Background and aim: Correct and ontime diagnosis of soft tissue lesions of oral carity provide the possibillity of controlling and proper managing for patient and prevent lesion from reaching more advanced stages. The main purpose of this resesrch is planning and evaluating of a decision support system software in order to diagnose the soft tissue lesions of oral cavity.Material and Methods: In designing of software system the information related to lesions base of famous books and references collected and algorythms related to each set of lesions designed. then these algorythms entered to the decision support system soft ware. Gold Standard for evaluating of software system efficiency are different pictures of soft tissue lesions of various atlas of oral medicine, hence we choiced 61 specimen of these lesions with patient’s history, clinical features and other necessory information, for evaluating of the soft ware system, efficiency.Then, with regarding to these mentioned in formation about every lesion, three observers including 3 sepecialist in oral medicine, 30 general dentist, and 30 end term student of dentistry provide their diagnosis first without and second with software system.Results: The number of specimen that have been diagnosed correctly by observer 1, without using software system were (61specimen) and with using soft ware system were (61 specimen).The number of specimen that have been diagnosed correctly by observer 2, without using software system were (20 specimen) and with using soft ware system were (43 specimen). The number of specimen that have been diagnosed correctly by observer 3, without using software system were (36 specimen) and with using soft ware system were (50specimen).Conclusion: Using algorythms and designed system are useful and reliable for diagnose and provide useful treatment plan of soft tissue lesions of oral cavity.