Thin layer chromatography silica gel is used in a special chemical-physical properties.Particle size distribution, specific surface area, pore volume, and pore diameter of this type of silica gel are within the specified range. After reviewing scientific and industrial related literature, documents and sources, finally the so-called slurry method was selected as our rout to prepare this kind of silica gel. According to our previous knowledge and experiences in the field of the silica, the silica gel product was prepared in laboratory scale in the Inorganic Chemistry Research Group. In this study initially, a well-known commercial silca gel sample named St.MN was characterized and consider as our evaluation criteria to evaluate our products. Then hydrogels were prepared in pH=9 via controlling temperature and reaction time in the range 80-85ºC and 12-15 minutes, respectively. In the next steps, aging and washing, the hydrogel was more processed.At this stage at 30 minutes after coagulation time, the hydrogels stirring and washing at room temperature via pH=4-5; then the resulting hydrogels, curing and silica gel product was prepared.The characterization results such as determination of adsorption capacity, pH of 10% aqueous suspension, bulk density, porosimetery (BET), elemental analysis (XRF), particle size analysis (PSA) show that two of the prepared products, STC07 & STC08 have an acceptable quality in comparison with dose of St.MN compound. the results obtained from qualifying tests for the TLC plates built with STC07 & STC08 samples were similar to dose of obtained for St.MN plate.