Islam is a civilization, culture and the message of correction along with knowledge and Islamic cities are the most obvious manifestation of it. Through the four evolutionary periods (the decline of the Roman Empire, early middle age, high urbanization, and late Middle Age) which have been covered by the European cities between the 3 to 16 centuries, the study of Islamic cities of the second and third periods, ie between the 9th and 13th centuries AD is extremely important. During this period, the most striking feature which gave a separate identity to Islamic cities as compared with the European cities is the concept of using the public, local spaces and ownership in Islamic cities. Iranian cities during the early period of arrival of Islam into this territory continued their life in the same primary form (old castle, Sharestan and Rabaz), until Islam gradually began to dictate its features to these cities. These civilization and culture changed Iranian cities in two ways of “production of new elements in the city” and “evolution and change of the old elements and in a sense, they changed them into Iranian –Islamic cities. This change took place in five stages of urbanism under the five styles of Khorasan, Razi, Azary, Isfahan and Tehran from 600 to 1900 AD. In this Article, the process of transformation of Iranian - Islamic cities before the arrival of modernism was analyzed in the two stages of the transition stage (600 to 1500 AD) and the other in the relief stage (1500 to 1920). But since 1920 onwards with the arrival of Modernism view into the field of planning and urban design, the Iranian - Islamic cities experienced many changes, including the destruction of the urban districts, change in the identities of squares, and the market space form. Modernist designs and patterns which had created these change in Iranian -Islamic cities are similar to the postmodernism models, but postmodern planners relying on feedback and public views in respect of solutions, are trying to make the designs more flexible. This feature the Islamic cities can reinforce a kind of return to the traditional models of Islamic cities. In total, various results were obtained in this study and some of them can be mentioned as follows: Islamic cities in the relationship and in distinction with the European cities have reached to a separate identity, and of course this method can not be a necessity for the identity finding of every type of cities and also the other important result is that the spaces of Iranian -Islamic cities, have had evolution under the direct influence of historical, political, economic and social incidents of this land.