New Novel (or nouveau roman) resulting from a society’s desires and expectations in mid-20th century, first rose in France, and then extended to other countries, including Iran. Hence, novelists like Hushang Golshiri (1938-2000) and Bahram Sadeqi (1937-1984) joined the New Novel current. Sadeqi wrote his short stories between 1956 and 1971, and his The Trench and the Empty Canteens (1970) is a typical example of New Novel in Persian literature. The book includes twenty-four short stories, from which A Gloomy Verse for a Moonless Night was selected to be reviewed based on Formalist and Structuralist approaches. There are some major reasons for this choice, one being the short length of the story which is suitable for a Formalist explication, and the other being the idiosyncratic language of the fiction, like the numerated episodes in the story and also the form and features of the text. Some anti-traditional narratives and techniques used in this work are: "Defamiliarization", "Distance", "Foregrounding", "Backgrounding", "Aljebrization", and "The Dominant". This research aimed at disclosing some linguistic and narrative features of Bahram Sadeghi’s texts in order to reveal first the New Novelists’ techniques, and then to discuss this so-called new style of Persian prose in the 20th century. Hence, based on these approaches, this article attempted to discover some narrative techniques and also to show how the Structuralist approaches might open the texts and present the inner linguistic phenomena of these texts.