Besides climate variation, human being interference in natural hydrologic cycle, such as vegetation cover deterioration and expansion of impervious areas, has increased the flood hazard in most regions of the country. In this respect, industrial, agricultural, and residential land uses in many cities and villages are under flood risk. Study of flood active areas within a watershed is therefore essential in flood control design aimed at reducing flood damages. However, little work has been accomplished in this important subject. This paper introduces a new approach entitled Single successive Sub watershed Elimination (SSSE), to survey the flood active area using a hydrologic model, such as HEC-HMS. The study area, Damavand watershed, was broken into seven sub watersheds whose physical characteristics were determined using a geographic information system (GIS). Then, the flood hydro graphs corresponding to different design rainfalls were simulated by HMS. By eliminating a single sub watershed in every run, the peak discharge at the watershed outlet was computed by the model. Thus, the discharge contribution of each sub watershed in flood peak production at the outlet could be determined. The sub watershed with highest impact on the flood peak was introduced as the most flood active area and other sub watersheds were ranked as well. In Damavand, sub watershed unit 3 and 2 was respectively the most and the least effective flood producing areas. Since the areas of the sub watershed units varied with sub watershed 3 being the largest in area, the impact of each unit on discharge quantity was divided by the area of unit. This caused the ranking of the units to change. The proposed method in this paper can be effectively implemented in flood control studies to prioritize the flood active areas.