Leisure is one of the innate needs of human and leisure urban space is a bed for the set of free involvement and associated with pleasure for people at the spare time in cities which unfortunately, it has not been emerged in the cities as it deserves. Because, the physical body, performance and meaning of urban spaces potentially and in effect not only is not in agreement with the general expectations of leisure spaces but it is not also in agreement with the effective features of ecology including natural, social, cultural and behavioral features as well. So, the leisure spaces are fading spaces in which the citizens feel a sense of lack of identity, lack of sense of belonging and pleasure and do not experience the real leisure. Thus, the base of this article is the nature of leisure urban space and the quality of it econcentrism design proportional with the natural and human ecology and developing the design principles of these spaces., aiming at this goal that the quality, joy and construction expected for the optional and social activities of the citizens and gaining pleasure from the leisure time could be met. So, confirming the role of urban design and identifying the features of leisure urban spaces and eco-oriented design in general in the method of content analysis and having awareness of Iranian pervasive eco features, and also Iranian cities and citizens through descriptive method, principles and standards were presented as the guides for the design of leisure urban spaces in Iran in particular. Furthermore, using the survey and comparative method and aiming at analysis of the effective indexes of leisure space joy and comparing these indicators in Qiyam and Dahom Farvardin streets in Yazd city, the research were completed. The results of this study shows that Qiyam street as compared with Dahom Farvardin street, due to the position in the historical texture and neighborhood with traditional markets of city on one side and the physical features, performance diversity and its receiving stance on the other side, has created a more suitable conditions for spending leisure time in the side of citizens. Though the results of this research indicate that even Qiyam Street with certain features, for a more constant and purposeful presence of citizens is in need of adoption of different and more efficient attitudes based on the cultural, ecological and local characteristics of Yazd city.