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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to access the process of horizontal and vertical change in physic-chemical parameters and chl.a in the coastlines of Hormozegan Province from the Jask region to Bandar Lengeh in the area of 54o to 57o and 49 minutes along the east, 34 stations were selected .The sampling operation was done in February of 2008 by using R/V Ferdous 1 with the assistance of the Ecology Institute of the Persia Gulf and the Sea of Oman.The results of the horizontal distribution of salinity and density indicated that the parameters from the east to the west have increased. The salinity in the region of Bandar Jask 36.7 and around Kish Island it has reached 37.9 (ppt). In the Jask area, density has reached 24.8 and around Kish area it has increased to 26.2 g/cm3. The salinity and density increased from surface to depth. But this increase had more fluctuations in the areas of west of Straight of Hormoz (Persian Gulf) compared to the areas from east to the west and from the surface to the depth where it actually reduces. The results from the horizontal distribution of chl.a indicated that in this month, the amount of chl.a in the region of Bandar Abbass and the Strait of Hormoz because of Plankton blooming is relatively more that the east and west of the Strait of Hormoz. In addition to that, the vertical changes of chl.a indicated that its amount in the coastlines where the plankton bloom was visible, was reduced from the surface to the depth, but in the marine stations the highest amount of it was in the 10-20 meter layers of depth. The result from the study of water’s turbidity indicated the process of changes in the water's turbidity, especially in the surface layers follows the chl.a changes. Also, the study of the horizontal distribution of the water's turbidity in the surface of the regions under study indicated that the western regions of the Strait of Hormoz enjoyed or had the highest amount of turbidity and its reason was its being shallow and effects of mangro Forests.The results indicated that there was a direct correlation between the horizontal and vertical distribution and the amount of chl.a and the dissolved oxygen. It means that as the chl.a increased, the oxygen also went up and as it went down, the oxygen went down too.The results of the statistical study between chl.a and desolved oxygen in the 3 zone of the study indicated that in the northern region of the Strait of Hormoz, the correlation index between the two parameters was 0.9 and in the east and west it was 0.7.The amount of EC from the surface to the depth was reduced and its process of changes followed almost the process of changes in the temperature while the amount of desolved oxygen in the region of the Strait of Hormoz were more than eastern and western stations.

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This study was carried out in Babolrood River (Mazandaran Province) from 5 September 2008 to 6 August 2009 on Leuciscus cephalus ( Mahi sephid roodkhanei ). The sampling was montly and samples were collected by electroshocker. In total 441 numbers of Leuciscus cephalus were caught. Sex ratio of male to female was 1 to 1.41 respectively. The average total length was 165.6±29.81 mm, with an average maximum in May (190.6±38.32 mm), and an average minimum in October (137.5±26.70 mm). Average fork length and weight for males was139.72±26.49 mm and 43.18±21.58 gr, this value for female was 152.88±30.06 mm and 57.32±27.08 gr respectively. ANOVA results showed significant differences (P<0.05). Between male and female fork length and weight. Positive regression obtained between fork length and total length showed an R2=0.950. Samples belonged to 9 ages groups (0+,1,1+,2,2+,3,3+,4,4+). Maximum number of fish were in age group 2 and minimum number of fish were in age group 4+. Gonad somatic index (GSI) for males was 1.47±0.94, and for females was 2.95±1.83 respectively. The total mean of HSI was evaluated to be 0.73±0.49 for males and 1.08 ±0.71 for females. According to the present study spawning time was from mid-May to late June and their spawning is batch spawning.

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In this study, the concentration of mercury, cadmium and lead were quantified in the muscle tissue of Otolithes ruber from Bandargah, Bushehr Province. The aim of this study is to evaluate potential risks to human health associated with sea food consumption. 18 samples of Otolithes ruber were taken in summer and winter of 2009, from fishers of Bandargah. After digestion of the muscle tissue, the samples were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Data analysis was performed using SPSS V.17. The mean concentration of mercury, cadmium and lead were 0.0689±0.0062, 0.0100±0.0011 and 0.0558±0.0032 mg g-1 wet weights, respectively. A positive correlation between the metal concentrations and length and weight of the fishes were observed, except for lead. No significant difference between the metal concentrations and the seasons were observed. The concentration of metals in the muscle tissue of Otolithes ruber were all lower than the maximum allowable concentrations and pose no threat to public health. The order of heavy metal accumulation was: Hg>Pb>Cd. There was significant difference between the lead concentration and the sex of the fishes (P<0.05). The result of this study was compared to other studies made by different researchers.

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To determine level of PCBs in skin and muscle of Cyprinus carpio and Esox lucius fishes in the west part of Anzali Wetland in Abkenar in autumn (Dec.2010).4 sampling stations were selected. Samples of water, sediment, suspended particles in water, C. carpio and E. lucius fishes were collected from Abkenar, Anzali Wetland. Nine fish samples were caught from each species. Collected samples of water, sediment, suspended particles and fish were transferred to laboratory. After preparation, extract and clean up of the samples, analyses of PCBs were carried out using Gas Chromatography (GC-ECD) with Ni63 ionization detector. PCB average concentration was 24.36 ng/g (dried weight) in Esox lucius skin, 14.36 ng/g in E. lucius mussel tissue, 21.82 ng/g C. carpio skin and 20.86 ng/g in C. carpio mussel tissue. Coefficient Variation (CV) of average concentration PCBs in E. lucius skin tissue was higher than other tissues. Based on statistical analysis, there were significant differences between E lucius mussels & skin tissue & C. carpio mussels & skin tissue (p<0.01; n=9). There were also significant difference between PCBs concentration in water with PCBs concentration in sediment (p<0.01, n=12) and with filtered suspended particles in water (p<0.01, n=12). A strong positive correlation between C. carpio tissue and filtered suspended particles in water was seen (p<0.05, r=0.851, r2=76%, n=9) and a very strong positive correlation was found between PCBs concentration in water and filtered suspended particles in water (p<0. 01, r=0.98, r2=96%, n=12). BCF in E. lucius skin tissue was 5835.69 mg/g, in E. lucius mussels tissue was 3440.58 mg/g, in C. carpio skin tissue was 5232.28 mg/g and in C. carpio mussels tissue was 4997.63 mg/g. The real average (with accuracy of 95%) of PCBs in fish tissues (Max. 0.03653 ppm and Min. 0.01025 ppm) in autumn was less than FDI Standards and Australia Food/NZ MRL standards and more than USEPA standard.

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This project was carried out with the aim of increasing shelf life of kilka fish and prevent color change during cold storage. Three replicates were used for each method. Whey protein with 3 and 9 % concentrations were used for fish packaging at time 0. Cleaned Kilka fish were packaged in disposable dishes and covered by cellophane were used to control the samples. The samples were kept at-18oC. Examinations were carried out for a period of six months. Total bacterial count and Staphylococcus bacteria count were lower in the samples covered with 9% concentration compared with the other samples. The Coliform, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas bacteria contamination were negative until the end of storage period in the covered and control samples. Moisture, protein, fat and ash were higher in the samples covered with 9% concentration compared with the other samples. Peroxide value, TVN and pH were lower in the samples covered with 9% concentration compared with other samples. Statistically significant differences were observed in their bacterial counts, chemical factors and total acceptance index (p<0.05). Sensory analysis carried out to the ranking method. Samples covered with 9% concentration compared with the samples covered with 3% concentration had a better quality. The covered samples had a favorable quality until the end of storage period. But control samples lost their quality after three months.

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This study had 8 treatments and 3 replications: Treatment A: one time feeding per day with SFK, Treatment B: two times feeding per day with SFK, Treatment C: three times feeding per day with SFK, Treatment D: four times feeding per day with SFK, Treatment E: one time feeding per day with mixture of SFK and fish powder (25% weight SFK), Treatment F: two times feeding per day with mixture of SFK and fish powder (25% weight SFK), Treatment G: three times feeding per day with mixture of SFK and fish powder (25% weight SFK), Treatment H: four times feeding per day with mixture of SFK and fish powder (25% weight SFK). Each of treatments in this examination were fed regularly at 8,11,14,17 hours. It’s necessary to notice that rate of feeding was based on 15 percent of weight of larval body fishes on a day. Results indicated that there was significant difference between weight and length gain (p<0.05). Fish larvae with one time feeding per day with SFK diet had the higher weight and length and fish larvae that fed with mixture of SFK and fish powder (25% weight SFK) had the most length and weight when they had feeding four times per day.

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In this research, identification and biomass of macroalgae in Jofreh, Naftkesh, Daneshjo, Lian sights in Bushehr Province in winter 1388 (2010) at low, mid and high intertidal zone have been studied. Sampling was done randomly with 0.5 m2 quadrate. Totally 9 genera of green, red and brown macro algae were recognized. Maximum and minimum biomass of algae belonged to brown and green algae with 2166/7and 687g/m2, respectively. The green algae Codium, sp., Chaetomorpha, sp., Chatomotpha gracilis and the red algae Hypnea sp., Gracillaria, sp., Laurencia,sp., Gracillara corticata, Laurencia papillosa and Laurencia obtuse, also 6 brown algae including Sargassum sp., Padina sp., Colpomenia sp., Cystoseria sp., Colpomenia sinuosa and Cystoseria fimbriata, were recognized.

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Bamdej Wetland is located 40 km north of Ahwaz, with area of 4000 hectares. Bamdej Wetland is a natural wetland with great ecological, scientific outing and economical value which in case it can be preserved and revived will raise all values as a self regulating collection. First, the ranges of studies were identified, and four sampling stations were selected. The were sampled randomly. During experiments BOD5, COD, nitrates, phosphates, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, temperature, DO, salinity, TSS and TDS were measured. Then, the results of water quality system are exmind. Ecological evaluation study area was performed using fusion rapid assessment and TOPSIS. In this way resources were based to 13 groups include: the extent of the wetland, vegetation around the wetland, the width of buffer, soil status, connecting with other water sources, depth of wetland, source of water supply, time of wetness, normal disturbances, habitat development, type of wetland cover, and biodiversity of plants. Comparing the annual quality indicator of each station with a table of water quality index indicate that the station 3 is belong to the third group and station 1, 2 and 4, belong to fourth group classification system of water quality indicator. Finally, Bamdej Wetland earned 59 points of 85 possible points of rapid evaluation method. This expression that wetland desirable conservation value is (grade 2). TOPSIS method was used for analys some important ecological factors of Bamdej Wetland. The results confirm that wetness time of Bamdej Wetlands weighing of 1.483 is the most important criteria of its value.

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