The purpose of this study was to compare the self-efficacy, social anxiety and psychological hardiness among the high schools’ students with high and low levels of happiness. The research design of this study is causal-comparative. The population of this study includes Mahabad city high school studentst; according to these 313 students were selected among boy’ s high school students of Mahabad city using random cluster sampling and Morgan table. After the consent of the Participants asked them to complete the Oxford Happiness questionnaire, Lang and Goulet psychological Hardiness, Sherer Self-efficacy and Social Anxiety. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance and T independent groups test on 2 high and low level of happiness groups. The results showed that there is a significant difference between students with high and low levels of happiness in self-efficacy, social anxiety (Physiological discomfort component) and psychological hardiness (control component) scales. Among subjects with high happiness, they report high difference in psychological hardiness (control component) than the group with low happiness and also the show lower social anxiety than the group with low happiness, which is statistically significant. In other components, these differences were not significant. Based on the results, happiness can play a decisive and influential role on other traits and behaviors, and it increases the level of self-efficacy and psychological hardiness among them, while simultaneously reducing social anxiety.