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This study aimed to Comparison of morphometric characteristics of otolith inLutjanus lutjanus, Lutjanus malabaricus, Lutjanus erythropterus, Pomacanthus asfur in the coral reefs of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Sampling lasted from March 2014 to April 2015. During this period 6 specimens ofLutjanus lutjanus, 8 specimens of Lutjanus malabaricus, 5 specimens of Lutjanus erythropterus and 5 specimens of Pomacanthus asfur were cut with diving method. All the fish were identified and their otolith was extracted to verify them. Investigation of otolith morphometric characteristics (length, breadth, weight, perimeter and area) was conducted. Data indicate high correlation between otolith length and otolith weight, fork length and otolith length and between fish length and weight in most of species, The highest correlation was observed inL. malabaricus. The results show significantly different between otolith length and Otolith width in all species (p<0.05). Otolith area and otolith perimeter had significantly different (p<0.05) inL. malabaricus and P. asfur but not in L. lutjanusand L. erythropterus (p>0.05). Otolith weight had no significantly different in L. lutjanusand L. malabaricus and also in L. erythropterus and P. asfur (p>0.05) but had significantly different between those group (p<0.05). This study indicated that the particular characteristics of sagitta such as otolith length and Otolith width are useful in identification the species.

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Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of the metabolism and endocrine system in the body. The disease is prevalent in all parts of the world and is rapidly increasing. One of the serious damage caused by diabetes is sexual dysfunction and sex hormones reduction, so the researchers always have been trying to find a way to reduce the symptoms of diabetes. The use of herbs is one of the most reliable methods with minimal side effects. Kudzu is a semiwoody, perennial grape like plant that is native to South East Asia that dried root of it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of fever, bloody diarrhea, ardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. The aim of this experiment research was the study of effects of alcoholic extract of the kudzu root on the sex hormones of diabetic male rats. Twenty seven male Wistar rats weighing 220-230 grams were purchased from Amol Pasteur Institute of Iran. Animals were randomly divided into three groups: Control (healthy) group (n=9), the second group was sham (diabetic) that no diabetic rats receiving the extract and the experimental group (or treatment group) that were diabetic rats recieved the ethanolic extract of Kudzu root. Then, the sham and treated groups were being diabetic by 50 mg/kg streptozotocin (STZ). Then 100 mg/kg of kudzu root extract was injected intraperitoneally to the experimental group. Measuring the weight and volume of testis, blood glucose of serum, insulin, testosterone, FSH and LH were measured. The results showed that treatment with alcoholic extract of kudzu root in diabetic rats leading to reduce the blood sugar and relative increase in insulin, testosterone, FSH and LH hormones in diabetic rats.

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Lamotrigine is a novel medicine that has been administrated since 1992 on few patients.There has been no comprehensive study on Organogenesis of the medicine on human.Melatonin, most important secretion of epiphysis, is an effective antioxidant and free radicals neutralizer. The present study aimed to study the removing mechanism of free radicals in testis of fetuses from mothers treated with lamotrigine using animal model as well as lamotrigine which is as an antioxidant; so, 10 mg/kg of sigma, Usa melatonin administered as peritoneal injection. At the end of pregnancy, the lengths of newborns were measured using 0.01 accuracy caliper. Their weight was measured using 0.01 gram accuracy digital weigh (Model Wtb). Then, histological studies were conducted on the newborns followed by studying under light microscope (Nikon). Data were explained as mean ± SEM. data analysis was conducted using ANOVA method followed by Tukey tests in order to compare differenced among groups. According to testis histology of lamotrigine-affected group, spermatogonia destruction, spermatogonia cells' arrangement defragmenting, large vacuoles aggregation in seminiferous tubules epithelium were observed. Seminiferous tubules compression and interstitial space decrease were observed in testis of lamotrigine and melatonin compound group. Seminiferous tubules epithelial Geometric form and its arrangement were seen in a suitable condition. Morphometric and histomorphometric results of testis tissue suggested that there was a significant difference between lamotrigine group and melatonin-treated control-lamotrigine group (P<0.05). It seems that leydig cells are sensitive to lamotrigine. This study showed that melatonin in subjects received lamotrigineantiepileptic medication during pregnancy could, in some extent, prevent damages to tissue and fetal growth.

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Zinc oxide (ZnO) is one of the most widely used materials in diverse industrial fields, for this reason most widely produced and Have many technological applications. The human body may be intentionally or unintentionally exposed to these nanoparticles. In this study, acute toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the liver enzymes and liver histopathology was evaluated. Fifty female rats with 180-220 grams of weight were divided into five groups, including control, Sham and Three groups with different doses of ZnO nanoparticle (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg twice a week for four weeks). The rats were then sacrificed and cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, albumin and liver enzymes (ALT, AST and ALP) were determined and livers were fixed in formalin processed, sectioned and stained with Hematoxylin- Eosin.After removal of the tissue, samples digestion and zinc concentrations were measured by atomic absorption; Finally Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA. Also the most of the Zno nanoparticles absorption on the dose of 100 mg/kg was observed. Histopathological analysis of liver sections showed tissue damage, such as necrosis, congestion and vacuolar degeneration at a dose of 25 mg/ kg and in addition inflammatory cell infiltration in doses 50 and 100 mg/kg was observed. In Serological study also increased serum ALT, AST and ALP Liver enzymes levels. Results of the present study showed the dose-dependent toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles on the liver; therefore exposure to nanoparticles can make serious risks in humans.

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Fluor oquinolones changes in the articular cartilage especially with high doses and more than two weeks use. Due to relatively excessive use of enrofloxacin in the sheep flocks, this study was done to investigate the effects of enrofloxacin on some changes in growing lamb articular cartilage to evaluate some possible mechanisms involved these changes. Twelve, 2 month–old male lambs divided in three groups: control group received only normal saline; therapeutic group received 5mg/kg enrofloxacin subcutaneously, daily, for 15 days and toxic group received 35 mg/kg enrofloxacin as the same manner as therapeutic group. Twenty four hours after the last dose, the animals were slaughtered and their stifle joints were dissected. After gross examine, sampling were done quickly for further microscopic studies.Histological sections were evaluated morphometric ally and histochemically. Macroscopic changes such as cartilage flaps were seen only in toxic group. Microscopic changes were included the presence of spindle– shaped cells and cavitation in matrix, decreases of total cartilage thickness and chondrocyte numbers, increases of empty lacunae numbers, decreases of matrix proteoglycans and carbohydrates. Some of these changes were observed in therapeutic group with less intensity in comparison to toxic group. Results of this study showed enrofloxacin use in growing lambs even at recommended therapeutic dose, is not completely safe on articular cartilage.

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Nanotechnology is a term which refers to all advanced technologies of Nano scale. By Nano scale, a dimension of 1-100 nanometers is presumed. Nano zinc oxide is one of the most important nanomaterials which is widely used in business and industry and this has caused some concerts regarding its effect on the environment and human health. There are not many studies of harms of these materials to the body. The present study was done to define the role of zinc oxide nanoparticles and its deposition values in lung. Syrian female mice of NMRI variant were divided into three groups of 10 each: control, 1000 ppm/kg zinc oxide nanoparticles and 2000 ppm/kg zinc oxide nanoparticles treated groups. During a period of 10 days, different doses of zinc oxide nanoparticles (i.e.1000 and 2000 ppm/kg) were given to treated groups by inhalation, the control group received distilled water by inhalation. Then the mice were dissected and lung was prepared for investigation of zinc oxide nanoparticles deposition by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Statistical analysis showed that zinc oxide nanoparticles had significant difference in tissue of the lung which had received doses 1000 and 2000 ppm/kg compared with control group. Consumption of zinc oxide nanoparticles in doses of 1000 and 2000 ppm/kg, deposition of this material significantly increased in lung.

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Passiflora caerulea is one of medicinal plants and use in medicinal industry. Passiflora caerulea contain high anti oxidant combinations this combinations pain properties and are useful in curing have anti cancer and anti inflammatory and antiepilepsy, diarrhea, burn, hemorrhoid and in regulating liver enzymes. In this experiential study, 40 wistar male rats, use weighting about 195-200 g each were used in five groups eight including: control without received nothing, sham group received distilled water and 3 experimental groups receiving 150, 300, 600, mg/kg leaves of passiflora caerulea Hydro-alcohol extract respectively. According to obtained results, ALT, AST and Albumin in experimental group receiving the highest dose of the extract 600 mg/kg, pation in control group, meaningful in level. The Level of ALP, Total Protein, Creatinin and total body weight to comparison by control group not show significant changes and hydro alcoholic extract Passiflora cearulea Author decrease level BUN to experimental groups extraction of receiving. Hydro-alcohol extract of Passiflora caerulealeaves probably has a significant effect on hepatic activity. This effect by anti oxidant property active, mechanisms via like free radical control and peroxides neutralization and prevention of revive glutathione, evacuate and cell membrane stabilization and by stimulating DNA polymerase and increasing rRNA synthesis and finally relief liver cell.

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Mitochondrial genome sequencing is one of the most used method in the mammalian phylogenetic relationships studies. Such researches mostly focus on intraspecific divergence, prioritization of protective measures, and investigation on the species origin, refugium theory and other studies. Many investigations have been focused on Gazelles in Iran and other parts. Most studies agree on the existence of three species of theGazella genus, yet there is still much debate about the status of different populations and phylogenetic relationship of the species in different habitats. In this study, we have tried to investigate on the phylogenetic status of the genus in the central plateau populations including Yazd, Isfahan and Kerman. Our results indicated that the populations in the Yazd Province show the most phylogenetic divergence in comparing with Isfahan and Kerman populations. Our results showed that overall genetic diversity of the central plateau is relatively low. With regard to the sample size, we believe that the obtained results should be interpret with caution.

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The use of exercise along with herbal supplements is one of the proposed methods for controlling obesity and the complications of obesity, since there are variety of training programs and plant material. However, their exact efficacy is not yet clearly proven. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobic training and green tea supplementation on heart rate and blood pressure among overweight. Thirty overweight healthy female subjects were selected in the age range of 35-25 years. Then, after similarization the groups based on body mass index (BMI) and age, they randomly named to one of three groups: aerobic exercise follow supplementation with green tea group (N=10), green tea supplementation group only (N=10), and exercise group were just aerobics (N=10). Aerobic exercises have been done for 7 weeks in 3 times per week and green tea supplementation was consumed during seven weeks in three times a week in the amount of 2 g after meals. Before and after the intervention period, heart rate, blood pressure and weight of the subjects were measured. One-way ANOVA were used. The results showed that systolic blood pressure follow aerobic training program combined with supplementation of green tea significantly reduced. However, heart rate was reduced in the aerobic exercise group only compared to the green tea supplement group.

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Tuberculosis is an infectious disease is created by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It can be resistant to antimicrobials drugs that used to treat the disease. Multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) means resistant to the drugs isoniazid and rifampin. The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence or absence of any contaminant patients through IS6110 fragment in the sample and also the presence or absence of resistance to the antibiotics rifampin and isoniazid in the sample with Real Time PCR technique. Sputum samples were collected from patients with tuberculosis were cultured in medium L-J And extracted genomic DNA using CTAB technique was performed to determine the resistance or non-resistance samples were analyzed by Real Time PCR. Samples using conventional PCR technique using specific primers for the detection of IS6110 examined whether being tubersulosis or non-tuberculosis. Study of 21 Clinical cases, demonstrate that 17 cases was Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and 4 were non Tuberculosis. All samples were also sensitive to the antibiotic. Using Real Time PCR diagnostic techniques are useful for the study of antibiotic resistance genes in the shortest possible time (less than a day) and high specificity and accuracy at the time of diagnosis can be done. Fortunately in this study all samples were sensitive to all antibiotics rifampin and isoniazid the probable cause of this result can because of successfully controlled disease by medical centers through successive examinations of patients and the low statistics of immigrants in the province.

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