In order to study effect potassium and absorption water in corn plant exploratory as spilt plot within basic plan of random completely blocks with main care (various irrigation periods: I0=7, I1=12, I2=17, I3=22day) and subordinate care (different level of potassium fertilizer, k1=50, k2=100, k3=150 kg /ha) and 3times repetition was performed. Date of planting was designed and performed in Ahwaz (in IRAN) shahid salami Irrigation Institute field at first half of August 2008. At k1 care, regulation of osmotic pressure has not been seen. In the other hand, by reducing of osmotic potential, relative moisture of leaf reduced quickly and in result, the plant was encountered with severe drought tension. At cases (I0, I1) , ether regulation of osmotic pressure was not seen or if was present resistance slope against Relative water content reduction under a value in Biphase graph of osmotic regulation was too low. According to variance breakdown results the effect of irrigation cycles, different potassium and their interaction at level %5 effects on biological performance, seed function, and harvest index were meaningful. But in case of the row number of maize, the effect of different levels of potassium fertilizer and reciprocal effect of water tension and different levels caused reduction of biological performance, seed function, harvest index, and row number of maize, seed number of row and weight of thousand seed. Treatment with seed functions of 15/5 ton/ he has dedicated highest function to it.