An experiment to investigate the effect of dual-use chemical herbicides Total, Asrt, Apyrvs and Shovalieh And evaluate their performance with conventional herbicides Topic + Granstar on pishtaz wheat yield, and Yield component Resistance occurred in the region of Ilam, Ilam Chardavel was implemented in the 2011-2010 crop year. Experiment in a randomized complete block design with 6 treatments and 6 replications. Experiment treatments included: Control without the use of herbicides, Apirous with consumption doze of 26.6 gr per hectare, Shavaleieh with consumption doze of 400 gr per hectare, Asert with consumption doze of 2.5 liter per hectare, Total with consumption doze of 40 gr per hectare, Topic + Grainstar with consumption doze of 8 liter + 25 gr per hectare. Sitogit was used with Apirous, Shavaleieh and Total by 2 per 1000, According results of this Experiment the highest and lowest broadleaf weed control treatments, respectively, was owned the total and Apyrvs, The highest and lowest elongated leaf weed control treatments respectively belonged total Asrt and a total of the highest and lowest total control of broadleaf weeds and leaves were elongated was owned total treatment and the asrt treatment. Wheat in total treatment had maximum and Asrt Treatments lowest yield, seed weight and harvest index. Therefore according to the continued use of a mixture of two herbicides topic + Granstar caused biotype resistant is to this herbicides in weeds in the province, Therefore, the results of this experiment in order to reduce the resistant biotype harmful effects on the environment and reduce can be arranged Shavaleieh of the total herbicides and two herbicide mixtures suitable for topic + Granstar know.