The main responsibility of managers is to maintain an environment in which people can work together and achieve the predetermined goals. To do this, managers should study the effect of their habits and tendencies on other so that they can omit the ones that may have a negative effect on people. Therefore, they should learn self-knowledge and have control over themselves (Knatez et. al, 1384) .Knowing oneself has always been sought by human beings. The identification of needs, values, humane objectives and most important of all self-respect is important. To get to self-realization, which is our ultimate goal, the satisfaction of basic needs such as self-respect is necessary. At the same time, self-respect is one of the components of self-knowledge (Alipour, 1375) On the other hand, one of the issues arising out of human relationships is that of conflict. A manager’s responsibility is conflict management. Conflict, if effectively controlled, can reveal hidden organizational issues, improve the quality of decision making and leads to innovation within the organization.The present study investigates the relationship between managers’ self-knowledge and their applying conflict management styles in high schools in Bojnord. The statistical population are the high school managers and the sampling technique is randomized. The study is of survey type. It is a descriptive, correlational study. To gather data, Raj Kumar Sarsovat self-knowledge questionnaire and Rahim’s methods of dealing with conflict were employed. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentive) and inferential statistics (chi-square) were employed. Cronbach alpha formula was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire.The results showed that there is a significant relationship between managers’ self-knowledge and their applying conflict management styles at 99% confidence. There was also a relationship between self-knowledge and each of conflict management styles (cooperation, solution, competition, avoidance) at 95% percent of certainty. We found that those managers who use cooperation, solution styles have more self-awareness.