Background and Aim: Floss and tooth brush may not always be applicable anywhere in a world of mechanization and rapid transit. Therefore an alternative way of oral care have always been a subject of study by dentists. Sugar free gums are cited as an effective solution in this field by some texts. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chewing xylitol gum on reduction of plaque regrowth at the buccal, lingual, proximal and occlusal surfaces of teeth.Materials and Methods: Twenty healthy female dental students with optimal oral health participated in this randomized, single-blind, crossover 3-day plaque regrowth study. From a zero plaque score on day 1, ( through brushing and polishing) half the subjects suspended oral hygiene measures while half of them were asked to chew Zylitol gum. for 30 min 4 times per day. On fourth day, subjects were scored for plaque using disclosing agent on buccal, lingual and urestored occlusal surfaces. The same process was repeated with shifting of two groups after 4 days of normal dental hygiene period. The indices used in this study were, M.Addy for occlusal surface and O’leary for smooth surfaces. Data were analyzed using Spss software, variance & paired T-Tests.Results: The difference in scored plaque of occlusal, Buccal and lingual, surfaces of teeth among two groups according to chewing Xylitol Gum were significant, (P=0.01), (P=0.02), (P=001) respectively there is not significant reduction in proximal surfaces, according to Chewing Gum (P=0.05).Conclusion: chewing Xylitol containing gum can reduce plaque accumulation on occlusal, buccal and lingual surfaces; but it has no effect on proximal surfaces.