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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1972

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With no doubt, the Safavid era should be considered as the most brilliant periods in history of Iranian urbanization and architecture. Thus, it will be a good idea to study the factors involving in it from various angles. Isfahan school of thought and its teachings were formed under the influence of Shia intellectual wisdom and it was one of the most effective factors which brought about the dignity and progress of Safavid art and architecture as compared with other eras. In fact Shia in Safavid period with the sovereignty of Safavid kings and formal state of Shiism, escaped from its previous situation and changed its status from a minority into majority. Thus, it had impacts on various dimensions of Iranian lives in particular urban life. In the first part, this article studies the Iranian Islamic garden construction in Safavid period with an emphasize on studying the main constructing elements and their roles in defining the physical identity of garden. In the other part, the link between urbanism and garden construction in Safavid age and the emergence of city garden and factors affecting its formation will be elaborated. In the continuation, the historical garden city of Isfahan as the most famous and magnificent Garden City built in the Safavid age and is selected and the quality of using the main elements and method of making landscape in Iranian garden in the definition of framework and image of this city will be studied. The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between Shia religious beliefs and the emergence of the idea of Garden City by the Safavids. For this purpose, the analytical-descriptive method has been employed and the analyses of the data are made in qualitative and inferential methods. Data collection has been made by using library sources. The results obtained from this article shows the quality of relation between the idea of the Iranian Garden City at Safavid age by using the model of Iranian garden and the position of religious ‘Islamic and Shiite beliefs in tits formation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2017

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Transformation process is always subject to specific forces and mechanisms and the study of them can determine the logic and spatial patterns of the city in each period. The Iranian-Islamic cities have been facing deep physical and spatial changes in the course of their changes in recent hundred years. One of the factors which can be considered as a standard in the method of transformation is the city spatial and physical structure analysis. Aiming at studying the transformation of the spatial –physical structure SABZEVAR city in two historical periods (1907 and 2007., this article has been compiled. This research is of the quantitative-comparative type and its approach is based on the theory of space syntax and spatial parameters measurements such as integration value, depth, control and connectivity in each period. The article is based on this theory that physical changes in organic textures is associated with spatial changes. On this basis, the spatial parameters in each period have been analyzed and their correctness have been evaluated. Analysis show that the average of mean integration in this period is equal to 0.4946 and the spatial Mean Depth is 18.6059. Also, the two parameters of control and connectivity are 0.9983 and 2.1661 respectively. The results of this research show that the area under study in 2006 had an integrated structure in which the bazaar as the most mean integrated city space (0.7433) played a main role in the development and transformation method of the city. But, in 2006, the destruction of bazaar and the construction of new streets have increased the mean integration by 0.8715 and the reduction of the Depth by 12.5638. Also the parameter of connectivity has increased to 23759 and that of the control to 10239. In this period, BEIHAGH Street which has been replaced with the traditional bazaar, with 1216 is the most integrated street in Sabzevar city space. The results show that the street, opposite to the bazaar is the factor for the physical and spatial disruption in the limit of the historical texture and it has had impacts on the performance of the elements related to it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1874

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Searching for origins and deficiencies of subjective and experimental approaches and attitudes based on western and Islamic attitudes on urban space and adopting a new approach and methodology and based on Islamic philosophy and wisdom on the concept of Islamic urban space and in particular on market scene, streets and urban squares is the major issue of this research. For this purpose, adopting the Islamic realistic approach, which considers a reference and creditable state for three epistemological sources of sense, rationality and revelation and with a inferential and Ijtahd based style, the meaning of urban space in Islamic city based on basic and authentic relation among the existential and inherent dimensions of space have been studied. The meeting of the presence of mind and society as the existential and genuine elements in the Islamic thought in the “physical space and framework” as “existing” element display a situation and a position in which the urban space is created. The results of the research show that in the dimension of mental interactions (introvert) with the urban space, concepts such as the precedence of daily presence in urban space as compared with nightly presence, precedence of movement in urban space as compared with the sense of stop and pause in it are subject to elaboration and interpretation. In the dimension of social interactions, also concepts such as the precedence of social memories to individual memories, denial of social stratification in the space, the precedence of busy state and crowding to personal privacy and two-ways ones, precedence of men interactions as compared with women can be understood and inferred.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourism is an identity constructing and identity giving industry for different places and spaces that is formed through the presence of an absorbing element. This element might have a spatial -place nature or take a virtual entity to itself. Religious tourism is the spiritual type of tourism that today has attracted the attention of communities to itself. Religious tourism due to its effectiveness on creating a healthy and sustainable society plays an important role in giving identity to different places and spaces. Religious spaces, with regard to their spiritual dimension and nature not only create a sense of belonging to place in between the indigenous people, but also it leads to the creation of the sense of belonging among the tourists. This very issue causes the reproduction of religious tourism. In this research, using descriptive - explanation method, the role and influence of religious spaces in creating sense of place - space belonging in Zanjan city has been studied. The method of data collection in this study is documentary -field method. In the field method, 80 sample questionnaires were completed by tourists and the resulting data was described and analyzed by using SPSS software. Results shows that the type of spaces and method of holding the rituals in Zanjan city in Mohramm period make a sense of place belong among the tourists and reproduction of religious tourism. In addition, the promotion of the qualitative and quantitative level of ceremony leads to the increase of the tourists.

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In the analysis of urban spaces, we are facing with urban elements such as square, street, etc. The spaces which in addition to playing functional and communicative roles, they play a role as a suitable place to establish social interaction and a venue for the presence of citizens in the community. However, due to the expansion of the influence domain of these urban spaces, the religious open space in general, and courtyard of the mosque courtyard in particular can be mentioned as urban spaces. A space which in case of study, design an optimal management will have a suitable role in shaping the social life of the citizens. The aim of this recent research is study the feasibility of considering the apron and the courtyard of mosques as urban space in Islamic cities. Thus, understanding the detrimental features of courtyard of mosques as urban spaces, this research analyzes and compares the courtyard of Islamic revolution in Hazrate Masoumeh (s) shrine in Qom city. The research has been made based on descriptive and analytical method. The findings of the research show that the general feature of access and connection with the surrounding passages, having various entries, interaction created among people in the mentioned space and the presence of the spirit of urban life, are effective and detrimental factors for considering the open religious spaces as urban spaces. These types of spaces due to norms, behaviors and performances have jurisprudential restrictions in application and presence which should be noticed more precisely by designers and planners.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2176

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Islam is a civilization, culture and the message of correction along with knowledge and Islamic cities are the most obvious manifestation of it. Through the four evolutionary periods (the decline of the Roman Empire, early middle age, high urbanization, and late Middle Age) which have been covered by the European cities between the 3 to 16 centuries, the study of Islamic cities of the second and third periods, ie between the 9th and 13th centuries AD is extremely important. During this period, the most striking feature which gave a separate identity to Islamic cities as compared with the European cities is the concept of using the public, local spaces and ownership in Islamic cities. Iranian cities during the early period of arrival of Islam into this territory continued their life in the same primary form (old castle, Sharestan and Rabaz), until Islam gradually began to dictate its features to these cities. These civilization and culture changed Iranian cities in two ways of “production of new elements in the city” and “evolution and change of the old elements and in a sense, they changed them into Iranian –Islamic cities. This change took place in five stages of urbanism under the five styles of Khorasan, Razi, Azary, Isfahan and Tehran from 600 to 1900 AD. In this Article, the process of transformation of Iranian - Islamic cities before the arrival of modernism was analyzed in the two stages of the transition stage (600 to 1500 AD) and the other in the relief stage (1500 to 1920). But since 1920 onwards with the arrival of Modernism view into the field of planning and urban design, the Iranian - Islamic cities experienced many changes, including the destruction of the urban districts, change in the identities of squares, and the market space form. Modernist designs and patterns which had created these change in Iranian -Islamic cities are similar to the postmodernism models, but postmodern planners relying on feedback and public views in respect of solutions, are trying to make the designs more flexible. This feature the Islamic cities can reinforce a kind of return to the traditional models of Islamic cities. In total, various results were obtained in this study and some of them can be mentioned as follows: Islamic cities in the relationship and in distinction with the European cities have reached to a separate identity, and of course this method can not be a necessity for the identity finding of every type of cities and also the other important result is that the spaces of Iranian -Islamic cities, have had evolution under the direct influence of historical, political, economic and social incidents of this land.

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ormation of an architectural physical body is under the influence of many factors and knowing these factors would help us achieve a pattern for an architectural design and also to design a space with a better quality. The purpose of comparative study of Hoseiniyeh religious centers in Mazandaran and Isfahan provinces is to respond to this question that “what are the most important factors in formation of the architectural pattern in Hoseiniyeh Religious Centers at Qajar period in these two provinces? How and why a different physical body is observed in the units of the same age and with a similar function? The research methodology of this article is descriptive and analytical method, and data has been collected through field survey and library review. After taking the plan and collecting other data about Hoseiniyeh Religious Centers and through library review, the role of factors affecting the formation of Hoseiniyeh Religious Centers was specified. Then analyzing the rate of impact of different factors, the most important effective index on the formation of architectural physical body of Hoseiniyeh Religious Centers was introduced. In this research, after studying the characteristics of each of the Hoseiniyeh Religious Centers and having a general idea about it, the causes of these differences have been studied. The primary hypothesis of this article was on this basis that climate is the only and the most important factor influencing in the architectural pattern of Hoseiniyeh Religious Centers. For examining this hypothesis, having studied some of the factors affecting the physical body of each architectural units including climatic features, culture customs and tradition of the region, the impact of the prevailing architectural style of the era and also the feedback analysis of these factors in the architecture of concerned religious centers, it was concluded that the main differences of these Hoseiniyeh Religious Centers are under the influence of climatic factors as compared with any other factors and the ruling architectural style, cultural factors and other affecting factors, though they have been influential, but they have less effect in comparison with climate.

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A glance at the image of historical cities in Iran shows the valuable old textures which all of them in a not very far past had been enjoying desirable locomotion, vivacity and esprit. Today our urban timeworn is devoid of people activities and presentation for various reasons. At the same time, if these textures could have safe, ideal and lively spaces, and there will be healthy recreations in an organized form and in harmony with society values, then the active presence of people and following that joy and livability will increase. Redevelopment of cities and old textures are important for two reasons: respect to old heritages and to remove bottlenecks resulting from worn textures. Paying a low attention to repose program and revival of worn-out historical textures in long years have made them lose their efficiency and past activities and to appear as a problematic weave in city system. Therefore, the necessity of maintain and recreating the values, efficiency and livability of these textures have been noticed by urban architectures, designers and planners. Through library studies and field visits, this research has tried to analyzed the existing situation and to propose certain solutions to move out of this problem. Finally, it was concluded that several factors such as exhaustion in the body and face of unit, lack of urban infrastructures and installation proportional with modern needs and also the lack of proper economic life have brought about the fall in livelihood and viability and finally has led to the worn out state of Sang Siya district in Shiraz.

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