To identify the effectis traits on grain yield under normal irrigation and water deficit conditions, 65 wheat recombinant inbred lines derived from the crossing of Yecora Rojo American cultivar (a high yielder, dwarf and early) and No.49 Iranian line (medium yielder, tall and late) split-plot experiments based on randomized complete bloks design with two replications was performed at Agriculture Research Station, University of Tabriz, in 2013. Irrigation levels were considered as main factor and lines as sub factor. The analysis of variance showed that the differences among irrigation levels for grain yield, plant height, peduncle length, root volume and root weight were significant. The differences among wheat lines and intraction between line irrigation levels for all of the traits were also significant. Under normal irrigation condition, grain yield had significant an positieve correlation with plant height, highest spike, number of seeds per spike, peduncle length, 1000 seed weight, spike length, straw yield and root length. Under drought stress condition, grain yield had significant and positive correlation with the number of grains per spike, number of fertile spikes, peduncle length, root length and straw yield. Path analysis, based on the stepwise regression method, revealed that the plant height, peduncle length, number of grains per spike, straw yield, number of fertile spike and root length undernormal irrigation condition and number of grains per spike, 1000 grain weight, number of fertile spikes, root length and root weight under water condition were effective traits on seed yield.