SarAliabad-e-Gorgan with an area of 2500 hectars is located in 45km S of Gorgan in Golestan province. The lowest and high are 1800 and 3200 mters.Average annual precipitation reaches to 384 mm, which is more snow form. Flora of this region includes 255 plant speciesthat belonges to 177 genera and 54 families. The important families are respectively, Asteraceae with 33 species (12.9%), Lamiaceae with 28 species (11%), Poaceae with 27 species (10.6%), Fabaceae with 20 species (7.8%), Carophyllaceae with 18 species (7.1%), Brassicaceae with 17 species (6.7%) and Liliaceae with 10 species (3.1%). Life forms of the plant species of SarAliaba-e Gorgan region include: Hemicryptophytes 52.5%, theophytes 17.6%, chamaephytes 12.2%, cryptophytes 10.2%, phanerophytes 6.7% and epiphytes 0.8%. From the view point of regional elements plants of this region include: 44.7% Irano-touranian, 18.4% Euro-Siberian, 9% Euro-Siberian, Mediteranian and Irano-Touranian, 7.8% Polyregional, 5.1% Euro-Siberian and Irano-Touranian, 4.7% Irano-Touranian and Mediteranian, 4.3% Cosmopolitan, 3.5% Euro-Siberian and Mediteranian, 1.2% Irano-touranian and Soharo-Sindian, 0.8% Irano-touranian, Mediteranian and Soharo-Sindian and 0.4% Euro-Siberian, Soharo-Sindian and Irano-Touranian. From the 255 species of flora this area 85 species are medicinal plants and 14 species endemic in Iran.