This research was carried out at four stages :I-information and background collection ,2-field sampling. 3-soil Test 4- statistics analysis. At first stage, all information related to silviculture ,climatology, geology, pedology and etc were collected. At second stage, three distinicts of Galandroud forest which were located in Noor-Mazandran province and contain pure stands of oak, were selected. In each distinct, six samples with 20R area were allocated, then in the center of each sample, soil profile was dug with 1.5m depth. Moreover, 30 dominant trees of oak were chosen and statistical parameters of them was measured, then, the accompanied plants were identified. At third stage, many parameters of soil samples were tested. The Results showed that Qak . trees grow on six different soil types: Typic Haplumbrepts , Typic udorthents , Mollic Hapludalfs, Typic Rendolls , Lithic Udorthents , Typic udisamments . the mean of diameter and height in three elevation classes (lower than 500 m , 500-1000m ; higher than 1000m ) was evaluated and It was confirmed that there is a significant difference between measured parameters in three localities with different typs of soil and the highest value of parameters were occured in Typic udorthents soils.