Sociologists define the social problem as a situation that contradicts values, blocks the achievement of goals, and involves dangers for humanity, which have a social origin and are reform able, improvable, and changeable. Based on this definition, the purpose of the current paper is identification and prioritization of social problems of the city of Shiraz and its inhabitants from the public's viewpoint. The method of the study was a survey, and the sample size, on the basis of Cochran's formula was estimated 400 individuals above 15 years old in Shiraz. The sampling method was the stratified sampling with regard to age, sex, and population ratio of each nine regions of Shiraz. The analysis of the data exploratory factor indicated that urban problems could be reduced to six factors including social pathologies, organizational anomies, as well as economic, cultural, and environmental problems, and immigration. These factors could explain 54.74 percent of the variance of urban social problems. The most important problems of the citizens themselves included unemployment, inflation, and social insecurity respectively.