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The locus of control is one of the personality features that affects many behavioral aspects of both headmasters and their staff the primary purpose of this research was to compare job stress in school headmasters with internal and external locus of control. The participants were 120 school headmasters (58 males & 62 females) from different grades in torbat_e_Jam, that were selected by strafified random sampling rutters, Locus of control and job stress questionnaire, (Gasamei, 1377) were instruments of this research. The data showed that there was no significant difference between the rate of Job stress and internal, external locus of control among school headmasters.Also, there was no significant difference in the rate of job stress between male & female school headmasters and there was no interaction between gender and locus of control in school headmaster’s job stress. But results showed that there was a significant difference between stress among school headmasters with more and different experiences. School headmasters having more than 10 years of experience showed less job stress than their counterparts with less than 5 years.

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In this research the effect of using story – telling and creative – drama on the creativity of girl students at fourth – grade primary school is studied and other purpose is to give suggestions to the managers and specialists of education.Semi- experimental method with the control group and pretest – post test is used.Statistical population of the study were girl student at fourth – grade primary school in 5 area of Tehran city in 86-87 school year, which were 4153.The sample of research was fourth – grade girl students at “Shohada School” in Cheshmeh city – town, who were 63. 32 of them were experimental group, and 31 were observed group.Information collecting instrument was Torrance creativity Test (form A). For comparing the scores of both groups, T. Test is used, pre-test and post-test.Findings show that using story – telling and creative - drama in curriculum had some effects on the creativity of primary – school’s students.

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The study aims to investiyate the effectiveness of group logo therapy on lowering ms patients’ depression, the theoretical foundation of the study is based an Frankl’s logo therapy. Frankl believes that when someone faccs an unchangeable situation, such as an incurable discnse, or she has the chance to arrive at the most meaningful and deepest meaning of life. Fundamental concepts of this theory are: meaning seeking, the meaning of life, freedom and responsibility, the meaning of love, the meaning of suffering, the meaning of death, and the presence of God in svbconciousness. Research literature shows the effectiveness of these two methods in decreasing deprcusion in such patients. To study the effectiveness of these two methods, 24 ms patients were chosen, and randomly assigned to expclimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in group logo therapy. The control group was nol givcn this chance. Their depression was measured using beck test three times (pre-test, post-test, follow up test). the study, supporting the theory, indicated the effectiveness of group logotherapy on decreasing depression an such pationts . Based on the results it is suggested that M.S patients are given group logotherapy to decrease their depression.

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Considering the importance of universities in the media age, the formation of information gaiety, globalization and penetration of western cultures that has led to the change of some disvalues in to legitimate valves and has put academic society in to danger, the present study was done to offer a framework for institutionalizing characteristics of third. Millennium universities in Iranian universities the research is of survey descriptive type. At first 83 factors identified through reviewing relevant literature. Then a tentative framework and the conceptual framework statistical population consisted of all faculty members of the universities in Istahan, the University of Technology of Istahan, and medical university. To determine the final framework, a questionnaire was administered among 200 of the statistical population. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean, sd, and variance) and inferential statistics (factor analysis) were used, the main findings are as follows: 1-formulation of the main factors and characteristics of third – millennium universities 2- Formulation of an appropriate framework for Iranian universities, and construct validation of the factors through factor analysis the philosophy and aims of framework were confirmed by construct validation. In the conceptual frameork, the combination of main factors changcd, and 83 sub-factors arranged under 6 main factors were distributed in 14 factors doing so, the final version was achieved.

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The present study is a semi experimental one. It tries to to investigate the effect of advanced organizer patterns and lecturing on learning and transfer, and their relationship to students’ performance. The participants were fourth grade girl students in Marvdasht, Fars province. The study aims to provide a method to use advance organizers in teaching, to clarify their importance, and to crente positive attitudes among teacher towards them. The instruments used are teacher made test and a questionnaire. The statistical population was all the girl students at fourth _ grade primary schools in Marvdasht, studying in 85- 86 (2005-2006), academic year. The sample includes 80 girl students, selected using cluster grouping and put in to control and experimental groups. Both groups participated in a pre_test. No significant difference was observed.The experimental group was exposed to advance organizers and educational message, while the control group received the message just through lecturing. Then, both groups participated in the post_test. Within 24 days a follow up test and a delayed test were administered. Data were analyzed wing comparison of means. Independent group t_test was applied. The finding showed a significant difference between the control and the experimental groups in three tests (post_test_ follow-up test, and th delayed test). The extent of remembrance, transfer and performance was higher in the experimental group. Based on the results, using lecturing in the extent of learning, transfer, and students’ performance.

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The present study compares beliefs on fair world for self and others according to sex, level of education, job, and housing status. To do so, of among statistical population in Isfahan (men and women above 17), 1176 people in alleys and streets, were chosen and asked to answer a questionnaire. The questionnaire was adapted from laipkes, etal (u96). It included 16 questions. The data were analyzed using independent t-test, one – way ANOVA, and follow – up LSD test. the results showed no significance difference between men and women in their beliefs on fair world for self and others. (p>0/05). There was no significant difference between the married and the single (p < 0/05).The Different age groups showed significant difference in their beliefs. The follow-up LSD test showed a significant higher difference between 17-21 age group and 42 age group in their beliefs of fair world for self (p<0/05).In education – level groups, the study showed participant with highschool diploma and associate degree graduates had higher beliefs for a fair world compared with MA/MS graduates there was a significant difference among occupation groups. There was a higher level of belief in fair world among clerks and teachers than among manual workers and drivers. Manual workers had a weaker belief in fair world for self then technical workers, students, had housewives , physicians, veterinarians and those who workers , students, housewives, physicians and veterinarians had higher belief in fair world then drivers. There was also a significant difference among those who had this own house and those who were tenants (p<0/05). Follow-up LSD test the former had higher levels of belief in fair world than the latter.

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The main purpose of the research is to study the effect of training-inservice on developing human resources. The statistical population of the research includes 103 employees (73 men and 30 women) of the Azad Islamic university of Sari whom selected in a simple random sampling way. the research method is the descriptive survey. The data were collected in a closed answer questionnaire with Likert' s technique. For analyzing the data, the one variable T-test and variance analysis are used. The results show that the training-in-service is effective in the rate of job satisfaction, profitability, job stability and needed preparation for performing tasks.The finding also shows significant difference in the mean of effectiveness between two groups of men and women. there is also difference among three groups of population with 5 to 10 years service record, (`x?=73/39), 10 to 15 (`x=71/50) and over 15 years service record (`x =56/66) which is significant by the F-test.

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Many investigations have named parenthood as a stressful task, if young child has problemtic behavior or medical difficulties. They have also studied attention defict/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in young children and reported high stressful levels in their parents. Moreover they reported , it ideas to decrease parental stress by education. The present study has been surveyed the effect of family life education (F.L.E) in decline of impact mothering stress with having hyperactivity children. A pretest and posttest group design was chosen for the study and required doctor was gathered. 80 mothers from 183 having ADHD children, who come to Ehya counseling center and psychological services in Rasht from 85/1/1 to 86/4/1 and screened by psychiatrist were selected randomly in control and experimental group. All mothers aging 30-40, house keepers, educated from high school and up, having 1-2 children, were participated in this study. Their children with ADHD underwent drug therapy at the time of study. All mothers completed parental stress inventory (PSI) as dependent variable before and after independent variable (F.L.E).In analyzing data parametric test like t-student was used in comparing two independent groups (different averages and scores pre and post test). The results have shown we can change the all characteristics related to children that cause to increase parental stress by the help of F.L.E. we also change the attitude of the mothers about adaptability, demondingness, mood, distractibility increasing skills of mothers by programmer content for modifying and controlling of children and familiarizing mothers with the techniques of child raring and changing the perception of mothers on ADHD. Although we couldn’t decrease and depression of mothers as the parts of prod using parental stress by F.L.E programe, we could decrease feeling of the mothers about the negative sense of competence, restriction of role, social isolation, relationship with spouse, attachment and health the forth coming date of study by the use of counseling and psychotherapy of mothers in association with education, recognition the rate mothers information before performing educational plans, presences of father in F.L.E session, providing pamphlets, educational films and brochures on ADHD.

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