This study aims to provide an epistemological examination of Iranian academic sociology. As a matter of fact, in order to understand the situations leading to establishment or non-establishment of a ruling intellectual tradition in which academic sociology can be articulated, the present structure of sociology will be explored problematically. This study applied qualitative method consequently. In doing so, first, based on induction method depth-in interviews were conducted with selected professors. Then with aid of grounded theory, we extract appropriate data and finally, a meta- analysis of the interviews was provided.The findings revealed a kind of common conceptual categories shared by the selected professors. This indicates that, in spite of absence of a paradigm, tradition, definite school, or a professed intellectual corporation it should not be taken as an amorphous character, structurally indeterminate with illogical order rather, these common conceptual categories along with many explanatory trends are shared with interviewees strongly suggest that academic sociology in Iran has a constitutive logic and determining structure which can reproduce itself through its agents and objective influences.Accordingly, it is concluded that idiomatic, idiosyncratic, and singularity of this particular structure can be condensed into the logic of interval society. It follows that the constitutive logic of social sciences and the theoretical concept of interval society are mutually defining, consistent and supportive. The dominance of the formal and seriously flawed positivism on sociology in Iran can be described as a certain realization of the above mentioned interaction.