The purpose of the present research was to compare four groups of Shahid Chamran University’s male students with different learning styles in terms of personality traits, achievement motivation and academic performance. To this end, 300 students were selected by multi-stage random sampling method, and the research questionnaires were completed by them. The results indicate that four groups of students with different learning styles were different, regarding to personality traits, achievement motivation and academic performance. Other findings showed that there were significant differences between four groups of students with different learning styles in terms of extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness, but in terms of neuroticism there was no difference between the different groups of students. In addition, students with accommodative learning style were more extraverted and open to experience than students with convergent learning style. Also, students with divergent learning style were higher in openness to experience, than students with convergent learning style, but also lower in assimilative learning style. Students with assimilative learning style were higher in agreeableness and conscientiousness than the convergent and divergent groups. More findings revealed that students with convergent learning style were higher in achievement motivation and academic performance than accommodative and divergent groups.