extraction was done with method of Kay et al., (2004). For Seed bean Phaseolus vulgaris variety Cos-16 from agronomy and plant breeding department of Tabriz University which is resistant to drought. Soils for this experiment were collected from Khalat Poshan research station from 0 to 25 cm depth and passed through 4mm sieve after sun sterile method. Soil physical and chemical properties were estimated with standard methods. Each pot was filled with three kilogram sterile soil. Seventy gram of mycorrhiza inoculation was spread in 5 cm of top soil and then bacteria inoculation was added to soil just below the seeds. Humic acid extracted from vermicompost and applied to soil in the powder form in three levels, control (H0), 200 mg kg-1(H1), and 400 mg kg-1 (H2). Pots were place in green house at 25C. After treatment application 5 seeds were sown in each pots and pot moisture kept at 0.9 FC. Pots were irrigated with distilled water whenever needed. After 4 months plant roots and shoot properties and plant yield and yield components were estimated. This experiment was conducted in the form of factorial on the base of complete randomize block design in Tarbiat Moalem University of Tabriz. First and second factor were in two levels, control and applied for mycorrhiza (M0 and M1) and bacteria P. putida (S0 and S1) and humic acid in three levels control (H0), 200 mg kg-1 (H1) and 400 mg kg-1 (H2) in three replications. Data analysis was done with MSTATC and SPSS and mean comparison were done with LSD test for significance and figures drown with Excel 2007.Results & Discussion: Analysis of variance of data for plant height showed that interaction effects of humic acid and bacteria were significant at 1% level and mycorrhiza was significant at 5% level. Mean comparison of results showed that least plant height mean from interaction of humic acid and bacteria with S0H1 treatment with (28.58 cm) and the highest was (30.35 cm) with S1H1 treatment. Analysis of variance showed that main effect of mycorrhiza were significant at 1% level and interaction effect of humic acid and bacteria at 5% level on shoot wet weight of bean. Analysis of variance for main effect of humic acid and mycorrhiza were significant at 1% level for shoot dry weight and main effect of bacteria and interaction effect of bacteria and mycorrhiza were significant at 5% level for shoot dry weight of bean. Analysis of variance showed that main effect of mycorrhiza and humic acid were significant at 1% level and interaction effect of mycorrhiza and humic acid at 5% level on root dry weight. Analysis of variance of Mycorrhiza and bacteria main effect on ratio of root dry weight to shoot were significant at 1% level and main effect of humic acid and interaction effect of humic acid and mycorrhiza were significant at 5% level. Analysis of variance showed that main effect of mycorrhiza and humic acid were significant at 1% level and main effect of bacteria and interaction effect of mycorrhiza and bacteria were significant at 5% level for seed numbers of bean. Analysis of variance showed that main effect of bacteria and mycorrhiza and interaction effect of bacteria and mycorrhiza were significant at 1% level and interaction effect of bacteria and mycorrhiza were significant at 5% level on stem length. Analysis of variance showed that main effect of humic acid and mycorrhiza were significant at 1% level and main effect of bacteria and interaction effect of humic acid and bacteria were significant at 5% level for stem diameter. Analysis of variance showed the main effect of mycorrhiza was significant at 1% level and main effect of humic acid and interaction effect of bacteria and mycorrhiza and interaction effect of bacteria and humic acid and main effect of humic acid were significant at 5% level for the seed yield.Conclusion: Analysis of variance of experiment treatments in this research showed that treatment applied had positive effect on agronomic properties of bean and humic acid could have direct and positive effect on plant root and shoot growth.

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Introduction: Pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most important bean types in Iran. Cultivation area of pinto bean is about 50% of total bean cultivation area and more than half of grain bean production belongs to this type of bean. Drought is the most important environmental stresses that affects agricultural production in arid and semiarid areas and reduces crop productions. According to FAO reports, 90% of cultivation area in Iran is under arid and semi-arid conditions, so water deficit severely affects crop quantity and quality of most crop. About 60% of bean cultivation area in the world are faced with drought. Bean yield loss due to drought stress depends on severity and duration of stress and genetic variations of genotypes. Bean yield components such as grain weight, grain number per plant and pod number per plant decrease by drought stress. According to the 15 bean genotypes evaluation in favorable moisture conditions and water deficit, there were significantly differences between genotypes for most of yield related traits. Due to limited water resources in the Iran, evaluation of bean genotypes under water stress is important. So this study was conducted to evaluate the changes in yield and yield components of pinto bean genotypes under deficit irrigation conditions.Material and Methods: An experiment as split plot in randomized complete block design base was conducted for evaluation of effect of deficit irrigation at three levels (supply of 100, 80 and 60 percent of crop water requirement as main plot) on pinto bean genotypes in five levels (Taylor, Sadri, C.O.S.16, KS21193 (Koosha193) and KS21486 as sub plot) in Shahrekord university. Before planting, seeds were disinfected with Benomyl fungicide. Then planting was conducted in 30 plant m-2 density. Crop water requirements calculated by Penman-Monteith equation amended by FAO. Irrigation treatments was applied at beginning of V4 stage (unfolding of third trifoliate leaf) and continued in the growing season. At the end of experiment one square meter of each plot harvested and yield and yield components were measured. Data were analyzed in SAS software (version 9.1). Slicing method was used for interaction mean comparison.Results & Discussion: The effects of irrigation regime, genotype and the interaction of irrigation regime and genotype on unfertile pod number, unfertile pod weight, Fertile pod number, fertile pod per plant, grain number, grain weight, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index were significant.COS16 had the greatest fertile pod number and weight per unit area in supply of 100% of crop water requirement condition. Sadri and KS21486 had the highest and lowest percentage of reduction in the number of fertile pods per unit area in supply of 80% of crop water requirement condition respectively. Supply of 100 and 80 percent of water requirement conditions COS16 resulted in greatest grain number m-2. But this genotype did not produce grain by supply of 60% of water requirement condition.Reducing the amount of irrigation water reduced grain weight differently. KS21486 showed 12.8% and 26.5% reduction in grain weight in supply of 80 and 60 percent of crop water requirement conditions, respectively. While COS16 showed 47.1% and 100% reduction in grain weight in supply of 80 and 60 percent of crop water requirement conditions, respectively. Reducing the amount of irrigation water reduced genotypes grain yield. Grain yield of KS21486 decreased by 20.5% and 55.4% in supply of 80% and 60% of crop water requirement conditions, respectively. While KS21193 showed 68.5% and 93.2% grain yield reduction in 80% and 60% of crop water requirement condition, respectively. The highest seed yield by supply of 100 and 80% of plant water requirement condition was observed in C.O.S.16 (594.6 and 289.2 g.m-2 respectively), while C.O.S.16 in supply of 60% of plant water requirement did not produce seed. In supply of 60 percent of plant water requirement condition KS21486 had highest seed yield (109.5 g.m-2).Conclusion: Grain number is more sensitive than grain weight to water deficit condition. Grain number reduced with greater intensity rather than grain weight reduction. In optimum irrigation and moderate water deficit condition C.O.S16 and in severe water deficit condition KS21486 produced more grain than the other genotypes.

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Introduction: Utilization of genetic diversity in crop plants is very important for breeding objectives. Chickpea is the third most important grain legume and its seeds contain protein that is an important energy source for human. It ranks third worldwide among grain legumes. In Iran this crop cultivated at about 473000 hectares with an average annual production of 195000 tons. Genetic diversity of chickpea genotypes using SSR markers were examined in several studies. The objective of this study was investigation of genetic diversity among some chickpea genotypes using molecular data obtained from SSR primers.Materials & Methods: Genetic diversity of 35 chickpea genotypes (Including cultivated, local variety and promising line) were assessed using 15 SSR primers. These primers were selected from previous study. DNA was extracted from two-week old plants of each genotype following the protocol of CTAB-method. After DNA extraction, the quantity of DNA was measured under 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA concentration was estimated using Picodrop. The final DNA concentration of each template stock was adjusted to 50 ng/ml. The PCR was performed in a Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad Model thermal cycler) in a volume of 15 mL. The amplification step was as follows: 1 cycle at 94°C for 1 min, then 40 cycles comprising 94°C for 5 min, annealing of primer at 50-65°C (depending on the primer) for 1 min. The final extension was carried out at 72°C for 10 min. The amplification products were electrophoresed on 3.5% agarose gels (combination of 50% Metaphor and 50% LE Agarose), and for staining, 3 mL Gel Red and dye (the 1.5: 1.5 ratio) was added to each sample. Photographed was performed using the Bio-Rad Gel Doc. Molecular data was analyzed using the NTSYS-pc software version 2.02.Results & Discussion: All of fifteen SSR primers were generated scorable bands. Totally 49 alleles (ranged between 2 to 5 alleles per each locus) with an average 3.26 allele per locus was distinguished. These results are agreement with the results of some study and did not match to other. One of the reasons may be due to the use of different genetic material and SSR markers.Majority of primers identified high level of polymorphism. Jaccard similarity coefficient values among genotypes, ranged from 0.10 to 0.80, average value of similarity coefficient was 0.40. The highest similarity was found between Hashem and Arman genotypes. Polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.20 to 0.88 (average 0.50). The highest (0.88) and the lowest (0.20) value of PIC was pertained to SSR21 and SSR62 Primers, respectively. A high mean PIC value can be attributed to the use of more informative markers. Unweighted pair group method of the arithmetic average (UPGMA), based on Jaccard similarity clustering form a dendrogram with eight genotypes group. Eight groups can be distinguished by truncating the dendrogram at mean similarity coefficient value of 0.40. Clustering somewhat was distinguished chickpea genotypes, as cultivated genotypes and local were put together. In the present study SSR markers almost succeed in separation of genotypes but this marker could not separate promising chickpea completely. Principal co-ordinate analysis (PCoA) was carried out on the mean pairwise genetic distances to display the genetic relationship of genotypes in the PCoA 2D and 3D plot. 2 and 3D plot were confirmed the results of cluster analysis. Cophenetic correlation showed that molecular data and cluster was corresponded.Conclusion: SSR primers that used in this study are more informative in chickpea genotypes. The genotypes almost showed diverse and distinct SSR patterns. It was concluded that SSR marker was suitable for evaluation of genetic diversity in chickpea genotypes and this genetic diversity can be used in chickpea breeding programs. To achieve better results in crossing programs, we recommended also these genotypes get evaluated using morphological and agronomic traits.

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Introduction: Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), an annual with indeterminate growth, is one of the most important food legumes. Loss of seeds due to pod borer (Heliothis armigera) attack is prevalent. Such loss of pods may affect the yield and yield components. The source-sink relationship changes during growth stages. Some factors influence this relationship including nitrogen fertilizer and water. This experiment was conducted in order to study the effects of nitrogen fertilizer, supplementary irrigation and depodding on yield and yield components of chickpea (var. ILC482).Materials & Methods: The experiment was conducted as split-split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at Agricultural Research Station of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, during growing season of 2012. Main plot was nitrogen fertilizer including 30, 75 and 150 kg N/ha and sup plot was irrigation regimes including full irrigation, supplementary irrigation at flowering and supplementary irrigation at flowering, seed podding and depodding including 0, 25%, 50% and 75% as sub subplot. Leaf and stem dry weight, seed weight per plant, shoot weight, pod number per plant, grain number per plant, 100-seed weight and harvest index of chickpea were all recorded.Results & Discussion: The results indicated that all traits excluded of harvest index were higher in 150 kg N/ha treatment than other treatments. Nitrogen rate of 150 kg/ha produced the highest seed weight (3.8 g/plant). The highest harvest index (36%) was obtained from 30 kg/ha N treatment. Supplementary irrigation at flowering and podding stages with grain yield 4.4 g/plant was higher than full and supplementary irrigation at flowering. Supplementary irrigation at flowering and podding stages produced the highest harvest index (39%). In irrigation regimes including full irrigation and supplementary irrigation at flowering stage, 75% depodding decreased seed weight to 60%, but this was 45% in Supplementary irrigation at flowering and podding stages. In this interaction, full irrigation and 0% depodding (control), produced the highest seed weight (195 g/m2). The lowest seed weight (40 g/m2) was obtained from supplementary irrigation at flowering stage and 75% depodding. Supplementary irrigation at flowering and podding stages with 25% depodding produced the highest harvest index (45%) too. Increase of harvest index mostly was related to improve photosynthesis and remobilization in mid drought stress and also low depodding (by devotion photosynthetic assimilates to un-removed pods). The highest shoot weight was obtained from 150 kg N/ha (12.8 g/plant) and full irrigation (14.3 g/plant). Depodding decreased the most of mentioned traits significantly. 75% depodding decreased seed weight and shoot dry weight to 56% and 30% respectively compared to control. The lowest harvest index (23%) was obtained from 75% depodding. In nitrogen rate of 75 kg/ha, the highest (177 g/m2) and lowest (46 g/m2) seed weight was obtained from 0% and 75% depodding, respectively. This result also was observed in traits of seed number and pod number in this interaction. High N application improved the ability of plant to compensate the pods that removed. All of traits including pod number, seed number, harvest index and shoot dry weight had positive and significantly correlation with seed weight. Pod number (75%) had highest correlation with yield.Conclusion: Generally, increasing depodding intensity decreased grain yield. But nitrogen fertilizer application decreased the negative effects of depodding in low levels. Among irrigation regimes, supplementary irrigation at flowering and depodding stages was best treatment, therefore under water deficit condition, supplementary irrigation at flowering and podding stages recommend. Under severe stress condition (supplementary irrigation at flowering stage), high nitrogen application did not effect on seed weight. In this condition, favorite yield will obtain by 30 kg nitrogen fertilizer application as starter.

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Introduction: Cereal-legume intercropping is one of the best ways to increase the yield per unit area (to decrease the detrimental effect caused by weeds and to reduce application of fertilizers and herbicides. Stoltz et al. (2014) in a study on corn-pea intercropping reported that crops yield in intercropped plots was significantly greater than that of monoculture. It has been reported that barley-faba bean intercropping led to an increase in total grain yield and it could cause a decrease in weed biomass. Considering the importance of intercropping to reach stability and sustainability in production, the aim of this study was to assess the changes in yield and yield components of faba bean and pea in intercropping with wheat, barley and triticale under weedy conditions in southern Fars Province.Materials & Methods: A field experiment was performed in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Darab, Shiraz University during 2014-2015. Treatments included 10 monoculture (wheat, barley, triticale, pea and faba bean with and without weeds) and 6 intercropping (wheat + pea, wheat + faba bean, barley + pea, barley + faba bean, triticale + pea and triticale + faba bean with weeds) which laid out based on a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Irrigation intervals were 8 and 12 days based on environmental conditions. Weeds were hand weeded twice, at tillering and booting stages of cereals. After crop maturity, plants were hand harvested to measure yield and yield components. Additionally, partial land equivalent ratio (LER) was calculated. The partial land equivalent ratio has been defined as a measure of efficiency of an intercrop or mixture. The LER compares land areas required under single or sole cropping to give the yields obtained from the component crops of the mixture. Values greater than 0.5 indicate intercropping to be more efficient than sole cropping in terms of land use, while values less than 0.5 indicate a loss in efficiency due to intercropping. Values equal to 0.5 indicate that the components fully share the same limiting resource. The data analyzed by using MSTATC ver2.10 software (1991). Since the number of the plants was not similar in all the plots, the data was subjected to analysis of covariance.Results & Discussion: Results showed a significant effect of treatments on 1000-seed weight of pea, number of pod per m2, number of seed per pod, grain yield, biological yield, harvest index and LER. The greatest 1000-seed weight of pea, number of pod per m2, seed yield and harvest index obtained in intercropping of wheat + pea (366.7 g), weed-free pea monoculture (1317), weed-free faba bean monoculture (4149 kg/ha) and weed-free faba bean monoculture (46.46 %), respectively. The highest number of seed per pod was obtained in intercropping of barley + faba bean (3.7), weed-free faba bean monoculture (3.29) and intercropping of wheat + faba bean (2.93), respectively. Total and partial LER of legumes in all intercropping treatments compared to weedy monoculture was greater than 1 and 0.5, respectively. The results showed that weed-free monoculture treatments had the highest grain yield, biological yield and harvest index. However, crop yield and harvest index in intercropping treatments were similar or superior to weedy monocultures. For instance, grain yield and harvest index in intercropping of wheat + faba bean was higher than those of in weedy faba bean monoculture, 102 and 93 %, respectively. In general, grain yield, biological yield and harvest index of pea and faba bean in weed-free monocultures treatments was higher than weedy monocultures and intercropping treatments. Grain yield and harvest index of intercropping was similar or higher than those of weedy monocultures.Conclusion: Total and partial LER of legumes in all intercropping treatments compared to weedy monoculture was greater than 1 and 0.5, respectively. Since cereals are more competitive than legumes, it seems for increasing the efficiency of intercropping; a higher density of legumes should be used. Additionally, for reducing weed interference and increasing yield in pea and faba bean, the use of cereal-legume intercropping is recommended.

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Introduction: The chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) especially Bivanij cultivar is one of the most important bean crops cultivated in the Kermanshah Province. The high value of protein in chickpea is the reason for its cultivation. For an efficient and optimum use of water resources in each area, the water requirement and crop coefficients of each plant is necessary. The crop evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirement can be estimated from meteorological data. Although, a precise values of mentioned parameters determination can be obtained by lysimeter in the field condition. Determination of crop coefficients is necessary for an accurate irrigation water requirement and irrigation scheduling. Also, crop water estimation at different crop stages makes it a precise determination of total water requirement. However, water requirement and the crop coefficients of chickpea (Bivanij cultivar) have not been determined in semiarid area in Kermanshah province for practical purposes and proper irrigation management use.Materials & Methods: In this study the water requirement, single and dual crop coefficients of chickpea (Bivanij) cultivar was determined by using water balance lysimeter during two years from 2013 to 2014. Five water balance drainable lysimeters in the lysimeteric station belong to Department of Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering in Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Razi University were used. One lysimeter was used for grass evapotranspiration and one lysimeter was used for bare soil evapotranspiration estimation. Therefore, three Lysimeters were used for determination of chickpea evapotranspiration. Drainable lysimeters were used with an internal diameter of 1.20 m and a depth of 1.40 m. Both inside and outside of each lysimeter were painted with epoxy paint to prevent rusting. A Time Domain Reflectometer system (Trime -Fm with P2G probes) was used to measure soil moisture. TDR probes were 6 mm in diameter and 160 mm long. The probes were installed in all lysimeters at 6 different depths of 0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, 1.0 and 1.2 m. The irrigation was carried out in all lysimeters after 30% depletion of available soil moisture to avoid any water stresses during the growing period. The collected water from lysimeters was measured by a graded container. Silty clay soil consisting of 54% clay, 42.3% silt and 3.7% sand was used in lysimeters. In this study, the SIMDualKc model were calibrated and validated for chickpea crop to find its ability for proper and accurate water resources management. Regression coefficients (r), root mean square error (RMSE), mean bias error (MBE) and t-statistic test (t) were used for SIMDualKc model evaluation by comparing observed and simulated Dual Kc values over time, for the experimental area.Results & Discussion: Water requirement of chickpea (Bivanij cultivar) was determined as 379.05 and 480.45 mm for 2013 and 2014 respectively. In this study, the average length of the four stages of chickpeas during years 2013 and 2014 were determined as 16, 24, 39 and 25 days. The chickpea growing period in lysimeters was divided into four stages (initial, development, middle and end).The average single crop coefficients for different periods of growth were obtained as 0.54, 0.82, 1.11 and 0.69, respectively. Moreover, the basal crop coefficients of chickpeas values for different periods of growth in two years and the average values were obtained as 0.39, 0.71, 1.01 and 0.62, respectively. Also, by comparing the results of lysimeteric data with SIMDualKc model it was observed that the results of the model with calculation results were highly correlated as (R2= 0.85) in the year 2013 and (R2= 0.86) in year 2014.Conclusion: The seasonal ETc of chickpea (Bivanij cultivar) was determined in semiarid area of Kermanshah province. According to obtained results during of two years investigation, it can be suggest that the estimated water requirement and irrigation management of chickpea's plant in dry and semi-dry climate with acceptable accuracy was possible. The results of this research showed the ability of SIMDualKc model for estimating all irrigation management parameters with high accuracy conditions.

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Introduction: The food legumes are given high priority in world agriculture because they constitute 2.3 or more of protein in the diet of the inhabitants of the tropics and they are the potential source to fill the protein-gap. Mung bean belongs to plant family Fabaceae, and is the most important pulse crops of the world. It has great value as a food, fodder and green manure. Potential yield of Mung bean can be achieved through optimum use of inputs and agronomic practices. Plant density and suitable sowing time are the most important factors affecting the yield. Plant density is considered as one of the important determinative factors of yield of this plant. The purpose of proper density is more efficient use of the plant from different environmental potential such as water, nutrients, light, etc. to achieve higher yield. Too early sowing may not successfully germinate, while yield from too late sown crop may be low due to unfavorable condition for growth and development of Mung bean. The aim of this study was to determine the optimum sowing date and plant density to achieve maximum performance of the Mung bean in both irrigated and rainfed conditions.Material & Methods: In order to evaluate the effects of planting date, plant density and irrigation on yield and yield components of Mung bean (VC-1973A genotype) an experiment was performed in Research Station of Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch at 2012. In this study, a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Three planting dates (6 July, 21 July and 6 August) and two densities (12.5 and 25 plant per square meter) were the treatments. The experiments were conducted in two separate conditions of irrigation (at the beginning to flower and pod stages) and rainfed. Dry weight of the seeds in physiological maturity was determined. Also in full maturity, after removing the effect marginal, yield and yield components were calculated. Analysis of variance was carried out using the SAS software. Comparison of means also was performed using LSD test at 5% level and corresponding graphs were plotted with Excel software.Results & Discussion: The results of analysis variance showed that both in irrigation and rainfed conditions, there was a significant difference between planting dates in terms of number of pods per plant, seeds per pod, seed weight, biological yield and harvest index. But there was no statistically significant difference for these factors between densities (12.5 and 25 plant/m2). The highest and lowest number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and seed weight observed in 6 July and 6 August planting dates, respectively. In irrigation condition, planting dates of 6 July and 6 August had the highest (6400 kg per hectare) and lowest (3614 kg per hectare) biological yield. Also, in rainfed condition, maximum and minimum of biological yield were obtained for planting date of 6 July (4276 kg) and 6 August (2673 kg per hectare), respectively. Planting date July 6th had the highest harvest index under both irrigated (45.3%) and rainfed (38.2%) conditions. Planting date July 6th also had the highest seed yield under both irrigated (2900 kg/ha) and rainfed (1636 kg/ha) conditions. Irrigation in beginning of flowering and pod stages increased seed yield and aboveground dry mater, significantly. Late planting date decreased vegetative stage, caused reducing in pod number per plant and seed number per pod, resulted in reduction of seed yield. The results showed that Mung bean crop has a high production potential under climate condition of the Gorgan.Conclusion: The results of analysis variance showed that under both irrigation and rainfed conditions, there was significantly differences between planting dates in terms of number of pods per plant, seeds per pod, seed weight, biological yield and harvest index. But there was no statistically significant difference for these factors between densities (12.5 and 25 plant/m2). In both irrigated and rainfed conditions, date of planting 6 July, was the best planting date. The grain yield under irrigated and rainfed conditions were 2900 and1636 kg per hectare, respectively. Irrigation at early flowering and early pod stages, led to an increase in grain yield and dry matter compared to the rainfed conditions. The results showed that this plant has a high production potential in weather conditions of Gorgan. Thus, cultivation of Mung bean in Gorgan is recommended. Moreover, planting date July 6th and density of 25 plants /m2 can be a good choice for Mung bean cultivation in this region.

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Introduction: Drought stress is one of the most important abiotic stresses in the world. Chickpea play very important role for human life in the developing countries. Kanouni and Malhotra (2003) mentioned that the traits of pod number per plant, sub-branches per plant, biomass and harvest index had positive and significant and the phonological traits showed a negative and significant correlation with grain yield. In a research (Fayyaz & Talebi, 2009), the traits of number of pod and number of seed per plant were proposed as the most important traits for yield increasing in chickpea. Saleem et al., (2002) reported that the chickpea genotypes were significantly difference for the majority of traits. In a research the traits of seed weight per pod and seed number per plant had the maximum direct effect on grain yield. Stepwise regression showed that the traits of biomass, harvest index and 100-kernel weight had the great effect on chickpea grain yield, so that the traits explained main part of yield variance. Identifying the most effective traits on chickpea grain yield was the main objective of the current research.Materials & Methods: In order to identify the most important and effective traits on grain yield this experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in 20 chickpea promising lines under moisture stress condition in 2011-2012. The experiment was conducted in agricultural and natural resources research of Kurdistan under normal moisture condition. The traits of day to 50 percent flowering, day to 50 percent podding, day to maturity, relative water content, number of sub-branches, number of main-branches, seed number per plant, pod number per plant, plant height, 100- kernel weight, grain yield, harvest index and biomass were measured. The analysis of variance, mean comparison, correlation analysis, stepwise regression analysis, path analysis was used for identifying the best genotypes and traits in the current experiment. According to the traits expected value, phenotypic coefficient variation, genotypic coefficient variation and broad sense heritability were estimated for all traits.Results & Discussion: ANOVA results showed that the lines were significantly different for all traits. The above result indicated high genetic diversity for the lines. Mean compression results showed that the lines number 1, 17 and 7 had the minimum and the lines number 13, 3 and 19 had the maximum grain yield. General results indicated that the suitable lines with high grain yield had a maximum amount of biomass, pod number per plant, seed number per plant and RWC and had a minimum amount of main branch number per plant. The result showed a positive significant correlation between RWC, seed number, pod number, harvest index, biomass and grain yield. The correlation for grain yield and number of main branch per plant was significantly negative. The results of stepwise regression showed that the traits of harvest index, biological yield and pod number per plant were the most effective traits on wheat yield respectively under current research condition. The maximum and minimum broad sense heritability were recorded for the traits of 100-kernel weight, biomass and grain yield, days to physiological maturity, days to flowering and pod number per plant, respectively. Results of path analysis showed that the traits of biomass and pod number per plant had maximum direct and indirect positive effects on grain yield. The results of orthogonal comparision showed that Kabuli and Dasi Groups were significantly difference for plant height and 100-kernel weight.Conclusion: Identifying and detection of the traits with high correlation with the traits of grain yield is a suitable strategy for indirect selection of grain yield. In this way, using of simple and multivariate statistical method can be useful and suitable method. According to the results, the traits of biomass and pod number per plant were recognized as the best suitable traits for indirect grain yield selection.

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