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The millennium villages initiative could achieve more integrated sustainable settlements if sustainability aims such as those set out in the proposed evaluation framework (minimizing resource consumption; maximizing environmental capital; quality of life; social inclusion; community participation) were adopted as central objectives. The term "sustainability" was offered in 1987 by the United Nation's World Commission on Environment and Development in its report Our Common Future. According to that document, "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. "Ultimately, the goal of sustainability is to enhance people's well-being. Sustainability is a concept that allows a comfortable way of living by balancing the resource demands of technological, economical and social requirements with the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs. "Sustainable communities encourage people to work together to create healthy communities where natural and historic resources are preserved, jobs are available, sprawl is contained, neighborhoods are secure, education is lifelong, transportation and health care are accessible, and all people (in rural and urban regions) have opportunities to improve the quality of their lives. Sustainable development has three principal dimensions: economic growth, social equity and protection of the environment. Maximization of social well being and poverty alleviation through the optimal and efficient utilization of the natural resources is the economic dimension. The social aspects refer to the improving access to health and education services, fulfilling standards of security and respect for human rights. The issue of equity, i. e. , the distribution of benefits and access to resources remains an essential component of both the economic and social dimensions of sustainable development. The environmental dimensions, on the other hand, are concerned with the conservation and enhancement of the physical and biological resource base and eco-systems. So sustainability indicators look at economic, social and environmental information in an integrated manner and are growing in importance with the advent and follow-up to Agenda 21. They are now challenging countries and the development community to: develop better information collection and reporting systems especially for natural resources (environmental) indicators; integrate environmental, social and economic indicators for greater sensitivity in planning and decision-making toward sustainable development; and report regularly and reliably on conditions and trends. This paper aims at explaining the role and importance measurement and ranking of social sustainability in rural regions with emphasis on Fuzzy TOPSIS by referring to example of objective indicators in Dehestan Homeh in Central District of Khodabandeh. So the focus of the paper is on consideration of how to use objective indicators to monitor social sustainability in a relevant and useful manner. A central question in this paper is whether the required decision making arrangements for measuring and ranking of social sustainability in rural regions, or whether Fuzzy TOPSIS is suitable method for ranking of rural settlements. Above all, we want to find out, how can measure social sustainability based on objective indicators and how can rank rural settlements with emphasis on Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) methods. The paper is organized as follows: After presenting a framework for the analysis of sustainable development and social sustainability, we have explained some basic objectives indicators of social sustainability in rural settlements and decision making methods with emphasis on Fuzzy TOPSIS in order to ranking of rural settlements. This study proposed 17 objective indicators for social sustainability. These are pragmatic choice, to encapsulate in a convenient and practical way the main features or characteristics against which rural settlements could be appraised. They are: social participation, social interactions, introspection, social solidarity, social responsibility, social trust, satisfaction of organizations, fear of abnormal, sense of social exclusion, satisfaction of housing, satisfaction of income, job satisfaction, satisfaction of accessibility to services (quantity and quality), sense of place, expectancy to the future, sense of good luck. Then we have pointed out some essential arrangements which are necessary for gathering data and measuring indicators by questionnaire in 21 rural settlements and 306 rural households. Finally we showed that this model and objectives indicators are able to truly illustrate local circumstances.

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In recent years the development of small cities and including through promoting of villages to city as one of the main policies to improve quality of life in rural areas were considered in Iran and according this during recent decades a large number of villages have been changed to city. While urbanization in developing countries have been many problems such as lack of housing and employment and environmental pollution, but policy makers and planners in national and international levels are emphasized on the positive functions of cities, especially small and medium cities to improve the quality of human life. Urbanization in developing countries is a respond to the inevitable decline or stagnation in terms of rural areas. However it should be a distinctive between negative effects of urbanization through rapid expansion of cities large and the effects of promoting villages to small cities. Because most of the urbanization problems are see only in the large cities and metropolises. Small and medium cities don’t have such problems or its severity is very low, because many studies have a positive evaluation about the role of small cities in regional and local development. Therefore due to relationship between urbanizations and quality of life, the conceptual model of present study have been based on the hypothesis which promoting villages to cities can be improved objective and subjective dimensions of quality of life. Methodology: In the present study to evaluate the role of promoting villages to city to improve the quality of life the subjective indicators, levels of satisfaction has been used the decuple domains of environment quality, housing, education, health, personal well-being, participation, entertainment and leisure, information and communication, employment and income and wealth. Research method is descriptive and analytic and to do it about 202 samples from two city residents of Saheb and Firouzabad cities randomly selected and using subjective indicators have been studied the effects promoting villages to improve quality of life. Data collection tool is a researcher-designed questionnaire that was produced according to research objectives. Used Questionnaire is formed mainly by questions with closed answers in Lykert spectrum five scales (much better: 5 to very worse: 1). Discussion and conclusion: results indicate the promoting villages to city have been improved the quality of life in city of Firouzabad in domains of Environment, Housing, Education, individual Welfare, participation, information and communication, entertainment and leisure, employment, income and wealth and only in the domain of health has not improved. Results of data analysis in city of Saheb indicate that promoting of village to city could improve rural quality of life in six domain of environment, housing, individual welfare, participation, information and communication, income and wealth, but four domain of education, health, entertainment and leisure time and employment has not improved. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify the important domains of life and main indicators each domain of life. Regression coefficients show the relative contribution of each domain and indicator in the quality of life. Causal relations between domains of life and satisfaction about quality of life after promoting villages as follows: QOL=0.35EQ+0.74 HO+0.26 ED-0.24HE-0.57PW+0.17 PA-0.73IC+0.23 CE+0.16 EM+0.66 IN (EQ: Environmental Quality, HO: Housing, ED: Education, HE: health, PW: Individual Welfare, PA: participation, IC: Information and Communication, CE: Entertainment and Leisure, EM: Employment, IN: Income and Wealth) Total variance of the quality of life explained by this model is 57%. Coefficients in this model show the relative influence of each domain on the quality of life. As indicates the share of each domain in the quality of life is not equal. Domain of housing has the highest of causal effects, and later domains are the information and communications, income and wealth. But domains employment and participation have lowest of causal effects. This analysis shows that life identified domains in this study have a direct effect on the quality of life of local resident. Housing Facilities and amenities are the most important seer of satisfaction level about housing in cities. Satisfaction about the information and communication facilities mainly is predicted by access to public transport is predicted. Household savings is the most important seer for domains of income and wealth. In general, the findings of this research will be useful to design the next research for urban quality of life.

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The entrepreneurship enjoys long record in human's life and related studies of this topic, initially, have accomplished by scientific groups in industrial countries. Nevertheless this debate in our country has taken in consideration recently. The entrepreneurial function implies the discovery, assessment and exploitation of Opportunities, in other words, new products, services or production processes; new strategies and organizational forms and new markets for products and inputs that did not previously exist. Schumpeter (1942) knows the Entrepreneur, person who create dynamic and change that with pressures in markets, directs them towards no balance. Low & MacMillan (1988) Entrepreneurship is the creation of new enterprise. Effective factors that we refers to, is working experience, role models, Competence, Education, Dissatisfaction. Through working experiences, potential entrepreneurs learn about the market conditions in that sector and also build networks for future business relationships. Experiences create knowledge and possible connections. The assumption would be that it is the learning process, in general, both for negative and positive experiences, that seems to be of most importance in role-modeling effects. Dissatisfaction could be caused by a number of things: job dissatisfaction, the need for more independence, the desire to be in control of decision making, better salary prospects. The assumption is if the aggregate dissatisfaction variable is of a certain size, there will be an increased probability that the "dissatisfied" individual will start her or his own business. One could question the construction of the education variable in earlier Research studies, which mostly measure the level of education, but not the Content of that education. The competence variable is a combination of different factors: personal networks; job training; education; tacit knowledge; and learning experiences. New Rural management system of Iran during many years in order to social structures, have a complicated evolutions and changes. And unfortunately, the lake of efficient management in rural in the whole of these periods, especially, from 1340s forward and in the recent decades, provided many problems for rural residential. Although, after Islamic Revolution of Iran victory, existed formations as Shoora-e-Eslami, Khane-e-Hamyar, Daftar-e-Omran-e-Roostayi and so on in rurals. But of lack of being efficient fundamentals and performance organizations didn't achieve the more success. Because of these disorders in the 1377, approved establishment of the self-efficient dehyaris law in the rural. With regard to this law, rurals with up to 20 family, must have a Dehyar and predicted that until the end of forth program, establish the Dehyari for all rural with families up 20. These rural, includes 53/4 percent of all of rural in the country that have a 95/3 percent of rural population in Iran. Entrepreneurship is important from two dimensions, economic and social, for rural and rural management of Iran. For economic dimension, problem of employment and employment is very obvious. With regards to the results general census of population and settlement is the 1385, unemployment rate of rural areas is 14/74 percent, and participation rate is 40/85 percent. Cause is the low existed occupations and employment is related to undeveloping agriculture activities in rural. and this also is, because of reduction of employed population in this section, adding rural employed population to the urban population and becoming empty of rural in the recent decades. From the other side providing appropriate services is the important challenges in the rurals of Iran. One of the modern patterns of servicing is up to governmental management. Society-oriented governance (empowering society instead of direct servicing of government) is also examples of governmental actions in this pattern. In this pattern, instead of servicing with regard to past processes, states or governments try to empower the citizens, local formations and source to solving problems. With regard to that, governmental and public managers learned that past endeavors in servicing to clients and costumer, make dependence which make dark economic-social independence originated from that. The perceive that one of main means of managementism, is providing the public participation with nongovernmental institutions. Dehyari as a public and nongovernmental institution plays the most important role. Attaining the whole side rural development system that public participation will be the basic element, that is not achieved without respecting to local leaders and belief to the potential and actual abilities of those and providing local formations. Because of these, knowing to entrepreneurship characteristics of Dehyaran found the increasing importance. The main goal of this article is evaluation of entrepreneurship characteristics and effect of peripheral factors on Dehyaran as new rural managers. According to recent researchesOn determining of entrepreneurs' characteristics, entrepreneurs have varied behavioral characteristics. Because of variety of these characteristics, 8 characteristics have selected and in a questioner has distributed between 76 rural manager of Miyandoab and analyzed. The result of this research demonstrated that in 5 characteristics the scores of Dehyaran are more than Criterion Average (2/5) and in high level but in 3 characteristics the scores are less and in low level, which in general representative that the Dehyaran who have surveyed enjoy entrepreneurship's average more than Criterion Average with 3/07 score. Also by evaluation of two factor (age and education as peripheral factors) and study of media and going to city as combination of two factors, the result demonstrated that combinational factors like: age-education, age-media study, education-going to city and education-media study have no effect on Dehyaran's entrepreneurship extent. But the combinational factor likes: age-going to city, has meaningful relation with entrepreneurship of Dehyaran.

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The purpose of this study has been to study eterminants of growth, labor productivity and poverty in rural areas of Iran. The contribution of agriculture and rural development to pro-poor growth. stem from many sources: It Plays an important, and often a lead, role in the early stages of pro-poor growth. Beyond its direct contribution to growth, a number of features specific to the sector enhance its contribution to pro-poor growth, including the concentration of the poor in the sector, the large size of its growth linkages to other sectors, and the positive externalities from assuring food security and reducing food prices. While no doubt the global economy has the potential to improve the efficiency of resource allocation and speed technological change, which are the short-run and long-run sources of economic growth, nevertheless it is Pro-poor economic growth which is the basic vehicle for reducing poverty. Increased agricultural productivity plays a central role in promoting pro-poor growth, especially in the early stages of development and when productivity growth results in lower food prices. Productivity plays a significant role in increasing conomic growth and competitiveness of a country in international market also. It not only saves energy and resources and help allocation of resources efficiently, but also helps to to increase the standard of living. Through higher level of income and output, it, thereby, reduces the level of poverty. Therefore every country rich and the poor try to increase its productivity. However, determinants of productivity differ among countries. Finding the main determinants of productivity is very important. Using simultaneous equations during the period1360-1386 and taking into account various variables such as wage rate, agriculture terms of trade with non-agricultural sectors, infrastructure such as electricity and institutions such as property rights, rule of law, transparency in rules and regulations and, security for which we have taken the number of registered court petitions and litigation documents regarding willful murder, manslaughter, assault, battery and threat for security, the documents related to the lessor and the lessee, robbery, drawing bad cheques for property rights, and aggression and for rules and regulations, driving without license, driving regulations offences destruction, forcible possession and detainer nuisance and other dispute documents for transparency in law and order and bribery and forgery and embezzlement for corruption as explanatory variables together with growth and productivity of agricultural sector. The result show that while increase in the variables such as wage rate, productivity, government investment on infrastructure and terms of trade, play a positive rule in poverty education, however, with the exception of wage rate and labor productivity the coefficients were not statistically significant. Growth and unemployment has had positive relationship with poverty level, though the coefficient of growth were not statistically significant. This, however, indicate that reliance on economic growth for poverty reduction, alone, is not sufficient. On the other hand variables such as education and economic growth has had positive and statistically significant impact on labor productivity in agricultural sector, while infrastructure and institutions has had negative impact. As for the economic growth, the variables such as openness to world trade, education and government investment for infrastructure has had positive impact, while institutions appeared to be the main hindrance factor of economic growth and poverty reductions, indicating that markets work if they have rules, enforcement mechanisms, and organizations promoting market transactions. This finding thus emphasize on both institutions that support growth and those that directly affect access of people left out of many market activities. It considers those institutions that provide opportunities for people and that empower them. With the exception of government expenditure for infrastructure development, the other coefficients were statistically significant.

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Currently in development and its strategies in developing countries there are different opinions, but what almost all experts, development and relevant international institutions, many have emphasized on the necessity of emphasizing human development nations and active participation in the development process is. Two decades more than two million people worldwide died of natural crises have lost Statistics show that economic losses due to this crisis in three decades, the border tripled in 40 billion dollars 1960 to 120 billion in 1980, has been killed the other hand, 90 percent of the developing countries have been. Earthquake as one of the most destructive natural disasters factors disarranging programs are developed with the earthquake because all programs available to stop developing its resources are spent rebuilding physical and human. Considering that prevent such damaging phenomena present in the factors and elements can not be established climate change as a result of any principles and remedial solutions must be exclusively on the ground and among residents in areas relevant search. The fifth mornings Jan.2003 earthquake magnitude large parts of Kerman province rattles this earthquake with magnitude of 6.3 Richter cause destruction of a large part of Bam city and surrounding villages and injure significant financial losses brought to. The earthquake between 45 to 50 thousand people died and more than 19, 000 units of city buildings in earthquake-stricken region, the Bam and Baravat destroyed. Experience various countries suggests that government activities and work alone does not have to join necessary and developing a strategic plan that can most basic and most general needs to be the basis, is inclusive, democratic system will require active participation of villagers in the reconstruction of earthquake-stricken regions important approach to their pricing power and be a kind initiative by the villagers that this allows them to own the reconstruction needs are involved. In this paper is to review the villagers participate in the reconstruction of places and seen the destruction of housing choices from damaged Bam. Research methodology: Study in terms of objective research, applied research, in terms of degree of control and supervision of field type, method of research is the correlation method The statistical study of all rural households earthquake-stricken city of Bam earthquake, which is influenced by 5 Jan.1382 are located. According to the Statistical Center of Iran Statistical winter after the 1382 earthquake has published over 20 villages around the city of Bam have suffered financial losses that injure and accordingly included 1935 households in 23 villages located in central part (located in two municipalities: Suburbs (15 villages), villages kerk and Nartich (8 villages) is. in this study map provided by Iran's Statistics Center of the villages studied the degradation of the four floors has any appropriate class size desired selected community samples measurement validity and the necessary reforms, the questionnaire provided teachers who have activity participation was after considering the comments to set the final questionnaires established. the 40 questionnaires the first, the preliminary test was conducted as alpha value choronbakh 84 / 0 was that the amount for research is acceptable formula for determining sample size cocran was used to determine the sample size was 156 Results: Level of participation in planning and decision that the respondents wish to participate in this are the level of, 3.2 percent of them not much willingness to participate, 33.3 percent of People with low participation, 38.5 percent average participation, 25 percent wish to participate in high level planning and decision making housing reconstruction in earthquake-stricken have. Participation of people in financial level showed that 53.8 percent of respondent's financial participation and value not mentioned have zero.100 percent participation respondents generally low rate was very low and no from the research participation of people desire to provide human resources, indicated that 9.6 percent of people very low rate of partial supply of human resources, 14.1 percent of people oriented to low supply of human resources, 39.1 percent of people The average rate of supply oriented workforce and 37.2 percent to provide large amounts of manpower are oriented. Results that the correlation analysis, the variables education, number of literate households, satisfaction, cohesion, social, economic base - social, motivation development, history of agricultural employment, rural public institutions join, type of land ownership, the use of information resources, history agricultural employment, good management and coordination between institutions responsible, incentives, Activity Council and the village has a positive relationship means dependent variable dependence government research, the damage and number of household members lost a significant negative relationship and the variables age, family size, and wealth without connections with the participation and solidarity in the reconstruction are damaged housing. Conclusion: Respect to mortality rate in the Bam earthquake and other earthquakes in Iran seems that most of buildings are old and non-resistant buildings should be so resistant against fault and activities are safe and special materials, light earthquake be used in making them and control and more control over the matter and instruments manufacturing, and construction occurs only by qualified professionals with business licenses and legal relevant organs to be done. Also secure the necessary awareness in buildings occur in people in financial difficulties in the villages that sustained damage in earthquakes are high Construction according to regulation enforcement does not resistant buildings is essential procedures easier and more cost that In addition to adequate seismic resistance of the rural economy and the level of technological capability and performance and they are proportional to replace former methods for Construction Materials in rural areas is selected such a low volume (low cost large amounts can be to be carrying point), light stability, technology executive of simple and complex technical calculations require the joint could be Reconstruction of housing choices to be tried with careful study and survey suitable for the villagers participate in planning, true, accurate and timely to be emphasized before any executive action several meetings with the villagers must be advisory and comments will use them in this field can be the short-term courses to increase awareness to promote and develop educational programs cholera Hammett said the majority of the respondents that their participation rate in the field of announced and zero financial fields of planning and decision-making and provision of human resources Medium to high for reconstruction have announced the authorities in this field, that forces the use of native and involvement in decision-making and giving them separate from planning to create employment, the despair and frustration reduce earthquake-stricken people. This cause will be taken on the authorities of a large shower.

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Over the past decade, the issue of rural women in developing countries has evolved from relative obscurity to a primary concern among the growing community of researchers and policy makers who are interested in women's socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic status (SES) is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family’s economic and social position relative to others, based on income, education, and occupation. A fourth variable, wealth, may also be examined when determining socioeconomic status. Socio-economic status indices are increasingly being used to characterize (in) equity, with the assumption that SES indices are reliable. Income refers to wages, salaries, profits, rents, and any flow of earnings received. Income can also come in the form of unemployment or workers compensation, social security, pensions, interests or dividends, royalties, trusts, alimony, or other governmental, public, or family financial assistance. Educational attainment is preferable to analyze for SES because it can be figured for all individuals. A person’s educational attainment is considered to be the highest level (grade or degree) of education they have completed. Occupational prestige as one component of SES, encompasses both income and educational attainment. Occupational status reflects the educational attainment required to obtain the job and income levels that vary with different jobs and within ranks of occupations. Additionally, it shows achievement in skills required for the job. Wealth, a set of economic reserves or assets, presents a source of security providing a measure of a household's ability to meet emergencies, absorb economic shocks, or provide the means to live comfortably. Socioeconomic status is typically broken into three categories, high SES, middle SES, and low SES to describe the three areas a family or an individual may fall into. When placing a family or individual into one of these categories any or all of the three variables (income, education, and occupation) can be assessed. Individuals with low socioeconomic status often lack the financial, social, and educational supports. Poor families also may have inadequate or limited access to community resources that promote and support children's development and school readiness. In respect to developing countries, rural women play a vital role in agriculture, daily reproductive tasks and income generating activities etc. However, it is the reality that less value is given to their contributions, and rural women are less likely to realize their status to make a life better for themselves, families and communities. Rural women with low SES may have inadequate skills for activities as reading to and with their children, and they may lack information about family health and nutrition. In these conditions, rural women remain inactive with less chance to development of their abilities. Improving rural women life will be occur by recognization socioeconomic status, ways of poverty eradication, accessibility of education and reinforcement of economic skills. Despite the growing interest in this issue, most studies of this issue have been limited in rural area of Iran. There is a need to identify the current status of women in rural area. Thus this study assesses rural women’s socioeconomic status (SES) in Hamedan County. In the next step, using quality Logit function, are recognized effective factors on improvement of SES and precise amounts of effect of variables. Data were collected from 256 rural women. The sampling method was stratified and used in the next step random sampling. The results show that 36.3% women’s in low SES, 55.9% of them in middle and only 7.8% of rural women have high SES. More specifically, the paper briefly outlines some of the major characteristics of women’s traditional nonagricultural employment within rural areas. It then moves on to a discussion of different sociopsycology interpretations of women’s involvement in socioeconomic status, for example stressing the importance of domestic violence analyses within an understanding of the interconnectedness of socioeconomic and psychology. In regards to estimation of Logit model showed that there are significant positive relation between improvement probability of SES with the level of husband education, self-confidence, amount of saving, economic skills, self-reliance, equality gender attribute, economic participation and mobility. Estimation of elasticity showed that economic participation has most positive effect. If this index increases one percent, the probability of SES increases 0.488 percent. Also according to marginal effect, by increasing this index by one unit, probability of improvement probability of SES increases by 0.096 units. Household violence has negative and significant relation with improvement probability of SES. According to the results, supporting indexes by positive effects on SES, especially in economic participation index and decreasing household violence for improvement of SES is necessary.

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In this paper we tried to analyze the relationship between migration, informal settlement, and unemployment in Ahvaz as the regional metropolis of Khuzestan state. Unemployment and Migration interaction effect with each other. Because on the one hand unequal distribution facilities and services leads to unemployment and job for people, The other hand, mass unemployment in section of the workforce, to pressure has forced them to minimum life having left their homeland and migration to cities to finding works. After that, the migration to cities, the slums for poor rural immigrants are first cheap and small area in cities, and there they are begun for search around the same area for job. In fact the major portions of the slums are around the industrial areas and neighborhood commercial environment are encountering. The Research showed Any Activity of custom in the local industrial is more; the numbers of slums also the place will be more. Ahvaz as the seventh of the Metropolis of the 2006 census, shaped by base of migration formed, and its life beholden Host migration. Due to implement land reform policy in the decade 1961, increased price of oil and replete the oil dollars in urban center, especially in Ahvaz, the trend of immigration process and especially the rural migration to the city and this increased in various consequences for the Metropolis region, such as Ahvaz has had. The consequences due to immigration to the city of Ahvaz noted, informal settlement can expand, increasing social crimes, expanding unemployment, without planning and development arranging pressure on the infrastructure of city services, etc. Research Methodology: The methodology of this paper is composed of empirical, analytical and attributive methods. The statistical population in current study was people who live in the suburb of Ahvaz city. We chose 385 families from 120000 people based on Cochran formula. We used inferential statistics so on Pierson, Friedman, analysis of variance, and linear regression and Z method. Discussion and results: Discussion of Ahvaz immigration as a topic is considered important population and the future fate of the city depends on the immigration process. Unequal of Development of Ahwaz, depended to Immigration, and its connection with the incoming, Immigration transplantation and also in connection with the establishment of heavy industries in this city. Since the trend of rural migration to the city, during the past decade intensity and continued this trend continues, so appears to be program should be developed to suitable of situations and conditions of social and cultural condition. Therefore, in order to prevent the adverse consequences of social, cultural and ecological migration problem are suggest the following strategies: - Use the system hierarchy and habitat planning program in balanced distribution services and facilities in Khuzestan province, the extraordinary concentration of industries and services in some urban areas and therefore the size of population density will prevent them. - To highlight the role of small and medium cities of Khuzestan province through knowledge and capacity of Ahvaz, and determine its natural, economic, social, and environmental fundamentals, and planning to prevent the migration throughout rural and small cities to Ahvaz metropolis. - Preventing focus investment on a pole provinces and urban and industrial areas by program planning, Index, development and increase small and medium cities of Khuzestan province. The density of immigrants, which would reduce the city of Ahvaz and population distribution in the province, will more balance. - The link between agriculture and industry by planning in establishing those industries and some factory that their production activities related to environmental resources and capability area is recommended. It is a way that their raw materials, while providing increased employment within the region in beside. Conclusion: The results of this research show that between unemployment and immigration in Ahwaz procedures significant relationship to the city there is significant. It was found that the migration of Ahvaz city is an important population factor and future fate of city is depend on the process of migrations, So that the physical and population irregular extension of Ahvaz as the metropolis of Khuzestan state is related to the migration and the migration is related to settlement of industries. This study based on a regression model, anticipated that unemployment population of Ahvaz (as a metropolis) will be 89116 in 2016. And it is necessarily considerable to pay attention to the migration in future planning. Finally, for the sake of prevent of ecological, social etc, undesirable consequences of migration to Ahvaz as a regional metropolis of Khuzestan state proposed some strategies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 6 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 8
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