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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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To investigate the effect of organic fertilizer applications on yield and competition indices of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in different combinations of intercropping with sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), an experiment was carried out in split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replicates in 2011. The main plots were six fertilizer treatments consisted of 20 and 40 Mg ha-1 of vermicompost and sewage sludge plus 50% recommended chemical fertilizer, chemical fertilizer alone (100 kg ha-1 of urea, triple super phosphate and potassium sulfate) and control (no fertilizer application). Subplots were different planting ratios (sole cropping of basil and sesame, 75% + 25%, 50% + 50 %, 25% + 75% of basil+sesame). In this experiment, the 25% basil+75% sesame and 50% basil + 50%sesame under40 Mg. ha-1 of enriched sewage sludge application had the highest economical yield (up to 3097.47 kg ha-1) with a land equivalent ratio (up to 1.24). According to the aggressivity coefficient estimates of two plant species basil incombination of 25% basil + 75% sesame and sesame in 50% basil + 50% sesame and 75% basil + 25% sesame under organic fertilizer application would be dominant species competitave in ranges of 0.12 to 0.30 and 0.11 to 0.57, respectively.

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A pot experiment was performed to investigate the effects of root, shoot and full plant interference of barley by wild oat on leaf characteristics and root to shoot ratio. This experiment was conducted as factorial based on randomized complete design with four replications. The treatments consisted of four interference levels control, root, shoot and full plant interferences) and four wild oat densities (2, 4, 6 and 8 plants/pot). The effects of full plant and root interferences of barley and wild oat traits were higher than shoot interference. Full and below ground interactions of both species decreased the grain yield, flag leaf area and its chlorophyll content significantly, as compared to above ground interaction and control. All traits under study of wild oat were reduced by above ground interaction compared to control. Grain yield of barley and wild oat showed highest sensitivity to interaction of treatments. There was no significant difference between full and root interferences. Increasing plant density of wild oat decreased per plant seed yield, flag leaf area and chlorophyll content of barley leaf. Reduction of barley grain yield concering root, shoot and full interferences, as compared with control, were 28.75, 73.09 and 77.22 percent respectively. Results also revealed that interference of roots increased competitative ability of oats against barley. This indicates higher sensitivity of shoot than root to interference competition. This ratio for wild oat was more than barley. Therefore wild oat has higher rooting ability as compared to barley.

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To evaluate the effect of different levels of chemical and organic fertilizers on seed yield, its components and oil content of sunflower (Hybrid Iroflor), a factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with 12 treatment and 4 replications was carried out at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh during 2014 growing season. The first factor consisted of 3 levels of chemical fertilizer (C0: without using any fertilizer, C1: application of urea at the rate of 150 kg.ha-1 and C2: application of 75 kg.ha-1 urea + 50 kg.ha-1 super phosphate triple) and the second factor comprised of organic manure applications (O) with 4 levels (O0: without organic fertilizer, O1: animal manure application at the rate of 40 t.ha-1, O2: poultry manure application at the rate of 30 t.ha-1 and O3: %50 poultry manure+ %50 animal manure. Results showed that the highest chlorophyll index belonged to %50 nitrogen + 50% phosphorus plus poultry manure and nitrogen fertilizer plus poultry manure treatment combinations respectively. Applications of 75 kg N ha-1+ 50 kg P ha-1 and %50 poultry manure+ %50 animal manure treatment combination, resulted in grain yield increase by %42.02 as compared to the application of 75 kg N ha-1+ 50 kg P ha-1. Maximum kernel number per head was produced by interaction effect of chemical nitrogen fertilizer (150 kg N ha-1) animal manure (40 t.ha-1). Biological yield and harvest index were increased by %22.9 and %15.98 respectively, as compared to control and application of %50 poultry manure+ %50 animal manure. Highest percentage of grain oil (52.45%) was obtained by applications of 15t.ha-1 poultry manure+ 20 t.ha-1 of animal manure, as compared to the control (30.13 percent). The highest oil yield (1784.57 kg.ha-1) was also belonged combined application of 75 kg N ha-1+ 50 kg P ha-1 and 15 t.ha-1 poultry manure+ 20 t.ha-1 animal manure. Thus, integrated application of organic and chemical fertilizers (75 kg N ha-1+ 50 kg P ha-1 and 15 t.ha-1 poultry manure+ 20 t.ha-1 animal manure) improved both grain yield and its oil content of sunflower more than their individual applications.

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To evaluate the effect of amino acids and nano particles and application of iron chelate on some quantitative traits, harvest index and marketable tuber yield of potato a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at Research Field of Damavand Natural Resources Institute in 2013. The first factor was amino acid (Botamisol 45%) at two levels (application and non- application) and the second factor was iron fertilizer in five levels: without iron fertilizer (control), the soil application, the foliar application, the soil + foliar applications, the soil + foliar applications. The results of variance analysis showed that all of the attributes studied were affected by using both amino acid and iron containing fertilizer (nano and chelate) significantly at the 1% level of probability. Mean comparisons also showed that the attributes under study positively responded to amino acid applications. The soil and foliar applications of iron nano particles were higher effective. This indicates that application of iron nano particles were more effective on desired attributes than iron chelate application. Amino acid and iron fertilizer interactions indicated that traits like protein and iron percentage, average weight of tuber, biological yield and marketable yield responded quite positively to amino acid and nano-iron foliar and soil applications.

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To evaluate the effects of seed priming of hempseed with folic acid and hydrogen peroxide on some morphological and physiological traits a factorial greenhouse experiment based on randomized complete design with four replications was conducted at Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch. Treatments consisted of hydrogen peroxide at five levels (0, 7.5, 15, 22.5, 30 mm/liter) as the first factor and the four leveld of folic acid (5, 10, 20, 27 mm/liter) as the second factor. Seeds, to be primed, were immersed into solution of folic acid for 24 hours and hydrogen peroxide for 6 hours. The characteristics like chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll content, relative water content, plant height, root length, allometric coefficient, plant fresh and dry weights, were measured. Result of analysis of variance showed that the effects of folic acid and hydrogen peroxide on all characters were significant, but the interaction between the two treatments were only significant on relative water content and allometric coefficient. In this study, seed priming with 15 mm/liter of hydrogen peroxide and 5mm folic acid resulted in highest chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll contents, plant height, root length, fresh and dry weights. Increasing hydrogen peroxide level above 15mm/liter affected traits negatively. Combinated treatments of 15 mm/liter of hydrogen peroxide and 5 and 10 mm of folic acid resulted in highest relative water content and allometric coefficient, respectively. Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that priming seeds with 15 mm/liter of hydrogen peroxide and 5mm folic acid is recommended to produce proper morphological and physiological traits.

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To investigate the effect of planting date and plant density on phenology, seed yield, its components, seed filling rate and grain filling period of faba bean, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with four replications was conducted at Research Farm of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Gonbad University, Iran, during growing season of 2012-2013. The factors were three planting dates (4th of November, 4th of December 2013 and 3th of January 2014) and four planting densities (8, 12, 16 and 18 plant/m2). The results showed that planting dates significantly affected on phenology, yield and its components, seed filling rate and periods while the effect of plant density on seed filling period was not significant. Comparison of sigmoid equation coefficients showed that seed filling rates in three planting dates were different. The highest seed filling rate was obtained in 3th of January and the lowest at November 4, planting dates. The effect of planting date on seed filling duration was also significant, but it was not on plant density. Regression analysis showed that increasing 0.01g seed growth rate in seed unit, resulted in seed weight increase by 45.11, 32.43 and 26.66 g for November 4, December 4 and January 3 planting dates respectively. Delaying planting dates decreased seed filling period by 8.53 days and seed weight by 0.27 g. due to its effect on day length and temperature changes. Delayed planting dates were more effective on the rate and period of seed filling and phenology of faba bean. Delaying in planting date increased time to emergence, while decreased seed filling period and seed yield because of coincidence of this period with high temperatures.

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Field studies were conducted at Marvdasht area of Fars province in 2013 to investigate the effects of planting date and density on yield and some qualitative characteristics of three forage crops, corn, sorghum and amaranth. Split split plot experiments were conducted in a complete randomized block design with 3 replications at two locations. Treatments were plant species (forage corn 704, forage sorghum cultivar Speed feed and a new forage crop: amaranth), plant density (66000, 83000 and 110000 plants per hectare) and planting date (June 22, July 6, July 21). Combined analysis of variance indicated that, plant species, planting density and date significantly affected hay yield, grain protein percentage, iron and zinc content, calcium percentage, fiber and crude protein content. Highest hay production (11279.70 g.m-2), grain protein percentage (14.85%), iron content (446 mg kg-1 dry matter), calcium percentage (3.66%), and the lowest fiber content (9.44%) were obtained from amaranth with density of 66000 plants per hectare planted on July the 6th. The highest content of zinc (113.50 mg kg-1 dry matter) was observed with corn planted on June 22 with density of 66000 plants per hectare. The highest content of crude protein was in corn planted on July 21 with density of 66000 plants per hectare (1.69%) without significant difference against amaranth planted on July 6 (1.65%). Maximum fiber content (26.39%) belonged to sorghum plant. The results of this experiment showed that quality of 3 forage species were reduced with delaying planting date and increasing plant density. The results of this experiment, as a whole, showed that amaranth with density of 66000 plants per hectare at sowing date of July 6 can be recommended as appropriate and superior forage plant to Fars province based on the traits evaluated.

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This study was performed to assess potato hybrids for their promising agronomic, and marketability traits and their adaptability to climatic conditions of potato production areas in country. Some 104 potato hybrids selected during five years (2010-2014) along with Savalan, Ceaser, Agria and Khavaran cultivars, as controls, were compared in an augment design (preliminary experiment) without replications both at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station of Ardabil and Seed and Plant Institute Improvement of Karaj. These hybrids (104), tested in this experiment, were from 8 breeding populations. One half of the hybrids (52) in Ardabil and the other half (52) in Karaj (a total of 104 hybrids) each were planted in the 4blocks and each block consisted of 13 hybrids with four control (Agria, Khavaran, Ceaser and Savalan cultivars). During growing period and after harvest the traits like: plant height, main stem number per plant, main stem diameter, tuber number and weight per plant, marketable tuber yield and tuber dry matter percent were measured. Then 81 hybrids were selected as superior hybrids as to their marketable tuber yield and tuber dry matter content. Hybrids selected consisted of 17 hybrids from ♂ Satina ´ ♀ Luca population, 36 hybrids from ♂ Ceaser ´ ♀ Luca population, 14 hybrids from ♂ Savalan ´ ♀ Luca population, 7 hybrids from ♂ Savalan ´ ♀ Ceaser population, 4 hybrids from ♂ Ceaser ´ ♀ Savalan population, 1 hybrids from ♂ Satina ´ ♀ Savalan population and 2 hybrids from ♂ Satina ´ ♀ Savalan population. Cluster analysis divided 104 hybrids and cultivars into three groups. The first group with 49 hybrids had higher average tuber number per plant, marketable tuber yield and tuber dry matter percent than the remaining hybrids. In factor analysis, three independent factor total explained 73.90% of the variations. These were named as, 1- tuber yield and its components factor (marketable tuber yield, tuber number and weight per plant), 2- the plant structures factor (plant height, number of main stems per plant and main stem diameter) and 3- quality factor (tuber dry matter percent).

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To identify drought tolerant genotypes from 40 doubled haploid and 5 barley cultivars an experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted both at normal irrigation and water deficit stress conditions at the Agricultural Research Station of West Azarbayjan, at Miyandoab during 1390-91 crop years. A significant difference was observed among the genotypes concering grain yield, which indicates a high genetic diversity for this trait among genotypes under study. Genotypes No. 35, 24, 21 and 3 were highest yielders in both irrigation conditions. In this study, during tolerance of genotypes under both stress and normal irrigation conditions, were evaluated by using mean productivity (MP), tolerance (TOL), geometric mean productivity (GMP), stress susceptibility (SSI), and stress tolerance (STI) indices. According SSI and TOL indices genotypes 13, 16, 1, 19, 8 and 5 were identified as tolerant genotypes to water stress. Genotypes 3, 24 and 35 were found to have highest STI, MP and GMP indices. Correlation coefficients indicated that STI, MP and GMP were the best indices to select barley tolerant genotypes to water deficit stress in this study. It was also revealed that genotypes 3, 21, 24 and 35 which were highest yielders under normal irrigation and did have the least reduction in their yield under deficit irrigation. Thus, they can be recommended to the experimental site as the top producers.

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To evaluate the effects of using super absorbent and irrigation regimes on seed yield and yield components of maize cultivars a split plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was performed at the Research Field of Malekan Islamic Azad University. Main factor consisted of three irrigation regimes (irrigation after 70, 110 and 150 mm evaporation from pan) and subfactor of two levels of super absorbent applications (application and without application) and three maize cultivars (704, Iranian maxima and overseas maxima). Based on the results obtained it was revealed that highest seed yield (985 g/m2) belonged to the plants irrigated after 70 mm evaporation from the pan without using super absorbent. Irrigation after evaporation of 150 mm from the pan decreased both seed numbers per plant and 100 seed weight, and seed yield loss amounted to be 46.1% as compared with irrigation after 70 mm evaporation from the pan. Without using super absorbent and irrigation after 150 mm evaporation from the pan decreased seed number per ear by 38.8% and 100 seed weight by 13.8%. However, application of super absorbent and irrigation of plants after 150 mm evaporation from the pan increased by grain yield 38% as compared with out using super absorbent. There were not significant difference between cultivars for seed yield and yield components. It could be concluded that application of super absorbent under water shortage conditions may reduce crop yield losses.

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Sugar beet is one of strategic products to supply sugar in water limited areas of Iran. Thus, proper managements to supply enouph water in production of sugar beet is very important. To evaluate the effects of some anti stress substances like salicylic acid, tyuful and glycine to irritigate the effect of early water deficit on suger beet, an experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was carried out at the Research Farm of Fariman Sugar Factory in 2013. Treatments consisted of control (without using anti stress substances), with three concentration of salicylic acid (0.1, 0.5, and 1 mM), tyuful with three concentration (0.5, 1 and 1.5 liter per thousand) and glycine with three concentration (1, 2 and 3 liters per thousand). The results showed that the effects of anti-stress materials significantly affected the sugar content, root yield, white sugar yield and harmful nitrogen. Highest sugar content (15.65%), root yield (83.82 t.ha-1) and white sugar percentage (11.15%) were obtained by using tyuful 1.5 lit/1000. While, the lowest levels of these characters were obtained from control (not using anti stress substances). Maximum harmful nitrogen was produced in control treatment (4.38) and highest level of alkalinity with mean of 3.49 was observed by using 3 lit/1000 of glycine. Our results showed that all of the anti stress substances had positive effects on sugar beet under drought stress condition.

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In a field experiment, the effect of drought stress on yield and yield components of three wheat genotypes was investigated during 2013-2014 in Parsabad, Iran. It was performed in a split plot expriment based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The experimental factors consisted of irrigation regimes at five levels which considered as main factor and genotypes at three levels (Shirodi, Chamran and line N-80-18) as sub factor. Results revealed that the effects of irrigation regimes were significant on seed yield, plant dry weight, plant height, leaf area index, number of spike per m2, number of seeds per spike, 1000 seeds weight and seed protein content. The effect of genotype on all of the traits under study was significant. The effects genotype ´ irrigation regime interaction were also significant on seed yield, dry plant weight and number of seeds per spike. Under optimal irrigation, seed yield of Shirodi and Chamran cultivars and line N-80-18 were 4661.7, 4200 and 4402 kg ha-1, respectively. Moisture stress significantly reduced seed yield and yield components. Deficit irrigation increased seed protein content of the genotypes under study. Chamran cultivar produced highest seed yield under drought stress and in rainfed conditions, while its grain yield was reduced by 26% as compared with that of optimal irrigation condition. Based on the stability of yield of this cultivar in the all of irrigation regimes, under water limited condition, it can be considered suitable for this region.

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To study the effects of irrigation regems and planting patterns on yield and yield components of maize, a split plot experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with four replications at Sarableh Agricultural Station, Ilam in 2011-2012 cropping season. The treatments were three levels of irrigation (40, 60 and 80 evaporation (mm) pan (Class A)) as main plot and four planting pattern, (single and double rows on furrow bank and single and rows on the furrow bed) as sub plot. Number of grains per ear was significantly affected different levels of irrigation and planting patterns. The highest (489 grains) and lowest (458 grains) number of kernels per ear were observed at 40 and 80 (mm) evaporation, respectively. The highest (486) and lowest (448) kernels per ear were observed in planting pattern of double row on furrow bed and planting pattern of single row on furrow bank, respectively. The results showed that the interaction effect among different levels of irrigation and planting pattern were significant for 1000 kernel weight, seed yield, harvest index, biological yield and plant height. It was also observed that irrigating plant at 40 mm evaporation (mm) and planting pattern of single row on furrow banks produced highest 1000 kernel weight (329.9 g), seed yield (9220 kg.ha-1), harvest index (53.7%), biological yield (18451 kg.ha-1) and plant height (222.2 cm). In this study there was no significant difference between 40 and 60 mm evaporations from pan ´ planting pattern of double row on furrow bed for seed yield.

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Water deficit and graduall reduction of available water resources are the limiting factors of crop production. To investigate the effect of water deficit stress on yield and components of some red bean genotypes a split plot experiment in the form of randomized complete block design with three replications was carried out at the Agricultural Research Station of Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch. The treatments consisted of full irrigation (control), cutting irrigation off during flowering stage, cutting irrigation off of pod filling stage and three genotypes of red bean (derakhshan, goli, and D81083). The results showed that the effect of cutting off irrigation during the growth stages on biological yield, grain yield, harvest i ndex, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod was significant. The results also showed that the highest seed yield belonged to the full irrigation (control) treatment, where D81083 and goli produced higher yields than derakhshan. Highest grain yield was belonged to goli at full irrigation (control) treatment. Among the genotypes under study, D81083 had the lowest amount of reduction equal to 60 percent during cutting off irrigation at flowering stage. Number of seeds per pod decreased when irrigation was cutted off during the flowering stage. Derakhshan produced higher yield than the other genotypes and its seed per pod decreased by 38 percent. The results also revealed that red bean genotypes were very sensitive to deficite water stress. As a whole D81083 and goli genotypes were higher yielders than Derakhshan under limited water conditions.

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Arsenic contamination is one of the most important compounds all over the world. Arsenic in different ways, including the formation of reactive oxygen species and membrane lipid peroxidation impairs growth of plants. In this study, the effect of arsenic and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) were evaluated on soybean. Soybean at four leaf stage was treated with different concentrations of arsenic (0, 150 and 300 mM) and SNP (0 and 100 mM), and then concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, proline, malondialdehyde and activity of antioxidant enzymes in its shoot were measured. The result showed that increasing concentration of arsenic in Hoagland solution reduced total chlorophyll content in the shoot and increased the activity of catalase and peroxidase significantly. It was also observed that treating plants with arsenic increased hydrogen peroxid accumulation which resulted in peroxidation of membrane lipids. Higher malondialdehyde content confirmed this result. Using SNP in the medium containing arsenic increased total chlorophyll content, activities of guaiacol peroxidase enzyme and ascorbate peroxidase, significantly. However, the catalase activity in this case decreased. Thus it can be concluded that using SNP, would reduce effectively the damage of oxidation.

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This research was conducted to study the physiological traits affecting the yield of 10 different potato cultivars under water deficit conditions in a two-years study (2013 and 2014) in Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station. The study was performed in a split plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The main-plots were three levels of irrigations (irrigation with 100%, 80% and 60% required water) and sub-plots consisted of 10 commercial potato cultivars (Khavaran, Savalan, Luca, Satina, Sante, Marfona, Caeser, Agria, Aula and Draga) released in the last 30 years. During the growing season, some physiological traits including relative water content, electrolyte leakage and chlorophyll content of the leaves were measured at their five different growth stages. Combined analysis of variance of traits showed that there were significant differences cultivars between years, and cultivars ´ water deficit stress interaction in all growth stages in terms of relative water content, electrolyte leakage, chlorophyll content and tuber yield. In terms of electrolyte leakage and chlorophyll content of the leaves, there were significant differences between years, different water stress levels, cultivars and cultivars ´ water stress level. In addition, in terms of tuber yield there were significant differences between years, water stress levels, cultivars and year ´ water stress level, cultivar ´ water stress level, cultivar ´ year. There were significant differences in chlorophyll content of the leaves under different irrigation conditios in the first, second, third and fifth growth stages of the potato. According to the results, under normal irrigation condition, cultivars Khavaran and Satina had higher relative water content, lower electrolyte leakage, higher chlorophyll content of the leaves and higher tuber yield. Under mild water stress condition, cultivars Caeser, Draga and Khavaran and under severe stress condition, cultivars Agria and Draga maintained higher relative water content and higher tuber yield, whereas cultivars Savalan, Luca, Satina and Marfona showed lower electrolyte leakage and higher tuber yield, and cultivar Savalan showed the highest chlorophyll content of the leaves and higher tuber yield under severe stress condition and thus were selected as tolerant cultivars to water deficit conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (37)
  • Pages: 

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To study the effect of Ca, K, and Mn foliar spray on chlorophyll and relative water contents of safflower (cv. Padideh) leaves under salinity condition a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at Vali-e-Asr University Greenhouse in 2011. Factors were salinity with four levels: 0, 500, 1000, and 1500 mg NaCl kg-1, and foliar spraying of plants with four levels: distilled water, 10 mM CaNo3, 10 mM K2HPO4 and 1 mM MnSo4. Spraying were applied two weeks after emergence and continued every 2 weeks. Results showed that 1500 mg NaCl reduced SPAD value, leaf chlorophyll fluorescence and relative water content. However, increasing salinity induced higher leaf water saturation. Foliar spraying of plants with MnSO4, K2HPO4 and CaNo3 nutrients, also reduced SPAD value. Foliar application of plants with Ca (NO3)2 increased leaf protein in 500 mg NaCl and without salinity. Application of MnSo4 increased chlorophyll b, a+b and also chlorophyll a (in 500 mg NaCl). Thus, in respect to the positive role of calcium and manganese in the production and preservation of chlorophyll and protein, foliar spray application can be a suitable strategy to reduce crop losses under salinity conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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