This study investigates the out-organizational factors affecting the crime commitment in Hormozgan province. These factors include different agents such as family, school, friends, geographical area and dwelling, and income and are divided into four general cultural, social, economical, educational and geographical factors. This study is a descriptive survey. The sampling population consists of security officials of Hormozgan Province (Counties’ Security Councils) and the offenders. Cluster sampling method has been applied to select the samples. The data was measured by open and researcher-made questionnaire. The summary of this study shows that the different factors affect the crime commitment in Hormozgan Province. These factors may be divided into cultural-social, economical, educational and geographical contexts, each context have several aspects. It is notable that classification of crime factors to cultural-social, economical, educational and geographical contexts has been performed for the purpose of facilitating the crime agents identification and establishment of a method for applying the research unless some factors (and perhaps most of them) are multidimensional in practice and they may not limited to a specific dimension.