The word resistance has been always intertwined with tyranny.Even though resistance literature has a long history, the spread of tyranny and injustice and enhancement of motivation to defend justice has been important in forming and reviving this genre. Due to this characteristic resistance literature does not belong to a particular land. During wartime, in widespread attempt poets with extra-sensory perception compose sensational poetry and evoke the latent feelings of their people not only to influence the events in people's favor but also create great immortal literary works. The Arab poet, Iliad Abu- Mazy in the field of resistance literature has manifested various thoughts such as love of motherland, focusing on Palestine as the symbol of resistance, seeking freedom, resistance against tyranny, optimism and hopefulness, fighting against identity crisis, and people's negligence to important manifestation of resistance literature. By considering these points, this research aims to introduce the thoughts of Abu- Mazy as a devoted poet in this field of writing.