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Disputes and relations between Sultan Mohammad Kharazmshah and Abbasi's caliph Al-Naser Ledin Allah is one of the main events during Kharazmshahian government because most of the problems of Kharazmshahian were the result of caliph's viewpoints to their government. The relations were founded by the ancestors of Sultan, and the first sever dispute happened between he and Abbasi's caliph in the time of Takesh because Kaharazmshahi family since Atsez era tried to develop Kharazmshahi Government and take the power of Saljoghi's family who got weak those days in Iran. So, Abbasi's caliphs tried to regain the secular and religious powers which were out of their hands and in this regard there were serious conflicts between caliphate and sultanate which resulted to the conflict between Sultan Mohammad Kharazmshah and Abbassi's cliph Al-Naser Ledin Allah and had bad effects on the caliphate and sultanate. In this study, it is tried to investigate caliph's viewpoints, conflicts between caliphate and sultanate and its effect on Kharazmshahi government.

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The per pose of this paper is to have a look at the British policy in Iran during the reign of Pahlavi 1st, which was based on two principal points. The first was to make a blockage against the penetration of socialism through Iran in order to prevent it into the Middle East and India .The second which was more important, was the security of Oil Wells and Pipe- lines and to secure the flow of oil to the Persian Golf. Both of these goals were guaranteed though out the reign of Pahlavi 1st.Then, to have a brief account on the Iranian policy at the commencement of The Second World War which was decided to pursue the policy of neutrality in the war. From the British point of view, this policy not only did not threat their goals and attack in Iran but, in fact, secured and savegarded them perfectly. Afterwards the sudden interests of the German forces on Russian territories on June 22nd 1941, upset the political and military pattern of the war derastically. The necessity of sending arms and supplies to the new ally, the Soviet Union on one hand the roads of Iran were propitious for transportation of weapons and supplies on the  other hand, turned the Allies‘ attention to Iran. In order to achieve their objects, decided to follow military means and under the pretext for the threat of thousands German envoys in Iran, which was not reliable and proved, 3rd of Shahrivar 1320 sh/ 25th August, 1941 they attacked and occupied north, south and west of Iranian territories.According to the reliable sources, this paper is going to study and analyse the British policy in Iran during this priod and belived that the British Government was designer of the plan of occupation of Iran. Although Iran was considered as the “Bridge of Victory” but received neither rewards nor privileges, futher more the Iranian Government had to do as they were pleased. In fact, Iran had been made the scapegoat of the British policy towards Russia.

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Sheikh Ali Khan, chief minister of Shah Soleiman from Safavid dynasty, who should truly be called Amir Kabir of Safavid era, several times initiated reforms & audits in the Kingdom's many bestowed land properties, but with no success, because, according to Schardon's opinion, all great-Khan Secretly opposed to the idea, as they saw it against their interests. After all, every great Khan already had from these properties under their domain, and some, as a result of proposed audit, their revenues would decrease to a quarter or less than the amount before. It seems as if the popular saying "King grants but Sheikh Ali Khan doesn't" may have come into being from that time.After his father, Sheikh Ali Khan was granted the title of "Master of the Horse" by the King. Since he somehow caused that the King be relieved of the minister who did not heed his orders at the start of his Kingdom, he acquired the ministerial office & the title of "King's Trustee" (1086 by the lunar calendar). It is said that he administered the affairs of the Kingdom based on sound discipline, respect the elite and intellectuals and attended to the poor & those were in need, He made trips at nights in the town in disguise. The date at which he began his ministerial ship is mentioned (1086 by the lunar calendar.).

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Because of neighborhood with Tehran as capital city, Qom was as a shelter and sanctuary for the various political personalities of Qajar period and however had no importance for political situation but held prominent station because of the presence of the hazrat-e Ma'soumah holy shrine (salamollah alayha) and centrality of shia clergymen. Thereupon, Qom changed to main point against Qajar autarchy, during Constitutional Revolution and migration of clergymen to this city.The presence of clergy scholars in Qom due to coming and going of the political figures and remit of variant telegraphs between Tehran and Qom and increased people's complaint against residential landlords and influentials significant injustice and the people's confrontation against these cruel dictators of whom one was "Motawallibashi". Also implementation of oration against the Qajar reign in the hazrat-e Ma'soumah holy shrine was the most important event at that time that played an effective role for development of Iranian people in contrast to obsolutism and the establishment of Constitutional (Mashrooteh) system.After distributing of constitutional ordinance Qom people continued to their political participation like too many of the country provinces and they formed multiple of syndicates and political societies that had many effects on social and political evolutions of this city after their own deputy selection in the assembly.

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Local historiography is one of the forms the Islamic-Iranian historiography, which its writing began in the first half of third century of Hegira, and more often it was used for determination of the limits of the lands conquered by the Muslims and for determination of the amount of the taxes of these territories.Later, and specially with emerging the independent and semiindependent governments and with rising of their power in the Saljuks dynasty, the historiographers continued to writing this kind of subjects with other motivations such as registering the historic events of their own regions. In the Ilkhans period, this form of historiography, took the progressive way like any other forms of historiography.The Ilkhans and beside them the Great Personalities, the administrative and magistrate authorities residing in Ilkhans court, had a great and efficient role in growth and evolution of local historiography by providing the required conditions, by encouraging and protecting the historians, and by giving them certain facilities. Some of local historiography bibiliographic sources are as follows:Tarikhnamehye Harat by Seifi Heravi, 723 to 724 Hegira; Semtol ola lel hazratel olia,by Nasseradin Monshi_e_Kermani, 715 to 716 Hegira Mosameratol akhbar va Mosayeratol akhyar by Aghusaraei, in 723 Hegira Shiraznameh by Ibne Zarkob, 745 to 754 Hegira; Al Tadvin fi Akhbar_e_Ghazvin by Abolghasem Rafei, 675 to 676 Hegira.

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Kurd community has been established on the basis of land as a symbol for territory, and blood as a symbol for fatherly tribe. There fore, the style of tribal and rural-tribal   life has been dominated.No doubt dominance of this life style has led to failure of city development and city-dwelling in community.This article is trying to study the concept of city commonly and also to discover the concept of city and city-dwelling in Kurdish regions, specially so that it can reveal the bases and reasons of undevelopment of the city and city-dwelling weakness of Kurd traders in order to obtain power and non-supporting of Constitution Revolution by them and last incompletion of capitalist growth in Kurd regions.

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In this essay, political theories of Mohaghegh-e-Helli (died in 678 H.G) Shahid avval (died 678 H.G) of  Mohaghegh-e-Helli (died in 940 H.G) Shahid sani (died 966 H.G) Mmoghadase Ardebily (died 988 H.G), Feiz Kashany (died 1091 H.G) have been studied which of course is most   difficult parts of Shi, ite political theories since Shi, ite jurists who developed   religious leadership confronted with a state which it's governor was shi, that resulted new conditions for them and had considerable effect on them. Being at the same time with Shi,ite jurists in this period (600 years, since in  the middle of the seventh century to beginnings of twelfth century). states like Esmailye, Hurofieh, Ahl Hagh, Sarbedaran, Allavian and Safavieh, confronted them with new conditions in their political views and flexibility and comprehensiveness are two essential elements.

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Appearance of new thoughts in Qajar era is one of the most important causes of transition in Iran at Qajar dynasty. Finally the transition resulted in basic change of the type and foundation of Iran’s regimen. Some famous characters such as Amir Kabir played an important role in the transition. Traditional thoughts of Amir Kabir changed to quasi-modern thought when he encountered with different elements. His quasi- modern thoughts originated in a city named Tabriz, where he lived, and Qaem Maqam Farahani’s impression on him, his trip to Moscow, Petersburg and Iravan, his personality, willpower, and his great interest in Iran’s modernization.

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The onslaught of the Mongol in 7th A.H centaury has greatly influenced Iran society. In addition to it's political and military effects of the Mongol onslaught, many different books, articles and thesis's were written. The cultural effects of this onslaught are also considered by researchers. Relying on rich resources of this period; the literature stands in a high position. This article it tries to show the social reality and status of the society by the writings of Iranian poets and writers in Mongol period.

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Sufism had enjoyed of penetration and more antiquity among other religions of Iran .Sheikh Zahed Gilani established Gnostic movement which had been rarely different with other mystical groups in Iran. However, the base of Zahediyeh’s Sufism was on poverty and mendacity, but Sheikh Zahed by political and economy’s penetration which had found in Gilan, Shervan, Aran, Azarbayjan was respected by local and Ilkhani’s kings. In spite of the great number of Sheikh Zahed Partisans, Shervan’s rulers was always shocked with fear and dread. Because Disciples of Sheikh were more than their forces .After joining Sheikh Safiodin Ardebili to him, on the base of the heritage which Sheikh Zahed had carried to him, the mystrical method was created by him. It seems, Sheikh Sufi in spite of spiritual motivations and wealth had paid attention to the pecuniary of Sheikh till to increase his power by this way. Besides of this issue , Sheikh Sufi, by transferring lordship (being a sayid)from Sheikh Zahed family to himself after getting married with sheikh Sufi’s daughter, provided the background of mixed thought of political civil of Iran for his dynasty.

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