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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nitrate loadings from agricultural waste water causes serious damage to water quality in many parts of the world. In this study, the removal of nitrate pollution of agricultural wastewater in Karun Agro-industry unit studied with surface flow constructed wetland (FWS-CW) using hydroponic and soil as media. In order to investigate the effect of plant cultivated in CWs(floating and emergent cultivated), temperature and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the performance of FWs-CW treating wastewater, nine parallel pilot-scale units of dimensions 3m in length and 1m in width and 0.8m depth were constructed. Continuous flow of wastewater introduced in the system from December 2012 until March. The three units were cultivated with vetiver on the floating platform, three units had soils as media and the rest were kept unplanted(Control).The study was divided into 6 phases of 6 months, using 3, 5 and 7days HRT. Average weather temperature varied from about 8.92 to 31.25oC. Concentration of nitrate measured at the inlet and outlet of the system and data analyzed using SAS to see the significance relationship between factors. The average nitrate concentration of the wastewater entering the unit was 20±3.76 mg/l. The results indicated that removal performance of the constructed wetland units; different HRT and changes in temperature were significantly different. The treatment efficiencies of 3, 5 and 7days HRT were average of 14.24-37.52, 16.32-41.27 and 16.42-50.51%, respectively. Moreover, results from this study indicated that the emergent vetiver cultivated, floating vetiver cultivated and control wetland, removed 43.09,28.36 and 15.66 % nitrate respectively and a high removal rate regularly occurred in long-term operating (HRT=7days) efficiency in total CWs.

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The many specious of Caspian Seafish immigrate to Anzaliwetland for reproduction and some larvae spend the primary levels of their growth in this wetland. Therefore, Zooplankton has an important role in nutrition in Anzali wetland. For this reason, the geneses identification and abundance (finding the relation between abundance with some environmental factors) of Copepoda (a major group of zooplankton) hasbeen studied in Anzali wetland, Estuaryregion and Caspian Sea. The sampling done in 5 stations in Caspian Sea, Estuary region and three stations in Anzali wetland which contain Nahangroga, Sorkhankol and water entrance to west wetland(Abkenar entrance)(for comparing the density in three different regions with different salinity) since March 2011 to September 2011. The samples filtered through the 30-micron plankton net and then transferred to laboratory for analysis. Sevengenuses of Copepoda identified in this study. The most important genuses were Acartia sp., Cyclops sp. and Thermocyclops spite relation between the density of Copepodawith environmental factors such as Oxygen, Temperature and pH were direct and with electrical conductivity (EC) and Transparency were inversed. The major density of Copepoda have been seen in the entrance of west wetland (Abkenar entrance) (107.47 per liter) and among the three regions of Sea, Estuary and Wetland, the Wetland has more density (with 59.26 per liter). Furthermore, the major density of Copepoda among months has been seen in August with 68.8 per liter. Also the studies have showed that the density of Copepoda in both Caspian Sea and the entrance of west wetland (Abkenar entrance) have had the meaningful statistics difference.

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Lake dams are manmade water bodies, usually formed by constructing a dam across a flowing river. Dez dam which is located on Karun River is one of the largest Iranian dams. In a field study, EC, Nitrate, Ammonia, Phosphate, Turbidity, TS, Alkalinity, Coliform, Temperature, DO, BOD, chrophlla and disk sechi have measured at five sampling points at 2011-2012water years. Water Quality Index and TSI have been calculated for all sampling points and quality zonation has been done. The results show that the best water quality index for reservoir water is at second sampling point with amount of 61 which is situated at the center of reservoir, and the worst index is at entering point to the reservoir with amount of 46 at April. The main reason of changes is turnover of thermal stratification. Risk of Eutrophication will treat lake water quality if no entering pollutants control be conducted. Eutrophication will cause serious limitations in land use applicability, turbidity increase, poisonous materials production and increase in sedimentation regime. Experimental results and water quality indexes show that Dez dam quality is suitable for all public usages at the moment; it is obvious that tertiary treatment is necessary for drinking application.

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Current research done for study of ecological evaluation of Rakat watershed in Khuzestan province (Izeh). Rekat watershed is between 50, 8, 6 E and 50, 20, 3 E and 31, 39, 34 Nto 31, 50, 60 N and according topast studies by dr. Makhdomand AHP method, the current land use is forestry. For doing this research, at first the research area determinedon topographic map with1:25000 scale. After the determination of the boundaries of research area, DEM file was prepared using of topographic lines and maps of height slope and aspect of slope map. AHP table was prepared with using dr.Makhdoms forestry model. Then experts asked to evaluate them. After data of questionnaires collected with using expert choice software and after getting the weight of each parameter, the AHP results with GIS indexes compounded therefore, the priorities indexes for mapping theslop aspect of slope, height the canopy cover of vegetation determined. The species of vegetation, the density of vegetation texture of soil structure of soil the kind of soil co-temperature lines co-rainy lines with using forestry format was prepared. Finally the potential of Rekat area for forestry evaluated in four category and codes with very proper code proper good and weak that each code for forestry land use studing with 3701510 m2 was very proper, 2835970 m2proper, 534980m2 good and 4412730was more weak then the others.

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The study done to determine the concentration of mercury inedib let issues and vital Anzalipike (Esox Lucius)and Relationship between body length, age and sex of the fishby the concentration of mercury. A total of58fish samples were taken from both east and west of the Anzali wetland After weighing, sexing and biometric target tissues to determine the concentration of lead was prepared by the specific analysis of the Mercury,(American Standard Method D6722) analyzed. Mercury concentrations in different organs suggest that the spleen may behigh concentrations of mercuryin the absorption and accumulation. The liver compared to other organs studied, the lowest concentration of mercuryin the absorption and accumulation. Comparison of mercury concentrations in male and female pikeindicate that mercury concentrations depend on gender and agepike is in Anzali lagoon. Mercury concentrations in pike and pickerel Anzali wetlandeast of the western part of the difference is not significant. Nocor relation between size, weight and age pike in Anzali wetland up take and accumulation of mercury in them there. Significant differences between thes exesin terms of the concentration of mercury infish tissues was observed (p>0.05), which reflects the impact of genderon the adsorption of mercuryspecies understudy. Between East and West Pond Fish Twomajorindustries and even though accumulation of pollutants in the eastern part of the lagoon, there was no significant difference. Mercury level sinpike Anzali Wetland permissible limit recommended by the FDA and WHO/FAO (1 PPM)was lower than the average concentrations inppb 37/322 musclepikesin Anzali wetland and limitations directive US EPA, dose of 2times per month throughoutthe entire body and sexuality permissible Bashd. brrsyeffectofmetallic mercuryac cumulationin the liver, kidney, spleen and musclepike Anzali Wetland.

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Climate change is one of the modern problems for human beings. It is a disaster for theearth. The recent climate changes are mostly influenced by increase in amount of CO2 and some greenhouse gases in atmosphere. First step to management and environment planning, especially in wetland ecosystems, is recognition of it characteristic. Anzali wetland located in south-west region of Caspian Sea and regarded as the most important wetland in Iran. In this research, trend of climate change in the Anzali Wetland considered. So we considered the series of annual precipitation and every three parameters of temperature in the anzali site during statistical period (1951-2005) in this research, is used for detecting trends than Mann-Kendal non-parametric test. The result showed the anzali site parameter of maximum temperature has negative trend، minimum temperature have positive trend and Rainfall has non-trend, although the time of occurrence and the kind of changes in the parameter of temperature indicate abruptly increasing and decreasing changes. The abruptlydecreasing changes in maximum and increasing changesminimum temperature obviously seen of it can understand that climate change of regionhas more correlation with temperature and precipitation changes.

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Aeromonashydrophila bacteria commonly founded in fresh water throughout the world, which often results diseases in the farmed fish’. Over the past years to combat infectious diseases are extensive used NtyByvtykHa been. In contrast to the prevailing global trends and develop green BzyPrvry systems use organic herbs as antibiotic treatment is considered. The marjoram plants used in traditional medicine to treat many diseases would-be applicable. The effect of aqueous and alcoholic SarhHay herb marjoram on survival and some blood factors common carp that contaminated with the bacterium Aeromonashydrophila were examined. For this purpose, water and alcoholic SarhHay marjoram plant was prepared and then a number of 150common carp, with an average weight of 25±100gr were prepared. After adaptation MahyHa repeated in 3to 5groups (n=10fish per replicate) were divided. The positive control group intraperitoneally injected with saline in the area and the fish did not receive any SarhAy. A. Negative control in bacteria injected into the 106 ´ 5.1 in the samples was performed by intraperitoneal carp were fed with normal diet. 35 days after the end of the experiment, blood samples were taken and TstHay measure blood factors done. The survival rate during this period was calculated. The results showed that the changes in the hematological SarhHay marjoram plant species infected with the bacteria that the effects of alcohol, particularly methanol SarhHay with more intensity than the aqueous extract was observed.

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Miankaleh’s peninsula and wetland located in the Mazandaran province at the north of Iran and as an indicator Ecosystem is recognized one of the world's valuable wetlands in the list of Ramsar International Convention on Wetlands so that a certificate and special profile is provided from UNESCO for Miankaleh. Construction and implemented projects has been done regardless of the special Miankaleh peninsula ecosystem so that its environment endangered. This paper is aims to review and provide ecological architectural design guidelines to help set minimum ecological footprint approach for wetland mitigation and achieving of an improved design framework in the Miankaleh Wetland. Therefore ecological architectural design is necessary for maintain wetland’s ecosystem. The main objective of this study is analyzing and providing solutions to reduce the environmental impact of Miankaleh wetland’s ecosystems. This is a descriptive-analytic paper and it is done to investigate ecological requirements of buildings architectural design of Miankaleh wetland’s ecosystems. The statistical society was selected of 100 individuals from experts based on systematic random sampling method. Data was questionnaire and its validity and reliability using Cronbach Alpha (0.72) criteria. Data collected have been analyzed with SPSS software and statistical tests such as one-sample T-Test and Regression. T-Test results were indicated the ecological requirements of buildings architectural design are significant with 95% confidence at the Miankaleh wetland’s ecosystems.

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