Quantitative and qualitative traits and stability of marketable tuber yield of 14 promising potato clones, along with three commercial cultivars (Agria, Marfona and Savalan) as checks, were evaluated at the Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station during 2013 and 2014. The experiment was based on a randomized complete block design with four replications. During growing period and after harvest, traits like main stem number per plant, plant height, tuber number and weight per plant, total and marketable tuber yield, dry matter percentage, baking type, hollow heart, tuber inner ring and discoloration of raw tuber flesh after 24 hours were measured. Combined ANONA for quantitative traits showed that there were significant differences among promising clones as to total and marketable tuber yield, tuber number and weight per plant, plant height, tuber mean weight, main stem number per plant and dry matter percentage and their interactions with year in total and marketable tuber yield. The clone 9 (397078-3) with the least amount of marketable tuber yield had significant difference with clones 4 (397045-13), 1 (397031-16), 3 (397031-11), 6 (397009-8) and 12 (397067-6) in 2013 and with clone 4 (397045-13) and Agria cultivar in 2014. The clones 4 (397045-13), 1 (397031-16) and 12 (397067-6) had uniform tuber, yellow to dark-yellow skin and light-yellow to yellow flesh color, tuber shape of oval round and round, shallow to mid shallow eyes, no tuber inner ring, hollow heart and tuber inner crack and mid-late maturity. They were selected for home consumption of chips, french-fries and frying. Based on the results of factor analysis, "tuber yield", "number of tuber" and "plant structural and quality" were named as first, second and third quality determining factors respectively. In this experiment, GGE Bi-plot model and AMMI Stability Value (ASV) parameter, were acceptable methods for the selection of marketable tuber yield stability which found to be simultaneously could introduce clones 1 (397031-16), 3 (397031-11), 4 (397045-13) and 12 (397067-6) to be selected as stable clones with high marketable tuber yield.